Course coordinator offers help in preparation of a dissertation that includes itself in the following scientifical areas – but own proposals will be appreciated and probably accepted as well:
1. International financial system
1.1. The role of international financial institutions
2. Financial market crises
2.1. Currency crises
2.2. Banking crises
2.3. Debt crises
2.4. Stock market crises
3. FOREX market equilibrium
4. Derivatives: theory and practice
5. Alternative currencies
6. Behavioral finance
7. Alternative investments
7. Fintech
9. Financialisation
10. Tax evasion, transfer pricing, money laundering
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
Tuition outcomes (4000 characters max)
The student will be interested in different aspects of finance. The student will be able to prepare of a valuable and interesting MA dissertation.
1. Student has knowledge about the rules of academic writing and understands how to eliminate plagiarism. (S1A_W06, S1A_W10)
2. Student knows the methods of preparing and analysing financial data and collecting necessary information. (S1A_W06)
3. Student is familiar with economic theories that are useful in preparation of BA thesis (S1A_W01, S1A_W06)
1. Student is able to collect and analyse data and information for MA research using Internet, libraries and other sources of knowledge. Student can formulate research problems and hypotheses. He/she is able to indicate economic theories to interpret economic changes. Student is able to prepare presentation that fulfills all requirements. (S1A_U03, S1A_U09)
2. Student is able to prepare an oral presentation about MA research. (S1A_U10).
3. Student is able to use the knowledge gained during studies to solve research problems. (S1A_U01, S1A_U02, S1A_U04, S1A_U06, S1A_U07, S1A_U08)
Social competencies:
1. Student is able to find out data and information single-handedly and then properly analyse them. Student is able to formulate the research hypotheses and prepare the MA thesis (S1A_K03, S1A_K06)
2. Student is prepared for the public presentations, discussions and critical discussion of others’ opinions. Student is conscious of the lifetime-learning process. (S1A_K01, S1A_K02, S1A_K03)
3. Student is prepared to use the knowledge gained during course in practice. (S1A_K07)
Kryteria oceniania
First semester: short essay on selected topic, next semesters – consecutive chapters of MA dissertation.
Dębski W. [2018], Rynek finansowy i jego mechanizmy, PWN
Gruszczyński M. [2002], Kryzysy walutowe a liberalizacja obrotów kapitałowych, PWN
Gruszczyński M. [2013], Kryzysy walutowe bankowe i zadłużeniowe w gospodarce światowej,
Mishkin F. [2002], Ekonomika pieniądza, bankowości i rynków finansowych, PWN
Więcej informacji
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