Kierunek logopedia ogólna i kliniczna to unikatowe studia realizowane od 2011 roku przez Wydział Polonistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego we współpracy z I Wydziałem Lekarskim Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego.
Studia mają charakter interdyscyplinarny, łączą bowiem wiedzę z zakresu językoznawstwa, nauk medycznych, psychologii i pedagogiki. Program studiów stworzony został z uwzględnieniem dorobku dziedzin nauk humanistycznych, nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu, nauk społecznych.
Absolwent studiów na kierunku logopedia ogólna i kliniczna uzyskuje wiedzę w zakresie:
1. lingwistycznych podstaw logopedii, w tym:
wiedzy o języku (zwłaszcza o języku polskim), w zakresie systemów gramatycznego i leksykalnego; zróżnicowania: dialektalnego, terytorialnego, społecznego i funkcjonalnego polszczyzny;
kultury języka, zwłaszcza w zakresie: norm poprawnościowych polszczyzny; oceny procesów i zjawisk obserwowanych w zachowaniach językowych i komunikacyjnych współczesnych Polaków;
komunikacji językowej i niejęzykowej, a zwłaszcza w zakresie pragmatyki tych zachowań oraz strategii osiągania celów wypowiedzi.
2. psychopedagogicznych podstawach logopedii, w tym:
psychologii rozwojowej i klinicznej dziecka, szczególnie w zakresie: teoretycznych podstaw opisu rozwoju małego dziecka oraz zagrożeń tego rozwoju;
przyswajania języka przez dzieci w normie rozwojowej oraz zasad i norm komunikacji werbalnej i niewerbalnej, a także zaburzeń i opóźnień w rozwoju mowy i języka;
pedagogicznych aspektów przyswajania języka i mowy, takich jak wpływ rodziny i najbliższego otoczenia dziecka; programy edukacji językowej dziecka;
pedagogiki i dydaktyki wczesnoszkolnej.
3. medycznych podstaw logopedii, w tym:
anatomii i fizjologii człowieka;
pediatrii, ortodoncji, neurologii dziecięcej.
4. zaburzeń mowy i zasad postępowania logopedycznego, w tym:
klasyfikacji zaburzeń mowy;
etiologii zaburzeń mowy w zakresie dyslalii i dysleksji;
profilaktyki logopedycznej;
terapii logopedycznej.
Absolwenci studiów na kierunku logopedia ogólna i kliniczna zdobywają umiejętności w zakresie:
wykorzystania podstawowych metod i technik badań logopedycznych, przede wszystkim dokonywania badań przesiewowych i diagnostycznych wśród dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym i wczesnoszkolnym, których celem jest wskazanie dzieci z wadami wymowy oraz opóźnionym rozwojem mowy;
opisu i kwalifikacji wad wymowy;
usprawniania narządów artykulacyjnych i usuwania wad wymowy;
współpracy z lekarzem, psychologiem i pedagogiem w celu ustalania metod i trybu postępowania terapeutycznego w zakresie komunikacji (werbalnej i niewerbalnej).
W programie studiów prócz różnorodnych przedmiotów obowiązkowych znajdują się także przedmioty do wyboru. Studenci mogą zapisać się na zajęcia wprowadzające tematykę stymulacji rozwoju mowy i języka czy przygotowania glottodydaktycznego logopedy do pracy z dziećmi dwujęzycznymi.
Studenci kierunku logopedia ogólna i kliniczna przygotowują się do prowadzenia badań w zakresie prawidłowego i zaburzonego rozwoju mowy dziecka: zbierania materiału badawczego w grupie dzieci oraz jego analizowania, co pozwala na poznawanie charakterystycznych zachowań rozwojowych u dzieci w danym wieku. Badania prowadzone są także w ramach seminariów licencjackich, których uczestnicy rejestrują oraz analizują zachowania językowe i pozajęzykowe u dzieci z dyslalią lub/i opóźnionym rozwojem mowy.
Absolwent studiów pierwszego stopnia na kierunku logopedia ogólna i kliniczna posiada wiedzę i umiejętności z zakresu: profilaktyki logopedycznej, diagnozowania i korygowania wad wymowy, diagnozowania i stymulowania rozwoju mowy i języka u dzieci z opóźnionym jej rozwojem.
