Introduction to Nuclear Power 1100-INE
1) Introduction to Nuclear Power
a) Nuclear Power Development
b) NPP Planning and Implementation Stages
c) Overview of Feasibility Studies for New Nuclear Builds
d) Case study - Barakah Project Development
e) Workforce Planning
2) Nuclear Steam Supply System
a) Differences Between Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
b) Main Design Features
c) Basic Safety Concepts
d) Nuclear Steam Supply System
e) Reactor Coolant System (RCS) Components and Arrangement
3) Licensing Basis and Regulatory Process
a) Safety Goals
b) Defense in Depth
c) Construction Process and Critical Scheduling
d) Licensing Process for NPPs
e) Case Studies (USA, Finland, Japan, Russia)
4) Key Success Factors for NPP Construction
a) History of NPP Construction
b) Advanced Construction Technologies
(Modularization, Plant Information Modeling)
c) Case Studies of New NPP Construction
(China, Pakistan, Korea, USA, Finland, France)
5) Plant Design Approaches
a) Plant General Layout Design
b) Environmental Impact of the Plant (Cooling Tower)
c) Plant System Design
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