Strategic accounting 2400-ZEWW546
1. The Foundations of Strategic Accounting (2 hours)
Strategic accounting and the business enterprise, measuring business performance, opportunity cost, financial reporting, the principal agency (P-A) model of managerial behavior.
2. Strategic Management Accounting (2 hours)
Strategic decisions, corporate strategy, goals, operational strategies, benchmarking.
3, 4. Strategy Alternatives (4 hours)
Strategy: theories and models, new rules of competitions, industry analysis, stakeholders' analysis, cost leadership, resources management, value chain.
5. Product and Customer Profitability (2 hours)
Product profitability, customer profitability, revenue centres.
6, 7. Activity-Based Costing (4 hours)
Cost centres, cost allocation, transfer pricing, product costing, ABC management
8, 9. Accounting for Quality (4 hours)
Customer focus, quality control, target costing, kaizen costing, quality cost management.
10, 11. Control Systems and Strategy Implementation (4 hours)
Budgeting, measurement of divisional financial performance, variance analysis and budgetary control, the control of short-term working capital
12. Measuring and Interpreting Financial Performance (2 hours)
Interpreting financial reports, taxes, accounting and information systems.
13. Balanced Scorecard and Accounting Measures (2 hours)
Balanced performance measurement, implementation of the strategic goals in costs centres, functional strategies in different kind of the organizations, integration of internal controlling, creation of the strategic feedback, strategy maps.
14. Group assignment presentations
15. Group assignement presentations
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Założenia (opisowo)
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
Upon the course completion a student is able to recognise strategic perspective of accounting and implement many strategic tools to the functionning of contemporary enterprises This course provides knowledge about applying accounting to strategy and the advanced methods of strategic accounting are illustrated by numerous case studies.
SU05, SU06, SK01, SK03, SU04, SU03, SU02, SU01, SW03, SW02, SW01, SW04, SW05, SK02, SK04
Kryteria oceniania
lecture and discussions
Required readings:
Malcolm Smith, Performance measurement & management. A strategic approach to management accounting, SAGE Publications, London, 2005
Case studies handed in during the classes
Suggested readings:
Ch. S. Chapman, Controlling strategy. Management, Accounting and Performance Measurement, Oxford University Press, USA 2005
Więcej informacji
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