Prowadzony w
Kod Erasmus: 13.2
Kod ISCED: 0533
Punkty ECTS:
Organizowany przez:
Wydział Fizyki
Quantum Theory of Magnetism and its Application to Real Materials 1102-4`QTM
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Założenia (opisowo)
(po angielsku) This a course on the very fast developing field of quantum magnetism. While the course should be understandable already to a 3rd year undergraduate student (i.e. somebody who has already finished a basic course in quantum mechanics), the course should be of high interest to the older students -- in particular, the 2nd and 3rd cycle (~graduate) students in condensed matter, atomic physics or theoretical physics. After finishing the course, the student will be able to read the most recent literature discussing advancements of the field and should be able to see one of the most beautiful applications of basic laws of quantum mechanics.
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