M1 - Teaching English to young learners 2300-GPTE-M1-TEYL
This two-semester course focuses on the practical preparation of the participants for the profession of an English language teacher in the pre-primary and primary education. The meetings are organized along two main paths:
1. They provide the participants with the opportunities to develop their didactic workshop through the exchange of their pre-studies and current teaching experiences (form: short micro-teaching sessions). Many a times, in a multi-lingual group, the participants may find it interesting to teach elements of their mother tongues to the rest of the group or the Polish students may teach Polish to foreigners – to experience the actual state of “not knowing”, uncertainty and inability to comprehend the spoken language being used for the first time and in this way to empathize with the young learners’ perception of a foreign language.
2. They also¬ enrich the participants’ theoretical knowledge of a variety of ELT issues related to young learners’ development.
Twice a semester the participants have an extra chance to review and verify their knowledge and skills gained during the course as they pay a visit to English language based primary schools and kindergartens (form: observations and teacher support on request).
The key topics covered over two semesters of the course include:
• YL characteristics and child development, especially the linguistic one
• An outline of the most significant language learning theories (Constructivism – J. Piaget, Social constructivism - L. Vygotsky, Social interactionist theory - J. Bruner, The Natural Approach – S. Krashen)
• YL classroom organization (classroom layout – desk arrangement, use of walls; grouping and interaction patterns)
• YL classroom language (giving instructions, use of L1 and L2, language for social interactions: routines, procedures, and rules)
• YL classroom management (teacher’s action zone, position, gestures and eyes contact, voice; students’ attention spread, classroom rules, classroom duties, classroom discipline and handling problematic behaviour)
• Lesson and activity planning
• Teaching listening at early stages
• Using songs and videos
• Teaching vocabulary
• Teaching speaking at early stages
• Teaching reading at early stages
• Story telling
• Teaching writing at early stages
• Teaching integrated skills
• Projects
• Teaching resources and materials
• Educational technologies
The course is supported with a repository of in-class materials placed on a university e-learning educational platform Kampus https://kampus.come.uw.edu.pl/ The repository contains presentations, articles and instructional videos as well as links to websites supporting the idea of teaching English to young learners, eg.:
• Teaching Channel https://www.teachingchannel.org/
• EDCHAT® https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxwQr-PDiuMkx90LP43p4yw
• OUPIndia https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCq8bUhTWZoU6mi1JRdGX_A
• BBC Teaching primary https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/resources/primary
• Early childhood education and care http://ec.europa.eu/education/policy/school/early-childhood_en.htm
• LearnEnglish Kids http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/
• Super Simple Learning http://supersimplelearning.com/
• One Stop English http://www.onestopenglish.com/children/
• Macmillan Young Learners http://www.macmillanyounglearners.com/
• Oxford parents https://elt.oup.com/parents/resources/oxfordparents/?cc=pl&selLanguage=pl&mode=hub
• Praca z cyklem „Angielski dla starszaków” http://www.wsip.pl/e-spotkania/praca-z-cyklem-angielski-dla-starszakow/
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
The course will make the participants:
• use the knowledge of the basic concepts of language learning in designing single tasks and a series of activities for different age groups of young learners
• plan vocabulary-oriented activities
• design skills-oriented lessons according to the mainstream trends
• use a variety of audio-visual materials to introduce, practise and review the language
• apply a number of games, songs, poems etc. to illustrate a chosen topic
• administer a project
• use proper classroom organization to carry out a chosen activity
• set and maintain proper teacher action zone in the classroom
• build proper classroom atmosphere
• maintain classroom management via appropriate classroom routines, groupings and rules
• reflect on the materials they use and their own teaching
Kryteria oceniania
• Attendance (2 absences allowed)
• Active participation in class
• Micro-teaching (one micro-teaching per semester: individual or peer)
• Presentation – voluntary, extra points
• End-of-the-year module exam
• Brewster J., Ellis G., Girard D. 2010. The Primary English Teacher’s Guide. Suffolk: Penguin Books
• Cameron Lynne, Teaching Languages to Young Learners, Cambridge Univeristy Press, 2001
• Cant A., Superfine W. 1997. Developing Resources for Primary. London: Richmond Publishing.
• Edelenbos, P., R. Johnstone and A. Kubanek. 2006. The main pedagogical principles underlying the teaching of languages to very young learners. Languages for the children of Europe. Published Research, Good Practice and Main Principles. Final Report of the EAC 89/04, Lot 1 study.
• Ellis G., Brewster J. 2003. The Storytelling Handbook. London: Penguin.
• Feunteun A., Vale D. 2000. Teaching Children English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
• Halliwell S. 2006. Teaching English in the Primary Classroom. London: Longman.
• House S. 1997. An Introduction to Teaching English to Children. London: Richmond Publishing.
• Lewis G., Bedson G. 1999. Games for Children. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
• Linse Caroline T, Practical English Langauge Teaching: Young Learners, McGraw-Hill, 2005
• Pinter Annamaria, Teaching Young Language Learners, Oxford University Press, 2006
• Philips S. 2001. Young Learners. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
• Puchta H., Williams M. 2011. Teaching Young Learners to Think. Helbling Languages.
• Read C. 2007. 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers.
• Reilly V., Ward S. M. 2002. Very Young Learners. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
• Roth G. 1998. Teaching Very Young Children. London: Richmond Publishing.
• Scott W. A., Ytreberg L. H. 2002. Teaching English to Children. Harlow: Longman.
• Sikora-Banasik D.(red). 2009. Wczesnoszkolne nauczanie języków obcych. Warszawa: CODN.
• Slattery M. 2008. Teaching with Bear. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
• Slattery M., Willis, J. 2001 English for Primary Teachers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
• Szpotowicz M., Szulc-Kurpaska M. 2011. Teaching English to Young Learners. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
• Szpotowicz M., Szulc-Kurpaska M. 2014. Język angielski w wychowaniu przedszkolnym. Program nauczania 3-, 4- i 5-latków. Warszawa: Oxford University Press
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