Po ukończeniu studiów pierwszego stopnia absolwent może kontynuować studia na drugim stopniu na kierunku logopedia ogólna i kliniczna.
W ramach studiów studenci realizują:
praktyki logopedyczne w wymiarze 90 godzin w placówkach oświatowych (poradniach psychologiczno-pedagogicznych, przedszkolach i szkołach), w placówkach służby zdrowia (szpitalach, poradniach przyszpitalnych) i innych jednostkach organizacyjnych (gabinetach logopedycznych, żłobkach, fundacjach itp.)
praktyki pedagogiczne w wymiarze 150 godzin w szkołach podstawowych, poradniach psychologiczno-pedagogicznych oraz innych placówkach prowadzących działalność wychowawczą z dziećmi i młodzieżą.
Zajęcia na kierunku logopedia ogólna i kliniczna realizowane są zarówno w budynkach dydaktycznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (Kampus Główny i okolice), jak również Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego (Kampus Banacha oraz Kampus Lindleya).
Qualification awarded:
First cycle degree - licencjat - in General and Clinical Speech and Language Therapy
First cycle degree - licencjat - in General and Clinical Speech and Language Therapy, specjality: General Speech and Language Therapy
First cycle degree - licencjat - in General and Clinical Speech and Language Therapy, specjality: Speech and Language Therapy in School and Didactics of Polish Language
Access to further studies:
second cycle programme
Learning outcomes
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Field of study: General and Clinical Speech and Language Therapy, first cycle programme, specialisation: Glottodidactics
The learning outcomes of the programme:
A graduate:
has the basic knowledge of the language system defined as a competence of its speakers, knows the rules of identification and recognition of the units of various sub-systems; has basic and well-ordered knowledge of the structure and functions of the speech organs; has the basic and well-ordered knowledge of the stylistic (territorial, social, and functional) differentiation of the Polish language, and knowledge of the correctness standards (the orthophonic and orthographic standards – standards pertaining to the morphology, syntax, and lexis), which permits the description of phenomena occurring in the behaviours of contemporary Polish speakers.
has the basic knowledge of the conditions of individual development; understands the features of the cognitive processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking, learning; has the basic knowledge of the cognitive, emotional, and moral development of the human being.
knows the aims and essence, as well as the principles of teaching (rules, standards), teaching and upbringing methods (teacher's behaviour), organisational forms of teaching and upbringing, and the methods and principles of evaluating the pupils’ progress in learning and development, especially in their pre-school and early school years.
knows the aims and principles of special pedagogy, selected methods in special pedagogy employed in reaching education and rehabilitation effects in teaching of the disabled; knows the basic concepts and terminology of special pedagogy; understands the system of care, education, and consultation for the disabled.
understands the health paradigms and health behaviours, as well as the factors responsible for human health; is aware of hazards to human health and life.
knows how to use the basic theoretical knowledge of linguistics and psycholinguistics, psychology, pedagogy, logopedics, and medicine in making assessments and judgments of speech and language, its development and disorders, and also to programme treatment procedures and collaboration with other specialists.
understands the structure and function of the organs of speech: the breathing, phonatory, articulatory apparatus; has the basic, sound knowledge of the disorders and retardations of the language and speech system, knows the basic categories of the disorders of speech and language and its development.
has the basic and well-ordered knowledge of the speech and language disorders, i.e. aphasia, dysarthria, speech and language underdevelopment conditioned by: hearing loss, anatomical damage and/or brain disfunction; mental retardation, autism; knows the basic logopedic terminology, can identify symptoms of speech disorders and plan the process of improvement in various types of dyslalia and slow development of speech and language, reading, and writing; knows a variety of key methods and techniques used in logopedic examination.
has the basic and sound knowledge of alternative communication and methods supporting the development of speech and language.
ECTS points required for the studies: 180, number of terms: 6.
The standards of teacher training are based on the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 17, 2012, on the standards of training which prepares students for the teaching profession.
The number of ECTS points scored by taking: - classes in core subjects: 134 ECTS - practical classes (including labs and projects): 27 ECTS - free-choice module classes: 59 ECTS
Information about the practice, its length and the required number of ECTS points
Logopedic practice:
The practice in logopedics is done in logopedics surgeries, psychological and pedagogical consultation clinics, and in kindergartens during 90 hours (4 ECTS) in the mid-year format: continuous and non-continuous.
