Shadow economy, corruption, crime – hard to measure phenomena in economics 2400-EN3SL215B
The seminar starts with an introductory class. The next few classes focus on discussing: a) the rules relevant for a bachelor thesis (references, footnotes etc.); b) gathering literature; c) gathering data (if relevant). Later in the course students receive guidance in selecting a topic for the thesis.
Examples of topics which can serve for bachelor theses:
“The size of shadow economy in Central and Eastern European countries”
“Shadow economy: definitions and methods of measurement”
“Causes and consequences of shadow economy in post-communist countries”
“Determinants of unregistered work in Poland”
“Causes and economic consequences of corruption in post-communist countries”
“Economic and social aspects of corruption”
“Corruption and economic growth”
“Corruption: methods of measurement”
“Prohibition vs. legalization: drugs, prostitution, arms”
“Legalizing soft drugs – cost-benefit analysis”
“The influence of taxes on the consumption of cigarettes”
“Economic causes of crime”
“Determinants of wins in poker”
“Determinants of NHL players’ salaries”
“Wage discrimination in NBA, NHL, NFL and MLB”
“The influence of results and popularity on tennis players’ salaries”
“The influence of drugs and alcohol on students’ grades”
“Determinants of crime in USA”
“Economic causes of crime”
“Crime and business cycle”
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
1. The student knows the rules of writing a bachelor thesis.
2. The student knows methods of analyzing data and methods of research
3. The student knows basics of methodology of science and ways of formulating scientific hypotheses.
4. The student knows basic definitions connected to hard to measure phenomena.
5. The student has basic knowledge regarding quantitative methods used in research on hard to measure phenomena.
1. The student is capable of finding data and information necessary for preparing a bachelor thesis. The student is able to prepare a bachelor thesis according to formal rules.
2. The student has the skill of applying knowledge acquired during studies to problems connected to the topic of his bachelor thesis.
Social competences:
1. The student is capable of finding data and analyzing it. The student can work with data. He is able to formulate a research problem and a scientific hypothesis. The student is able to prepare a bachelor thesis.
2. The student is able to complete the acquired knowledge. He is capable of finding literature.
3. The student is capable of working individually.
KW01, KW02, KW03, KU01, KU02, KW03, KK01, KK02, KK03
Kryteria oceniania
Writing the bachelor thesis and preparing a paper (one in each semester) showing the progress in the development of the thesis topic. A positive final grade is only give after the thesis has been submitted to the students office
Reading will be tailored to students' interests.
Więcej informacji
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