(in Polish) Dyskryminacja w prawie - zagadnienia teoretyczne, praktyczne i metodologiczne 1600-SZD-SPEC-DWP-PR
The purpose of the workshop is to introduce students to the issues of discrimination in law, as well as the application of the laws governing the prohibition of unequal treatment based on various branches of law. Participants in the class will also learn the principles of creating a dissertation development workshop and conducting scientific research using elements of critical thinking about law.
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knowledge | The graduate knows and understands:
WG_01 - to the extent necessary for existing paradigms to be revised - a worldwide body of work, covering theoretical foundations as well as general and selected specific issues - relevant to a particular discipline
within the social sciences
WG_02 - the main development trends in the disciplines of the social sciences in which the education is provided
WG_03 - scientific research methodology in the field of the social sciences
WK_01 - fundamental dilemmas of modern civilisation from the perspective of the social sciences
Skills | The graduate is able to:
UK_05 - speaking a foreign language at B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages using the professional terminology specific to the discipline within the social sciences, to the extent enabling participation in an international scientific and professional environment
Social competences | The graduate is ready to
KO_01 - fulfilling the social obligations of researchers and creators
KO_02 - fulfilling social obligations and taking actions in the public interest, in particular in initiating actions in the public interest
KO_03 - think and acting in an entrepreneurial manner
Assessment criteria
Description of requirements related to participation in classes, including the
permitted number of explained absences: One absence
Principles for passing the classes and the subject (including resit session): Attendance and activity in class
Methods for the verification of learning outcomes: Conversation with a student
Practical placement
1. E. Ellis, P. Watson, EU Anti-Discrimination Law, Oxford EU Law Library, 2012;
2. E. Rekosz-Cebula, Kryminologia feministyczna, Archiwum Kryminologii XXXVI, 2014;
3. M. Grzyb, Przestępstwa motywowane kulturowo. Aspekty kryminologiczne i prawnokarne, Warszawa 2016;
4. S. Brownmiller, Against our Will. Men, Women and Rape, New York 1975;
5. B. Namysłowska-Gabrysiak, Handel ludźmi w celu wykorzystania seksualnego. Zagadnienia karnoprawne i kryminologiczne, Warszawa 2018;
6. J. Maliszewska-Nienartowicz, Kryteria dyskryminacji pośredniej – standardy europejskie a prawo i praktyka polskich sądów, Polskie Towarzystwo Prawa Antydyskryminacyjnego 2015;
7. M. Płatek, Miejsce kobiety w prawie, czyli o pozornej neutralności prawa, [w:] Ł. Pisarczyk (red.), Między tradycją a nowoczesnością. Polskie prawo w stulecie odzyskania niepodległości, Warszawa 2019;
8. M. Płatek, Kryminologiczno-epistemologiczne i genderowe aspekty przestępstwa zgwałcenia, Archiwum Kryminologii XXXII, 2011;
9. W. Klaus, Różni, ale równi. Prawo a równe traktowanie cudzoziemców w Polsce, Warszawa 2013;
10. K. Wysieńska, Testy dyskryminacyjne – metoda i zastosowanie, Badania Ekspertyzy. Rekomendacje, Instytut Spraw Publicznych, Warszawa 2011.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: