Political science and administration - ideas, concepts, notions 1600-SZD-N-IKP-PA
The teaching goal of the course is to familiarize students with attempts to synthesize various interpretations of the essence of politics, and political phenomena, as well as controversies surrounding key categories, concepts, heuristics and explanations of politics. At the same time, the conversation classes will show the mutual connections and interferences of various scientific disciplines studying political phenomena and processes, including the development of skills in theoretical thinking and independent analysis of politics, assessing the dynamics of changes in political theories, and the socio-historical context of political phenomena. Therefore, the following topics will be discussed as part of the subject, which will also be the starting point for conducting academic discussion:
1. The subject and scope of research in the political science and administration - the subject of research and the subject of knowledge; specification of the subject of research in political science; interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and demarcation in social sciences; methods of research on the theory of influence on other scientific disciplines examining effects; scientific dimensions analysis of political reality; the syndromatic nature of the subject of political science research; politics as a fuzzy object of research; construction of a research project and a post-positivist, activist and pragmatic worldview.
2. The cognitive status of political science and the functions of political theory - significant contentiousness of concepts and the problem of permanent unresolvability of theoretical disputes; the problem of valuation in social and political sciences;
the ideological dimension of social cognition and the postulate of objectivity and axiological neutrality; multi-paradigmatic nature of political science and political theory; political theory as a heuristic research structure vs. political theory as a subdiscipline of political science.
3. The concept of the political and politicization - crato-centric and sociocentric understandings of politics; formalistic approaches to politics; criteria of the political nature of social phenomena; political phenomena from origin and nature and secondary political phenomena and the entanglement of phenomena; political and parapolitical phenomena; contextual-relational and the gradual nature of the political; primary and secondary politicization; interdependence of politics and other spheres of social life - economy, culture, science, law.
4. The concept of interest and political reality - politics as a process of articulation of interests; understanding interests and needs; interests and preferences; objective and subjective interest; contradiction and conflict of interests; antagonism of interests; interests of the whole vs the interests of the parts; interests of classes and large social groups; collective interest and the common good; politics as prudent concern for the common good; politics as a social space for the articulation of interests; articulation of interests and representation, mobilization, institutionalization and political legitimization.
5. The concept of power - understanding power; main theoretical positions and methodological, concepts and disputes in the understanding of power; the problem of the ontological status of power, relationality, conflict, awareness, functional nature of power, the relationship between power and violence; power, influence, control, authority; functions of power; power as a function and attribute of the social system and power as a relationship; structural power; process theory of power; power as a means of implementing policy; symbolic power; power and technology; strategies for fighting for control over the sources of power; means and methods of political struggle.
6. The concept of legitimacy - understanding legitimacy, and legitimacy of power; legitimation and self-legitimation; concepts and typologies of legitimation; Weberian typology and its critics; dimensions of legitimacy; social engineering of legitimation; legitimization and the efficiency and effectiveness of power; delegitimization and crisis of legitimacy; legitimization and violence; legitimization of bureaucratic, democratic, authoritarian and totalitarian power; cultural bases of power; ideological domination and spiritual hegemony and the marketization of politics.
7. The notion of political leadership - views on the essence of leadership; leadership concepts, theories and models; individual and collective leadership; leadership as a form of power; concepts explaining the essence of political leadership and interpreting the mechanisms of generating demand for leadership; dimensions of leadership; political leadership and the historical process; leadership styles and their determinants; leadership and governance, management, management and administration; typologies of leadership and leaders; leaders' motivations and followers' needs; leadership pathologies; paranoia in politics; power as a mechanism of addiction.
8. The concept of subjectivity and empowerment in politics - the concept and attributes of political subjectivity; subjectivity of individuals, social groups and large communities; subjectivity and the process of emancipation in politics; the problem of imagined entities; identity and subjectivity; class models of political subjectivity; structure and subjectivity; subjectivity of elites and large social groups; subjectivity and decision-making.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: Knows and understands:
WG_1 - to the extent necessary for existing paradigms to be revised - a worldwide body of work, covering theoretical foundations as well as general and selected specific issues - relevant to a particular discipline within the social sciences
WK_1 - fundamental dilemmas of modern civilisation from the perspective of the social sciences
Skills: Can
UK_4 - participating in scientific discourse in the field of the social sciences
Skills: Is ready to:
KK_1 - critically evaluating achievements within a given scientific discipline in the field of the social sciences
Assessment criteria
description of requirements related to participation in classes, including the permitted number of explained absences: active participation and class attendance (number of admissible absences - 1)
principles for passing the classes and the subject (including resit session): based on oral test
methods for the verification of learning outcomes: passing or failing credit based on an oral interview concerning a set of subject areas covered.
evaluation criteria: positive assessment based on answers to previously prepared issues.
Practical placement
Major Readings:
Babbie E., Badania społeczne w praktyce, Warszawa 2003.
Creswell J. W., Projektowanie badań naukowych. Metody jakościowe, ilościowe i mieszane, Kraków 2013.
