Voice emission and articulation 2300-GPTE-VEA
Classes in voice emission prepare future pedagogues for their job, which will require more strain on their voices than spontaneous speech. For the phonation system to work in a physiological way it is important to gain basic knowledge connected with voice hygiene and acquire correct voice production mechanisms. Thanks to this speaking can become a conscious tool you can use at work, where verbal communication is the basis for conveying knowledge.
1. Basics of the anatomy and physiology of the phonation system.
2. The breathing system. Types of breathing.
3. Abdominal press – how it functions.
4. Diaphragm – breathing support.
5. Vocal tract. The larynx, its build and functions.
6. Resonate; resonating space.
7. Natural voice.
8. Register, average threshold. Voice pitch.
9. Tongue – rest position and functions during articulation.
10. Intensifying the sound. Dynamic changes during acoustic breathing phase.
11. The skull and its role in speech sound production.
12. Vowels as the musical frame of a phrase.
13. Utterance prosody (intonation, rhythm, word stress)
14. Changes in pitch I cadence and anti-cadence.
15. Word stress and its realization.
16. Utterance intension.
17. The breath as the element of shaping the logical and emotional aspect of an utterance.
18. Relaxing and dynamic exercises.
19. Individual assessment of phonation habits.
20. Articulatory impairments connected with phonation dysfunctions. Therapy methods.
21. The voice as a nonverbal aspect of communication. Body language. Self-presentation.
22. Pathological changes within the phonation system. Dysphonia.
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Tryb prowadzenia
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
In the course of the classes the student should:
- acquire organized knowledge associated with the mechanisms of voice production, connection between voice production, articulation, physiology and voice pathology
- assess the process of breath functioning
- produce functionally correct sound phrases
- modify incorrect emission habits
- understand interdependencies between mental and physical processes influencing the individual voice quality
- know what the correct communication process is (individual and social)
- know the factors slowing down the process of verbal communication, and also their accuracy
- be aware of his/her knowledge and abilities; know that you should continue to improve and develop professional skills
- self-assess your competence and improve abilities in the scope of language pragmatics
Kryteria oceniania
Passing the course is based on attendance, being active during class exercises and acquiring basic skills related to breathing and forming a natural voice. These acquired skills will be assessed based on student performance on 5 recorded tasks. These tasks require peer feedback and responses to feedback.
Students may be absent during once class during the cycle.
Jassem W.,1973, Podstawy fonetyki akustycznej, Poznań.
Łastik A., 2002, Poznaj swój głos...twoje najważniejsze narzędzie pracy, Warszawa.
Mitrinowicz-Modrzejewska A., 1963, Fizjologia i patologia głosu, słuchu i mowy, Warszawa.
Sadolin K, 2012, Complete Vocal Technique, Cppenhagen.
Szkiełkowska A., Kazanecka E. 2011, Emisja głosu, Warszawa.
Tarasiewicz B., 2003, Mówię i śpiewam świadomie, Kraków.
Toczyska B.,1994, Elementarne ćwiczenia dykcji, Gdańsk.
Walczak-Deleżyńska M.,2000, Wykorzystanie techniki Alexandra w pracy nad oddechem i głosem, w: „Wokalistyka i pedagogika wokalna”, Zeszyty Naukowe AM we Wrocławiu, nr 77, Wrocław.
Więcej informacji
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