Advanced Graduate Quantum Mechanics 1100-SZD-AGQM
1. Symmetry in quantum mechanics
- symmetry operations
- T, P, C symmetries
- translational symmetry
- rotational symmetry
- conservation laws
- gauge symmetry
2. Symmetry breaking in quantum mechanics
- crystal lattice and symmetry breaking
- phonons as Goldstone modes
- superconductors, Anderson-Higgs modes and massive photons
3. Topology in quantum mechanics
- Aharonov-Bohm effect
- Landau levels and integer quantum Hall effect
- Berry phase
- topological insulators
- quantum number fractionalization
- SH polymer model
- zero modes and Majorana quasiparticles
4. Scattering and resonant states
- formal theory of scattering
- T and S matrix, symmetry, unitarity
- poles and branch cuts of S-matrix
- understanding of resonant states
5. Application of Rigged Hilbert spaces in quantum mechanics
- needs to extend the Hilbert spaces for unbounded, continuous operators
- spaces of physical, trial wave functions
- linear and anti linear distribution spaces
- rigorous interpretations of bra < | and ket | > Dirac states
- examples: free particles, resonant Gamow state
6. Different formulations of quantum mechanics
- Schroedinger formulation
- Heisenberg formulation
- density matrix, pure and mixed states
- resolvent
- phase space formulation, Wigner quasi probability function
- path integrals
- Bohm theory
- Fock space and occupation number formalism
7. Measurement and interpretation problems in quantum mechanics
- Bohr
- von Neumann
- Everett
- Bohm
8. Entanglement states
- concept of entanglement, Bell states
- EPR paradox and its discussion
- no-cloning theorem
- teleportation algorithm
- Bell inequalities and experimental verifications
- progress and prospects in quantum computing
9. Quantum-classical correspondence
- signature of chaos in quantum systems
- random-matrix theory
- level statistics
(*) In case of time shortage last topics will be canceled.
Kierunek podstawowy MISMaP
Tryb prowadzenia
w sali
mieszany: w sali i zdalnie
Założenia (opisowo)
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
A student should know about various extensions and applications of quantum mechanics in modern physical sciences.
A student should be able to solve basic problems illustrating discussed topics.
Kryteria oceniania
written colloquium and written and oral exams
Different book's chapters and review articles provided during the course.
Więcej informacji
Dodatkowe informacje (np. o kalendarzu rejestracji, prowadzących zajęcia, lokalizacji i terminach zajęć) mogą być dostępne w serwisie USOSweb: