Master's seminar I 2300-GPTE-OSM-I/1
-current research studies into teaching English to young learners in bilingual and instructed contexts
-overview of language teacher studies (teacher beliefs, identities, cognition)
-revision of research methods and techniques in different research traditions (psychometrics, classroom interaction, classroom discourse, ethnography and interpretive methods)
-ethics in researching children
-individual areas of student research
-principles of planning research projects and their reports (intro, literature review, methods, data and findings, conclusions)
-planning and writing different types of academic and non-academic texts (literature review, research outline, referencing)
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
After the course the student:
- knows and understands terms and concepts which are related to the topics covered during the course
knows research methods which are suitable in doing research into teaching English to young learners in bilingual and instructed contexts
- identifies ethical issues in doing research with children
- knows the principles of writing academic texts, and formal lesson plans, as well as referencing, quoting and paraphrasing
- knows how to avoid plagiarism
- uses a variety of ELT terms connected with the topics covered during the course both in a written text and in an oral presentation
- designs research projects based on the analysis of educational issues observed in language classes or in the system of education
- prepares documents which are necessary to perform research based on informed consent
- formulates general and specific research questions and plans appropriate research instruments
- analyzes data and interprets the results
- presents research in writing and speaking
- takes part in discussions about teaching and learning English as a foreign language as a participant and as a moderator
- is aware of plagiarism and knows ways of avoiding it in their research and writing
- recognizes the importance of ethical issues based on informed consent
- recognizes the value of accurate and reliable reporting of research data
- acknowledges the value of conducting research as a tool for professional development
- demonstrates autonomous attitude towards conducting own research project
Kryteria oceniania
- 2 absences allowed in a semester
- written assignments: literature review, project outline, annotated bibliography, subsequent thesis chapters
- project presentations
Freeman, D. 1998. Doing Teacher Research. Boston: Heinle.
Dorneyei, Z. 2007. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Wallace, M.J. 1997. Action Research for Language Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Szpotowicz, M. 2008. Second Language Processes in Lower Primary Children. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: