Elective courses for Mathematics
- (in Polish) Analiza funkcjonalna* 1000-135AF*
- (in Polish) Algorytmy matematyki dyskretnej 1000-135AMD
- (in Polish) Elementy analizy rzeczywistej 1000-135EAR
- (in Polish) Optymalizacja liniowa 1000-135OPL
- (in Polish) Wstęp do procesów stochastycznych 1000-135WPS
- (in Polish) Wstęp do układów dynamicznych 1000-135WUD
- Introduction to Number Theory with elements of cryptography 1000-135WTL
- Algebra II 1000-134AG2
- Algebraic Geometry 1000-135GEA
- Algebraic methods in geometry and topology 1000-135MGT
- Algebraic topology 1000-135TA
- Approximation and complexity 1000-135APZ
- Bayesian statistics 1000-135STB
- Commutative algebra 1000-135ALP
- Complex analysis 1000-135ANZ
- Complex manifolds 1000-135ROZ
- Computational methods in finance 1000-135MOF
- Computer graphics 1000-135GK
- Control Theory 1000-135TST
- Databases 1000-134BAD
- Databases and net services 1000-715BDU
- Decision Support Systems 1000-135SYD
- Differential geometry 1000-135GR
- Discrete mathematics 1000-134MAD
- Dynamical systems 1000-135UD
- Econometrics 1000-135EKN
- Financial Engineering 1000-135IFI
- Finite dimensional algebras and linear representations 1000-135ASW
- Functional Analysis 1000-135AF
- General topology 1000-135TOG
- Geometry I 1000-135GM1
- Geometry II 1000-135GM2
- Introduction to Actuarial and Financial Mathematics 1000-135WMF
- Introduction to Differential Geometry 1000-135WGR
- Introduction to Game Theory 1000-135WTG
- Introduction to partial differential equations 1000-135WRC
- Introduction to stochastic analysis 1000-135WAS
- Languages, automata and computations 1000-214bJAO
- Lie groups and Lie algebras 1000-135AGL
- Mathematical Logic 1000-135LOM
- Mathematical methods in natural and social sciences 1000-135MMN
- Mathematical Models of Biology and Medical Sciences 1000-135MBM
- Mathematical Models of Classical Mechanics 1000-135MMK
- Mathematical Models of Derivatives Markets 1000-135IP1
- Mathematical models of financial derivatives markets II 1000-135IP2
- Mathematics in Life Insurance 1000-135MUZ
- Measure Theory 1000-135TM
- Methodology of Algebra Teaching 1000-135MAG
- Methodology of Geometry Teaching 1000-135MGE
- Methodology of Probability Theory Instruction 1000-135MRP
- Microeconomics 1000-135MIE
- Models of Applied Mathematics 1000-135MMS
- Multivariate Statistics 1000-135SW
- Nonlinear optimization 1000-135OPN
- Number theory 1000-135TL
- Numerical Differential Equations 1000-135NRR
- Object-oriented programming and C++ 1000-135POC
- Partial differential equations 1000-135RRC
- Portfolio analysis 1000-135AP
- Probability Theory II 1000-135RP2
- Probability Theory II* 1000-135RP2*
- Qualitative Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations 1000-135RRJ
- Risk measures 1000-135MR
- Risk Theory in Insurance 1000-135TRU
- Scientific Computing 1000-135ONA
- Selected topics in functional analysis 1000-135ZAF
- Selected topics in numerical analysis 1000-135AN
- Set theory 1000-135TMN
- Stochastic Processes 1000-135PS
- Stochastic processes in biology and social sciences 1000-135PSB
- Stochastic Simulations 1000-135SST
- Time series 1000-135SC
- Topology II 1000-134TP2