Specialisation in glottodidactics:
The teaching practice comprises practical work at a primary school (2nd stage of education, forms 4-6), 120 hours (4 ECTS points), and the pedagogical and psychological practice, 40 hours (4 pts ECTS). The teacher training formula is consistent with the guidelines set forth in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 17, 2012, on the standards of training which prepares students for the teaching profession. The 40-hour glottodidactic training is run as part of the subject: The methodology of teaching Polish as a foreign language (overall 2 ECTS points).
Field of study: General and Clinical Speech and Language Therapy, first cycle programme, specialisation: Glottodidactics
The learning outcomes of the programme:
A graduate:
has the basic knowledge of the language system defined as a competence of its speakers, knows the rules of identification and recognition of the units of various sub-systems; has basic and well-ordered knowledge of the structure and functions of the speech organs; has the basic and well-ordered knowledge of the stylistic (territorial, social, and functional) differentiation of the Polish language, and knowledge of the correctness standards (the orthophonic and orthographic standards – standards pertaining to the morphology, syntax, and lexis), which permits the description of phenomena occurring in the behaviours of contemporary Polish speakers.
has the basic knowledge of the conditions of individual development; understands the features of the cognitive processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking, learning; has the basic knowledge of the cognitive, emotional, and moral development of the human being.
knows the aims and essence, as well as the principles of teaching (rules, standards), teaching and upbringing methods (teacher's behaviour), organisational forms of teaching and upbringing, and the methods and principles of evaluating the pupils’ progress in learning and development, especially in their pre-school and early school years.
knows the aims and principles of special pedagogy, selected methods in special pedagogy employed in reaching education and rehabilitation effects in teaching of the disabled; knows the basic concepts and terminology of special pedagogy; understands the system of care, education, and consultation for the disabled.
understands the health paradigms and health behaviours, as well as the factors responsible for human health; is aware of hazards to human health and life.
knows how to use the basic theoretical knowledge of linguistics and psycholinguistics, psychology, pedagogy, logopedics, and medicine in making assessments and judgments of speech and language, its development and disorders, and also to programme treatment procedures and collaboration with other specialists.
understands the structure and function of the organs of speech: the breathing, phonatory, articulatory apparatus; has the basic, sound knowledge of the disorders and retardations of the language and speech system, knows the basic categories of the disorders of speech and language and its development.
has the basic and well-ordered knowledge of the speech and language disorders, i.e. aphasia, dysarthria, speech and language underdevelopment conditioned by: hearing loss, anatomical damage and/or brain disfunction; mental retardation, autism; knows the basic logopedic terminology, can identify symptoms of speech disorders and plan the process of improvement in various types of dyslalia and slow development of speech and language, reading, and writing; knows a variety of key methods and techniques used in logopedic examination.
has the basic and sound knowledge of alternative communication and methods supporting the development of speech and language.
ECTS points required for the studies: 180, number of terms: 6.
The standards of teacher training are based on the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 17, 2012, on the standards of training which prepares students for the teaching profession.
The number of ECTS points scored by taking: - classes in core subjects: 134 ECTS - practical classes (including labs and projects): 27 ECTS - free-choice module classes: 59 ECTS
Information about the practice, its length and the required number of ECTS points
Logopedic practice:
The practice in logopedics is done in logopedics surgeries, psychological and pedagogical consultation clinics, and in kindergartens during 90 hours (4 ECTS) in the mid-year format: continuous and non-continuous.
Specialisation in glottodidactics:
The teaching practice comprises practical work at a primary school (2nd stage of education), 120 hours (4 ECTS points), and the pedagogical and psychological practice, 40 hours (4 pts ECTS). The teacher training formula is consistent with the guidelines set forth in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 17, 2012, on the standards of training which prepares students for the teaching profession. The 40-hour glottodidactic training is run as part of the subject: The methodology of teaching Polish as a foreign language (overall 2 ECTS points).
