Introduction to nuclear astrophysics 1100-INA
The course introduces the main processes responsible for the synthesis of the elements in the Universe. In particular, the thermonuclear reactions synthesizing elements up to iron inside the stars will be discussed in detail.
1. Short introduction on nuclear astrophysics
2. Stellar energy: thermonuclear reactions
3. Stellar reaction rates:
- non-resonant reaction
- isolated and narrow resonances
- broad resonances
- sub-threshold resonances
4. H-burning:
- p-p chain
- CNO cycle
- other cycles
5. He-burning: the 12C(alpha,gamma)16O reaction
6. Nucleosynthesis beyond iron: n-capture, the s- and r-processes
7. The role of neutrinos in astrophysical processes.
Kierunek podstawowy MISMaP
Tryb prowadzenia
Założenia (opisowo)
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Efekty kształcenia
Knowledge of basic concepts in the field of nuclear astrophysics. Understanding of the processes responsible for the synthesis of elements in the early Universe, and the synthesis of elements in stars. Basic knowledge of physical processes of energy generation and synthesis of chemical elements in stars
Kryteria oceniania
zaliczenie na ocenę (written test). Minimum 50% of correct answers is needed to pass the evaluation test.
1. C.E. Rolfs and W.S. Rodney, "Cauldrons in the Cosmos", the University of Chicago Press, 1988
2. I.J. Thompson and F.M. Nunes, "Nuclear reactions for astrophysics", Cambridge University Press, 2009
3. Ch. Iliadis, "Nuclear physics of stars", Wiley-VCH
Więcej informacji
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