Medical Sociology: Humans and Non-Humans 3500-FAKANG-HNH
Interest in more-than-human medicine, and more-than- uman health is increasingly gaining traction both within the Academia and in broader public debates. Since the 2000s, the idea of „One Health” is developed, calling for a joined investigation into human, animal, and environmental health as three parts or aspects of the same underlying reality. As this happens in a broader context of societal changes, more-than-human humanities and social sciences have been emerging parallel to the emergence of more-than-human social words.
During the course, we shall examine four broad topics connected with more-than-human health. 1. More-than-human social theory, most notably Haraway and Latour. 2. One Health as a new paradigm of thinking about health, disease, and medical practice. 3. Sociology of veterinary medicine. 4. Ethical issues associated with the relations between human and non-human animals within medical research and practice.
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Tryb prowadzenia
Założenia (opisowo)
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
K_W01 Knows and understands basic concepts of various sub-domains of sociology (e.g. sociology of family, health, work, religion, economy, education, etc)
K_W03 Is aware of ongoing theoretical and methodological disputes conducted in modern sociology; is reflective and critical of various positions
K_W16 Has in-depth knowledge about major international and domestic sociological research pertaining to selected areas of social reality or sub-domains of sociology
K_W27 Has in-depth knowledge of the 19th, 20th and 21st ideas and social processes which have shaped the face of the modern world
K_U16 Knows how to interpret the role of culture in the life of the individual and society
K_U17 Can relate an academic text to the problems of social life and its empirical studies
K_U18 Can identify the kinds of research in which the scientific texts read can be applicable
Kryteria oceniania
Assignments for each meeting and active participation in discussions in the classroom. Students are allowed to miss up to three meetings during the course. Weekly tasks are assessed taking into account clarity of the argument, use of knowledge from mandatory readings and keeping deadlines. In case of a belated completion of the course, the same requirements apply.
D.Haraway, The Companion Species Manifesto; D.Haraway, When Species Meet; B.Latour, The Pasteurization of France; P.Singer, Animal Liberation; S.Donaldson, W.Kymlicka, Zoopolis; J.Zinsstag et al. (eds.), One Health: The Theory and Practice of Integrated Health Approaches (2nd ed.); C.Stephen & C.Duncan (eds.), Climate Change and Animal Health; I. Braverman (ed.), More-than-One Health Humans, Animals, and the Environment Post-COVID; D.Lupton, "From human-centric digital health to digital One Health", Digital Health Sep. 2022; C.Schwalbe, Veterinary medicine and human health; C.Schwalbe, What should a veterinarian do; American Veterinary Medical Association, One Health — a New Professional Imperative; P.Hobson-West & A.Jutel, "Animals, veterinarians and the sociology of diagnosis", Sociology of Health & Illness 42(2).
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