Field of study: General and Clinical Speech and Language Therapy, first cycle programme, specialisation: Teaching
The learning outcomes of the programme:
A graduate:
has the basic knowledge of the language system defined as a competence of its speakers, knows the rules of identification and recognition of the units of various sub-systems; has basic and well-ordered knowledge of the structure and functions of the speech organs; has the basic and well-ordered knowledge of the stylistic (territorial, social, and functional) differentiation of the Polish language, and knowledge of the correctness standards (the orthophonic and orthographic standards – standards pertaining to the morphology, syntax, and lexis), which permits the description of phenomena occurring in the behaviours of contemporary Polish speakers.
has the basic knowledge of the conditions of individual development; understands the features of the cognitive processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking, learning; has the basic knowledge of the cognitive, emotional, and moral development of the human being.
knows the aims and essence, as well as the principles of teaching (rules, standards), teaching and upbringing methods (teacher's behaviour), organisational forms of teaching and upbringing, and the methods and principles of evaluating the pupils’ progress in learning and development, especially in their pre-school and early school years.
knows the aims and principles of special pedagogy, selected methods in special pedagogy employed in reaching education and rehabilitation effects in teaching of the disabled; knows the basic concepts and terminology of special pedagogy; understands the system of care, education, and consultation for the disabled.
understands the health paradigms and health behaviours, as well as the factors responsible for human health; is aware of hazards to human health and life.
knows how to use the basic theoretical knowledge of linguistics and psycholinguistics, psychology, pedagogy, logopedics, and medicine in making assessments and judgments of speech and language, its development and disorders, and also to programme treatment procedures and collaboration with other specialists.
understands the structure and function of the organs of speech: the breathing, phonatory, articulatory apparatus; has the basic, sound knowledge of the disorders and retardations of the language and speech system, knows the basic categories of the disorders of speech and language and its development.
has the basic and well-ordered knowledge of the speech and language disorders, i.e. aphasia, dysarthria, speech and language underdevelopment conditioned by: hearing loss, anatomical damage and/or brain disfunction; mental retardation, autism; knows the basic logopedic terminology, can identify symptoms of speech disorders and plan the process of improvement in various types of dyslalia and slow development of speech and language, reading, and writing; knows a variety of key methods and techniques used in logopedic examination.
has the basic and sound knowledge of alternative communication and methods supporting the development of speech and language.
ECTS points required for the studies: 180, number of terms: 6.
The standards of teacher training are based on the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 17, 2012, on the standards of training which prepares students for the teaching profession.
The number of ECTS points scored by taking: - classes in core subjects: 134 ECTS - practical classes (including labs and projects): 27 ECTS - free-choice module classes: 59 ECTS
Information about the practice, its length and the required number of ECTS points
Logopedic practice:
The practice in logopedics is done in logopedics surgeries, psychological and pedagogical consultation clinics, and in kindergartens during 90 hours (4 ECTS) in the mid-year format: continuous and non-continuous.
Specialisation in teaching:
The teaching practice comprises practical work at a primary school (2nd stage of education, forms 4-6), 120 hours (4 ECTS points), and the pedagogical and psychological practice, 40 hours (4 pts ECTS). The teacher training formula is consistent with the guidelines set forth in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 17, 2012, on the standards of training which prepares students for the teaching profession.
Field of study: General and Clinical Speech and Language Therapy, first cycle programme, specialisation: Teaching
The learning outcomes of the programme:
A graduate:
has the basic knowledge of the language system defined as a competence of its speakers, knows the rules of identification and recognition of the units of various sub-systems; has basic and well-ordered knowledge of the structure and functions of the speech organs; has the basic and well-ordered knowledge of the stylistic (territorial, social, and functional) differentiation of the Polish language, and knowledge of the correctness standards (the orthophonic and orthographic standards – standards pertaining to the morphology, syntax, and lexis), which permits the description of phenomena occurring in the behaviours of contemporary Polish speakers.
has the basic knowledge of the conditions of individual development; understands the features of the cognitive processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking, learning; has the basic knowledge of the cognitive, emotional, and moral development of the human being.
knows the aims and essence, as well as the principles of teaching (rules, standards), teaching and upbringing methods (teacher's behaviour), organisational forms of teaching and upbringing, and the methods and principles of evaluating the pupils’ progress in learning and development, especially in their pre-school and early school years.
