Cultura española: Spanish at an Intermediate Level 3700-ISSC-CESIL
The course aims to develop reading and writing skills in Spanish. Its cultural component familiarizes students with a broad historical and social context of the Spanish language and culture. The course is intended for students willing to develop their literary and analytical reading skills.
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Założenia (opisowo)
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
Knowledge: The graduate
- Understands the cultural and social processes taking place in Spain and their relevance for the entire continent. (K_W01)
- Understands the historical and cultural ties between the regions and peoples of Spain, as well as their relationship with the northern Mediterranean coast and the rest of Europe. (K_W03)
- Possesses a comprehensive and detailed knowledge of Spanish culture and language. (K_W10)
- Demonstrates the ability to comprehend cultural texts written in Spanish and produce analytical texts (such as reviews) independently. (K_W11)
Abilities: The graduate is able to
- Present the findings of individual and collaborative academic work effectively, utilizing appropriate formats such as structured and well-argued written reports and oral presentations. Additionally, demonstrate adherence to ethical principles, including those related to copyrights. Display familiarity with rules regarding data sources, including digital sources. (K_U06)
- Utilize Spanish at a B1+ level, particularly within an academic context. (K_U09)
- Plan and implement their personal development and learning process effectively. Additionally, demonstrate the capability to guide the learning process of others by organizing team work. (K_U10)
Social competences: The graduate is prepared to
- Embrace lifelong learning as an ongoing pursuit, specifically in the areas of learning the Spanish language and exploring the intricacies of Spanish culture (K_K01)
- Exhibit the readiness to select the most suitable approaches to accomplish assigned tasks. (K_K04)
Kryteria oceniania
Continuous assessment:
- Preparation for the classes
- Activity in class
- Home assignments
- Control tests
- Oral presentations
The permissible maximum number of absences from 10 planned stationary meetings is 2. Third absence requires obtaining credit during duty hours. In the case of 4 absences credit for the course shall not be awarded.
Balea, A., Ramos, P. (2021) Cultura en España. B1- B2, Madrid, EnClave-ELE.
Delibes, M., Cinco horas con Mario (wydanie dowolne).
Díaz López, L. et. al. (2019), Curso de literatura española moderna. Nivel intermedio y avanzado. Madrid, EdiNumen.
López Moreno, C. (2005/2014), España contemporánea: historia, economía y sociedad, Madrid, SGEL.
Quesada Marco, S. (2014) Esp@ña. Manual de civilización, Madrid, Edelsa.
Quesada Marco, S. (2008/2016) España. Siglo XXI, Madrid, Edelsa.
Więcej informacji
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