Applied Macroeconomics 2400-DS1AMA
Part I: Static General Equilibrium (15 h):
1. Two-sector Robinson Cruzoe model.
2. Multiple household types.
3. Taxes and transfers. Government sector. Investment in static models.
4. Endogenous labour supply. Wage setting and unemployment.
5. International trade. Armington aggregator.
Part II: Dynamic General Equilibrium: Growth (15 h):
1. Growth facts. Solow model.
2. Ramsey model.
3. Optimal taxation in the long run.
4. Endogenous growth.
5. Overlapping Generations.
Part III: Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium: Business Cycles (15 h):
1. Real Business Cycle model.
2. Unemployment over business cycle. Search & matching framework.
3. New Keynesian model.
4. Optimal monetary policy.
5. Financial Frictions.
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
Students know how to the main macroeconomic models in the fields of static general equilibrium, economic growth and business cycles and their implications for economic policy.
Upon completion of the course students will be able to:
• Formulate simple general equilibrium models
• Understand the logic behind macroeconomic statics and dynamics
• Understand processes behind economic growth and business cycles
• Evaluate the effects of changes in macroeconomic policy
K_W01, K_U03
Kryteria oceniania
Evaluation is based on the final exam (70%), as well as homework assignments (30%). The points from the exam and homework add up to the final grade.
Lecture notes
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