knows the aims and principles of special pedagogy, selected methods in special pedagogy employed in reaching education and rehabilitation effects in teaching of the disabled; knows the basic concepts and terminology of special pedagogy; understands the system of care, education, and consultation for the disabled.
understands the health paradigms and health behaviours, as well as the factors responsible for human health; is aware of hazards to human health and life.
knows how to use the basic theoretical knowledge of linguistics and psycholinguistics, psychology, pedagogy, logopedics, and medicine in making assessments and judgments of speech and language, its development and disorders, and also to programme treatment procedures and collaboration with other specialists.
understands the structure and function of the organs of speech: the breathing, phonatory, articulatory apparatus; has the basic, sound knowledge of the disorders and retardations of the language and speech system, knows the basic categories of the disorders of speech and language and its development.
has the basic and well-ordered knowledge of the speech and language disorders, i.e. aphasia, dysarthria, speech and language underdevelopment conditioned by: hearing loss, anatomical damage and/or brain disfunction; mental retardation, autism; knows the basic logopedic terminology, can identify symptoms of speech disorders and plan the process of improvement in various types of dyslalia and slow development of speech and language, reading, and writing; knows a variety of key methods and techniques used in logopedic examination.
has the basic and sound knowledge of alternative communication and methods supporting the development of speech and language.
ECTS points required for the studies: 180, number of terms: 6.
The standards of teacher training are based on the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 17, 2012, on the standards of training which prepares students for the teaching profession.
The number of ECTS points scored by taking: - classes in core subjects: 134 ECTS - practical classes (including labs and projects): 27 ECTS - free-choice module classes: 59 ECTS
Information about the practice, its length and the required number of ECTS points
Logopedic practice:
The practice in logopedics is done in logopedics surgeries, psychological and pedagogical consultation clinics, and in kindergartens during 90 hours (4 ECTS) in the mid-year format: continuous and non-continuous.
Specialisation in teaching:
The teaching practice comprises practical work at a primary school (2nd stage of education), 120 hours (4 ECTS points), and the pedagogical and psychological practice, 40 hours (4 pts ECTS). The teacher training formula is consistent with the guidelines set forth in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 17, 2012, on the standards of training which prepares students for the teaching profession.
THE GRADUATE: has a basic and ordered knowledge about the structure and functions of speech organs, methods used in phonetic examination and the basics of description and classification of Polish phones (sounds) and phonemes; knows basic phonological theories; has a basic and ordered knowledge about the semantic, grammatical and prosodic structure of speech: its components, relationships between them (agreement, case government), types of dependencies (coordination, subordination, inclusion), types of sentences; knows which implementations of the language system are correct, which are erroneous and which are the manifestation of speech disorders; has basic and structured knowledge of stylistic (territorial, social and functional) variety of the Polish language, as well as knowledge of norms of correctness (orthophonic and spelling norms; norms of morphology, syntax and lexis), allowing a description and evaluation of the phenomena observed in the linguistic behaviour of contemporary Poles; has a basic knowledge about the conditions of individual development; knows the characteristics of cognitive processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking, learning; has a basic knowledge about cognitive, emotional and moral development of the individual; knows the objectives and contents as well as the principles of education (rules, norms), methods of education and upbringing (methods of the teacher's conduct), organisational forms of education and upbringing as well as the methods and principles of the assessment of students' progress in education and upbringing, especially in the pre-school and early-school period; is familiar with the objectives and principles of special education, selected methods of special education used for educational purposes, and in the rehabilitation of the disabled, basic concepts and terms in the field of special education; has a general knowledge of the structure and functions of the body in order to obtain a basic understanding of physiological and pathological processes taking place in the organs of voice, speech and hearing in different periods of human life; knows the basics of the pathophysiology of the nervous system with regard to developmental aspects and selected types of neurological diseases and disorders important for speech and language therapy; has a basic knowledge of the aetiology of mental disorders in children, including early infantile autism, ADHD, behavioural disorders and other developmental age disorders; knows the criteria for diagnosing mental disorders in children; knows contemporary views on the relationship between malocclusion and pronunciation defects, with particular consideration given to lisp; has a basic and ordered knowledge of disorders and delays in the development of the language and speech, knows the basic classifications of speech and language disorders and delays