Management 2600-MFS-M-home
1. Introduction
Organization as socio-technical system: terms, description. Management: terms, functions. Manager: functions, roles, types.
2. Classic concepts of management
Historical approaches in management science: scientific, administrative, human relations, systems approach. Organizational cycle of LeChatelier.
3. Organizational structure
Structure of the organization: functions, types, determinants.
4. Problem-solving, decision-making and planning
Terms, types, processes, selected methods and techniques, perfect and limited rationality. Objective types, SMART formula, plans.
5. Organizational culture
Organizational culture: core concept, determinants, dynamics, methods of analysis.
Tryb prowadzenia
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
After completing the course students:
K_W01_1 know and understand key and advanced theories and concepts in the field of management
K_W01_2 know and understand the methods of analysing the outer - and intra-organizational environment
K_W02 know and understand the principles and advanced procedures related to particular functions of organization management
K_W04 know and understand dilemmas related to the functioning of the organization in the food system
K_W05 know and understand the phenomena and factors affecting the internal organization of the food system
K_U01 can and are able to use management theory to indicate management methods and techniques for different situations / problems
K_U02 can and are able to correctly interpret social, political, legal and economic phenomena and their impact on the functioning of food system organisations
K_U06 can and are able to plan own work in the field of acquiring and supplementing knowledge in the field of management
K_U07 can and are able to self-study and expand knowledge in the field of management
K_K01 are ready to evaluate and critically interpret decisions made in organizations
K_K02 are ready to comply with ethical standards
K_K03 are ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner
K_K04 are ready to develop the achievements of the discipline and sustain the ethos of the profession
Kryteria oceniania
very good (5) - >= top 10% of the results
fairly good (4,5) - >= top 25% of the results <10%
good (4) - >= top 40% of the results <25%
satisfactory (3,5) - >= top 55% of the results <40%
sufficient (3) - >= top 70% of the results <55%
1. Ricky Griffin 2013. Fundamentals of Management. Cengage Learning
2. Stephen Cummings, Todd Bridgman 2011. The Relevant Past: Why the History of Management Should Be Critical for Our Future.
3. Ying Li 2019. Which organizational structure will facilitate the success of your project?
4. Daniel Kahneman Biographical:
5. Dana Adriana Lupşa-Tătaru 2016. The organizational culture. A students’ survey.
Więcej informacji
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