Dahl R. A., Stinebrickner B., Współczesna analiza polityczna, Warszawa 2007.
Drążkiewicz J., Interesy a struktura społeczna, Warszawa 1982.
Grobler A., Metodologia nauk, Kraków 2006.
Hay C., Political Analysis. A Critical Introduction, Palgrave, New York 2002.
Herbut R., Interes polityczny jako kategoria politologiczna, [w:] A. W. Jabłoński, L. Sobkowiak, Studia z teorii polityki, t. I, Warszawa 1996.
Heywood A., Teoria polityki. Wprowadzenie, Warszawa 2009.
Kaczmarek B., Polityka jako proces artykulacji interesów, [w:] B. Kaczmarek (red.), Metafory polityki, Warszawa 2001.
Kaczmarek B., Polityka – problem władzy czy problem własności. Własność jako przesłanka władzy, [w:] B. Kaczmarek (red.), Metafory polityki, tom 2, 2003.
Karwat M., Polityka jako maskarada interesowności, [w:] B. Kaczmarek (red.), Metafory polityki, tom 2, Warszawa 2003.
Karwat M., Polityka rzeczowa, stronnicza i metapolityka, [w:] T. Klementewicz (red.) Współczesne teorie polityki – od logiki do retoryki, „Studia Politologiczne”, vol. 8. Warszawa 2004
Karwat M., Przedmiot badań politologicznych w świetle zasady aspektowości, [w:]
P. Bytniewski, M. Chałubiński (red.), Teoretyczne podstawy socjologii wiedzy, Wyd. UMCS, Lublin 2006.
Karwat M., Syndromatyczny charakter przedmiotu nauki o polityce, [w:] K. A. Wojtaszczyk,
A. Mirska (red.), Demokratyczna Polska w globalizującym się świecie, Warszawa 2009.
Karwat M., Polityczność i upolitycznienie. Metodologiczne ramy analizy, [w:] J. Błuszkowski, J. Zaleśny (red), Wyjaśnianie polityki, „Studia Politologiczne”, vol. 17, Warszawa 2010.
Karwat M., O statusie pojęcia „polityczności”, [w:] M. Karwat, B. Kaczmarek (red.), Polityczność i polityka w refleksji teoriopolitycznej, „Studia Politologiczne” vol. 37, Warszawa 2015.
Krauz-Mozer B., Teorie polityki. Założenia metodologiczne, Warszawa 2005.
Lukes S., Władza w ujęciu radykalnym, [w:] A. Jasińska-Kania, L.M. Nijakowski, J. Szacki,
M. Ziółkowski (red.), Współczesne teorie socjologiczne, tom 1, Warszawa 2006.
Marsh D., Stocker G. (red.), Teorie i metody w naukach politycznych, Kraków 2006.
March J. G., Olsen J. P., Instytucje. Organizacyjne podstawy polityki, Warszawa 2005.
Mazurkiewicz P., Polityka jako roztropna troska o dobro wspólne: koncepcja polityki w katolickiej nauce społecznej, [w:] W. Wesołowski (red.), Koncepcje polityki, Warszawa 2009.
Mouffe Ch., On the Political, Routledge, London & New York 2005.
Niźnik J., Przedmiot poznania w naukach społecznych, Warszawa 1979.
Nowak S., Metodologia badań społecznych, Warszawa 2007.
Pałecki K., Wprowadzenie do normatywnej koncepcji władzy politycznej, [w:] B. Szmulik, M. Żmigrodzki (red.), Wprowadzenie do nauki o państwie i polityce, Lublin 2002.
Porębski L., Behawioralny model władzy, Kraków 1996.
Pierzchalski F., Podmiotowość polityczna w perspektywie indywidualistycznej i holistycznej, Pułtusk 2009.
Pierzchalski F., Morfogeneza przywództwa politycznego. Pomiędzy strukturą a podmiotowością sprawczą, Bydgoszcz 2013.
Pierzchalski F., Polityka jako rozmyty przedmiot badań, [w:] B. Kaczmarek (red.) Metafory polityki, tom 4, Warszawa 2013, s. 35-51.
Pierzchalski F., Bezbłędna niezgoda – o rozbieżnościach analityczno-badawczych w nauce
o polityce, [w:], P. Borowiec, R. Kłosowicz, P. Ścigaj (red.), Odmiany współczesnej nauki
o polityce, tom 1, Kraków 2014, s. 295-313.
Ryszka F., Wstęp do nauki o polityce. Uwagi metodologiczne, Warszawa-Poznań 1981.
Schmitt C., Pojęcie polityczności, [w:] C. Schmitt, Teologia polityczna i inne pisma, Kraków 2000.
Scott J., Władza, Warszawa 2006.
Szmatka J., Jednostka i społeczeństwo. O zależności zjawisk indywidualnych od społecznych, Warszawa 1980.
von Beyme K., Współczesne teorie polityczne, Warszawa 2005
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: