Measuring, Evaluating and Reporting Sustainability and Innovation 4030-MERSI
During this module, the student will gain knowledge on how to assess progress towards the sustainability goals of the selected organisation or territorial unit. During the course, elements common to most sustainability and innovation indicator systems are introduced, such as strategies, objectives, methods for preparing a set of indicators and criteria for their selection. Participants gain an understanding of the structure of indicator systems, the main types of architecture, hierarchies in indicator systems and issues related to the use of these systems. In addition, the characteristics of the indicator system and the bodies responsible for the implementation of sustainable development goals are discussed. Students are also introduced to the databases of sustainability monitoring bodies such as GSO, OECD, Eurostat, MONET, and data from these databases are used to analyse the dynamics of environmental, social or economic time series.
The module also includes learning how to forecast with structural and unstructural methods for time series with specific components and how to select forecasting methods with the lowest forecasting error. Data presentation methods and good practices for sustainability reporting are also presented. The class provides the practical skills needed to produce sustainability reports, with practice developing these skills through exercises. Students are also tasked with preparing a sustainability report for a selected institution in which they assess the achievement of sustainability goals.
The course also uses the European Innovation Scoreboard of EU countries, which allows comparative analysis of innovation performance across EU countries.
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Tryb prowadzenia
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
S_W01 in a thorough earth and environmental sciences theories and concepts, as well as social science theories and concepts (management and quality sciences), socio-economic geography and spatial economy, legal sciences, economics and finances related to analysing and understanding questions at the juncture of environment and development at micro and macro levels;
S_W02 in a thorough theoretical basis of qualitative and quantitative data collection methodology, including interviews, questionnaires, surveys, and rapid appraisal techniques;
S_W03 in a thorough concepts for the elaboration of a system of SD indicators, the process of making forecasts of social, economic and environmental phenomena.
S_U01 undertake high quality quantitative and qualitative data collection on the environment and sustainable development and analyse it critically;
S_U02 apply principles, theories, and frameworks to case studies and engage in research and debates
related to environmental resource governance and sustainable development;
S_U03 recognize the problems and challenges of sustainable development and formulate proposed responses to them in an organization;
S_U04 select appropriate methods, tools and procedures leading to the achievement of sustainable development goals, as well as critically reflect on those goals.
S_K01 analyse, thoroughly and in an interdisciplinary manner, processes of change in relation to environmental resources and sustainable development, both individually, as well as in various
working groups;
S_K02 identify, formulate, and carry out actions that are relevant to preserving environmental resourcesand sustainable development in particular locations, acting with respect for local specificities and understanding of the local community.
K_U09 use English at an advanced level and use specialist terminology in English in papers and oral presentations.
Kryteria oceniania
Attendance control: maximum number of excused absences is 3. Continuous assessment, open discussion, and individual presentations on exercises. Final exam in the form of a test. To take the exam, the student must first have a positive assessment of the exercises.
Active participation in the seminar groups and submission of papers is a compulsory condition for attending the presentation of the final report.
The report must be presented in class.
Class participation (20%). Project (80%).
Assessing Progress toward Sustainability Goals:
Sala, S., Ciuffo, B., & Nijkamp, P. (2015). A systemic framework for sustainability assessment. Ecological Economics, 119, 314-325.
Singh, R. K., Murty, H. R., Gupta, S. K., & Dikshit, A. K. (2009). An overview of sustainability assessment methodologies. Ecological Indicators, 9(2), 189-212.
Ness, B., Urbel-Piirsalu, E., Anderberg, S., & Olsson, L. (2007). Categorising tools for sustainability assessment. Ecological Economics, 60(3), 498-508. Understanding Common Strategies, Objectives, and Methods for Preparing Indicators:
Morse, S. (2015). Developing sustainability indicators and indices. Sustainable Development, 23(2), 84-95.
Indicator Systems:
Bossel, H. (1999). Indicators for sustainable development: Theory, method, applications. International Institute for Sustainable Development.
Meadows, D. (1998). Indicators and information systems for sustainable development. The Sustainability Institute.
Pintér, L., Hardi, P., Martinuzzi, A., & Hall, J. (2012). Bellagio STAMP: Principles for sustainability assessment and measurement. Ecological Indicators, 17, 20-28.
Databases and Data Analysis:
Sachs, J., Schmidt-Traub, G., Kroll, C., Lafortune, G., & Fuller, G. (2019). Sustainable Development Report 2019. Bertelsmann Stiftung and Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN).
United Nations Statistics Division. (2022). SDG Indicators Database.
Eurostat. (2022). Sustainable Development Indicators.
Forecasting Methods:
Höjer, M., Ahlgren, S., Dreborg, K. H., Ekvall, T., Finnveden, G., Hading, O., ... & Sörme, L. (2008). Scenarios in selected tools for environmental systems analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 16(18), 1958-1970.
Alcamo, J. (2008). Environmental futures: The practice of environmental scenario analysis. Elsevier.
Börjeson, L., Höjer, M., Dreborg, K. H., Ekvall, T., & Finnveden, G. (2006). Scenario types and techniques: Towards a user's guide. Futures, 38(7), 723-739. Backcasting Method:
Quist, J., & Vergragt, P. (2006). Past and future of backcasting: The shift to stakeholder participation and a proposal for a methodological framework. Futures, 38(9), 1027-1045.
Robinson, J., Burch, S., Talwar, S., O'Shea, M., & Walsh, M. (2011). Envisioning sustainability: Recent progress in the use of participatory backcasting approaches for sustainability research. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78(5), 756-768.
Sustainability Reporting:
Global Reporting Initiative. (2021). GRI Standards.
Ioannou, I., & Serafeim, G. (2017). The consequences of mandatory corporate sustainability reporting. Harvard Business School Research Working Paper, (11-100).
Hahn, R., & Kühnen, M. (2013). Determinants of sustainability reporting: A review of results, trends, theory, and opportunities in an expanding field of research. Journal of Cleaner Production, 59, 5-21.
Zalewska, M.E. (2021). The Impact of Incentives on Employees to Change Thermostat Settings—A Field Study. Energies 2021, 14, 5315.
European Innovation Scoreboard:
European Commission. (2022). European Innovation Scoreboard 2022. Hollanders, H., & Es-Sadki, N. (2022). European Innovation Scoreboard 2022. European Commission.
Vertesy, D., & Damioli, G. (2020). The Innovation Output Indicator 2019. European Commission, JRC Technical Report.
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