Python and SQL: intro / SQL platforms 2400-DS1SQL
1. Relational model for database management.
2. SQL: Table manipulation and basic queries: create/drop table, select, where, insert, update
3. SQL: complex queries, joins, precuders
4. SQL: indexing, triggers
5. Python: preparation of the envrironment (Ipython Notebook/PyCharm, data structures, debugging.
6. Python: Flow control: if, for, while, iterators, error handling. Working with text files.
7. Python: Functions and classes.
8. Python: Linear algebra with NumPy
9. Python: Data handling and wrangling with Pandas.
10. Python: Visualisation with Seaborn and matpotlib.
11. Python in the web: using APIs, JSON, XML, we requests, very basic web applications.
12. Python: working with databases.
13. Presentations of projects.
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
W cyklu 2024Z: | W cyklu 2023Z: |
Efekty kształcenia
After finishing the course student knows the fundamentals of Python programming. Student knows how to use Python and its packages to prepare and analyze data to solve basic economic problems.
Student is able to prepare Python programming environment and install required packages.
Student is able to read/write, transform and aggregate data which is used in economic analysis. Student is able to prepare complex visualization to illustrate socio-economic phenomena.
Social Competence
Participant understands that the expert use of Python requires continuous practice and improvement of his own skills. This course gives him the skills to seek knowledge ,and update it to constantly changing Python libraries
Student understands that programming in Python gives a number of universal competencies, which can be applied in many areas of economics as well as other fields of knowledge.
Kryteria oceniania
Final project (60%)
Written test (40%)
1. Lutz, M. (2013) ,”Learning Python”, 5th Edition, O’Reilly
2. McKinney, W. (2012),”Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython”, O’Reilly
3. Beaulieu, A. (2009), „Learning SQL: Master SQL Fundamentals”,O’Reilly
Więcej informacji
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