Reproducible Research 2400-QFU1RR
1. Introduction:
The three Rs: Repetition, Reproduction, Replication;
Importance of reproducibility in science and the R&D process;
Reasons for and consequences of lack of reproducibility;
Some ways of handling non-reproducible research;
Course grading overview.
2. Version control systems:
Introduction to VCSs and git;
Using git for version control and progress documentation;
Teamwork via git;
Working with GitHub;
Project workflow;
GitHub as the course repository and as ‘home’ for final projects.
3. Reporting tools:
Introduction to Quarto and Markdown;
Reproducible and automated reports;
Reports with data inputs;
Other formats
4. Writing reproducible code:
Documenting code and versioning;
Tools for managing software versions;
Principles of writing clean and clear code;
5. Introduction to code testing
6. Introduction to online repositories
7. Introduction to metaanalyses
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
Upon the completion of the course, student:
1. understands the general concept of research reproducibility; knows the reproducibility tools classification; understands which tool can be used in a given context;
2. has basic skills in computer tools allowing to achieve research reproducibility and replicability; has basic skills in modern best programming practices; has basic skills in the cloud development environment; is able to employ skills gained during the course while participating in modern scientific and commercial data science projects;
is aware of the importance of reproducibility in data science, as well as in science and development in general; is aware that reproducibility tools are evolving rapidly and that constant training in this area is required to keep skills up to date; is aware of the trends in modern data science and IT development;
Kryteria oceniania
1. Active participation in the classes
2. Final project and its presentation (in teams)
Lecture slides or notebooks
Numerous online resources
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: