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Cognitive Science (S2-PRK-COG)

(in Polish: Cognitive Science)
second cycle program
full-time, 2-year studies
Language: English
No description for the programme.

ECTS Coordinators:

Qualification awarded:

Masters degree in Cognitive Science

Access to further studies:

doctoral school, non-degree postgraduate education

Learning outcomes

The graduate accomplished the following learning outcomes defined for their course of studies:
a) Knowledge:
● has advanced knowledge about the position of Cognitive Science in the system of knowledge and its particularities and methodological links to philosophy, psychology, linguistics, AI and modelling cognitive processes sciences;
● has advanced knowledge about current trends in research in the field of Cognitive Science and related sciences, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, AI and modelling cognitive processes sciences;
● has knowledge about advanced statistical methods used in research in the field of Cognitive Science and knows of selected statistical tools;
● knows at least one programming language at the intermediate level used in research in the field of Cognitive Science and related branches of science;
● has advanced knowledge about human cognitive processes, their neurobiological and neurophysiological foundation, and socio-cultural determinants;
● knows how research equipment used in the field of Cognitive Science and related sciences works (biomedical engineering, biocybernetics);
● knows of selected research paradigms used in cognitive-, developmental-, social- and neuro-psychology, used by Cognitive Science, as well as specialist terminology used in those scientific disciplines;
● has knowledge regarding ethical rules and recognised procedures during scientific research;
● has knowledge of ethical and legal issues regarding using intellectual property, and data collection and processing.
b) Skills:
● can critically assess and evaluate a theoretical notion in the field of Cognitive Science, psychology, philosophy, neurophysiology, linguistics, or mathematics. Can evaluate and review empirical research and drawn conclusions;
● can independently or in a group design and carry out a scientific study in the field of Cognitive Science, psychology, mathematics, neurophysiology, or linguistics (formulate the research problem, question or a hypothesis, perform their operationalisation, and verify using correct methods);
● can prepare and analyze the data describing cognitive phenomena using known IT techniques (selected programming languages), and advanced statistical methods;
● can model select aspects of how the human mind works or cognitive processes using adequate IT and mathematical tools;
● can report on selected issues and research findings in the form of a written report, written using correct editorial standards, and orally, in the form of a presentation, with adequate use of audiovisual aids;
● can discuss about selected issues of Cognitive Science in the field of psychology, philosophy, linguistics, mathematics, neurophysiology, or neurobiology together with specialists from various scientific disciplines;
● can find needed information in the field of Cognitive Science, psychology, mathematics, neurophysiology, neurobiology, or linguistics in professional literature, databases and other sources;
● uses English on such a level that they can participate in an international professional and scientific community;
● can manage work of an interdisciplinary research team.
c) Social competences:
● understands the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems;
● can work together with other people and in groups by adopting different roles;
● can think and act entrepreneurially;
● is aware of and respects the diversity of aims and values held by people; treats other people with respect regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, educational level, social group, religion and culture;
● understands the necessity for continuous learning by regularly familiarizing themselves with scientific publications from various disciplines. Seeks for new methods and sources in order to supplement their knowledge and improve professional skills.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uw.edu.pl/