Phylogenetic workshop: From morphology and total-evidence analyses to macroevolutionary patterns 1400-PhW-en
The course consists of two thematic blocks covering phylogenetics and modelling, with a focus on paleobiological research and the evolution of morphology. Each class will be preceded by a brief theoretical introduction.
Data acquisition and evaluation:
• Introduction to morphological data acquisition and matrix building
• Character coding
• Interpretation and evaluation of morphological phylogenetic trees
• Age constraints
• Introduction to statistical modelling and RevBayes
• Preparing phylogenetic data for RevBayes
Phylogenetic and modelling block:
• Introduction to Bayesian phylogenetics and MCMC inference
• Substitution models & Bayesian Tree inference
• Models of morphological evolution
• Tutorials and project work (tree inference)
• Bayesian tree inference and the fossilized birth-death model
• Tutorials and project work (time tree inference)
• Comparative phylogenetic methods
• Project work and presentation preparation
• Cophylogenetics methods
• Synthesis and presentation of project results
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
1. The graduate understands the mutual relationships of all living organisms. They know advanced phylogenetic methodology that allows establishing relationships between organisms (K_W07 BI2).
2. The graduate recognizes the need for advanced statistical methods to describe phenomena and analyze data in biological sciences (K_W08 BI2).
3. The graduate knows specialized bioinformatics tools used in phylogenetics, with particular emphasis on the specifics of evolutionary (paleo)biology (K_W09 BI2).
4. The graduate knows molecular methods used in biological sciences and environmental research (K_W08 Os2).
1. The graduate applies appropriate statistical methods as well as computer algorithms and techniques to describe biological phenomena and analyze biological data (K_U06 BI2).
2. The graduate uses advanced statistical methods and tools to analyze empirical data and describe natural processes (K_U01 Os2).
3. The graduate predicts phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary patterns based on analytical data (K_U02 Os2).
4. The graduate has the ability to prepare a research project based on their own scientific research and a short scientific presentation in a foreign language (K_U11 Os2).
1. Demonstrates the need for constant updating and deepening of knowledge in the field of phylogenetics (K_K02 Os2).
2. Expands interests in the direction of exact sciences (K_K03 Os2).
3. Demonstrates the need for constant updating of knowledge in the field of mathematical and natural sciences (K_K04 Os2).
4. Feels the need for constant self-education and updating of knowledge, using scientific sources related to phylogenetics and genomics (K_K07 BI2).
Kryteria oceniania
Based on points for tasks performed
Barido-Sottani, J., Justison, J. A., Wright, A. M., Warnock, R. C., Pett, W., & Heath, T. A. (2020). Estimating a time-calibrated phylogeny of fossil and extant taxa using RevBayes. Phylogenetics in the genomic era, 5-2.
Bromham, L., Duchêne, S., Hua, X., Ritchie, A. M., Duchêne, D. A., & Ho, S. Y. (2018). Bayesian molecular dating: opening up the black box. Biological Reviews, 93(2), 1165-1191.
Dismukes, W., Braga, M. P., Hembry, D. H., Heath, T. A., & Landis, M. J. (2022). Cophylogenetic methods to untangle the evolutionary history of ecological interactions. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 53, 275-298.
Mulvey, L. P., May, M. R., Brown, J. M., Hoehna, S., Wright, A. M., & Warnock, R. C. (2024). Assessing the Adequacy of Morphological Models used in Palaeobiology. bioRxiv, 2024-01.
Revell, L. J., & Harmon, L. J. (2022). Phylogenetic comparative methods in R. Princeton University Press.
Warnock, R. C., & Wright, A. M. (2020). Understanding the tripartite approach to Bayesian divergence time estimation. Cambridge University Press.
W cyklu 2023L:
The Workshops is planned at the Faculty of Biology. The planned date of the workshops is from July 24 to August 3 |
W cyklu 2024L:
The Workshops is planned at the Faculty of Biology. The planned date of the workshops is from July 24 to August 3 |
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