Quantum Theory in Curved Spacetime 1102-4`QTCS
The list of topics includes:
1. Particle creations in expanding universe, Bogoliubov transformations
2. Formulation of the QFT on the curved background, propagators, quasifree states
3. Non uniqueness of vacua, Hadamard condition, wave front sets,
4. Renormalization of the stress energy tensor, anomaly, quantum energy inequalities
5. Unruh (thermal behavior of the vacuum in the exterior of a black hole and in the Rindler wedge)
6. Hawking radiation
Time permitting:
7. Quantum field theory in de Sitter,
8. Interacting QFT in curved spacetime (Epstein-Glaser renormalization, classification of counterterms for the phi^4 theory)
Tryb prowadzenia
Założenia (opisowo)
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
Understanding of the differences between QFT in curved spacetime and QFT in Minkowski, ability to formulate and solve some simple problems of QFT locally (in restricted region of the spacetime),
understanding of (and ability to compute) various particle creation problems.
Kryteria oceniania
Actively attending exercises and presenting solutions to the given problems. Alternative way: oral exam. No requirement of presence on the lectures.
Birrell, Davies "Quantum field theory in curved spacetime" CUP 1982
Fulling "Aspects of quantum field theory in curved space-time" CUP 1989
Wald "Quantum field theory in curved spacetime and black hole thermodynamics" University of Chicago Press 1994
Parkers, Toms "Quantum field theory in curved spacetime: Quantized fields and gravity" CUP 2009
and other references given during the course.
Więcej informacji
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