in its development; knows the principles and methods of self-correction, techniques of the transformation of articulatory habits and mastering new pronunciation behaviour; has an in-depth knowledge of linguistic and extra-linguistic symptoms characteristic of impaired speech development (dyslalia) and delayed speech and language development; has an in-depth knowledge of the causes, pathomechanism and symptoms of reading and writing disorders, and dyslexia; has a basic ordered knowledge of speech and language disorders, i.e.: aphasia, dysarthria, speech underdevelopment caused by: hearing impairment (hypoacusis), anatomical damage and/or cerebral dysfunction, mental handicap, autism; has an in-depth knowledge of planning, building speech enhancement process (in different types of dyslexia and delayed speech development), reading and writing; has an in-depth knowledge of the methods of prevention of unwanted phenomena in the process of speech and language acquisition; has a basic ordered knowledge of alternative communication and methods supporting speech and language development, knows basic AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) systems; independently obtains knowledge and develops research skills in the field of linguistics and psycholinguistics as well as speech and language development and disorders, speech and language therapy, following the guidelines of the scientific supervisor; knows how to name and characterize the pathomechanisms of the child's development disorders: caused by psychomotor, central and/or peripheral nervous system disorders; is able to organise, in a conscious, systematic and planned manner, didactic activities adapted to the child's age and cognitive abilities; respects the rights of the patient, communicates constructively with the patient, their family and the therapeutic team; is able to cooperate and work in a team of different specialists, taking on different roles; recognises, correctly analyses and helps to effectively address the emotional and social difficulties of patients with impaired or delayed speech and language development.
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands
to an advanced level, the characteristics and conditions of disorders and delays in the development of language and speech, classification of speech disorders and delays in its development;
has an advanced, in-depth knowledge of the linguistic and extra-linguistic symptoms typical of disordered speech development (dyslalia) and of delayed speech development;
knows the principles and methods of self-correction, techniques of transforming transforming articulatory habits and mastering new pronunciation behaviours;
in an advanced level, organisation of the linguistic system, lexical-semantic, grammatical and prosodic structure of speech, its components and relations between them, as well as diversity of the Polish language (territorial, social and functional) and norms of correctness;
main schools and directions of psychology and psychological notions; in an advanced degree, the graduate knows the conditions of human personal development: cognitive, emotional and moral; knows what cognitive processes are characterized by: perception, attention, memory, thinking, learning;
the most important pedagogical theories, models and methods of education and upbringing and their conditioning, including selected methods of special pedagogy used for educational purposes and in rehabilitation of the disabled, organizational forms of education and upbringing as well as methods and principles of evaluating students' progress in learning and upbringing;
in an advanced level, the structure and functions of the human body allowing to understand physiological and pathological processes occurring in the following organs: voice, speech (including the nervous system) and hearing in different periods of human life.
Skills: the graduate is able to
use the knowledge gained concerning disorders and delays in the development of the language and speech system, in particular disordered speech development (dyslalia) and retarded speech development, as well as reading and writing disorders, in planning and organising the process of speech therapy diagnosis and therapy; continuously develop their knowledge and competences in these fields;
use already gained theoretical knowledge from the field of medical and health sciences in diagnosing speech and language disorders, planning therapy for individuals with speech and language disorders and taking preventive measures;
use knowledge concerning pedagogy, including methods and techniques of special pedagogy, in their own pedagogical and logopedic activity, both educational and therapeutic; take into account issues from this field in the process of lifelong learning and use them in cooperation with specialists from other fields;
apply the knowledge of psychology, including developmental and clinical psychology, in their own pedagogical and logopedic practice, both within the scope of educational and therapeutic activities as well as communication with patients and their families; continuously improve their competences in this field.
Social competence: the graduate is prepared to
perceive and responsibly analyse emotional and social difficulties of patients with disordered or delayed speech development and responsibly support them in overcoming these difficulties; respect patients' rights, communicate constructively with the patient, his/her family and therapeutic team.
THE GRADUATE: has a basic and ordered knowledge about the structure and functions of speech organs, methods used in phonetic examination and the basics of description and classification of Polish phones (sounds) and phonemes; knows basic phonological theories; has a basic and ordered knowledge about the semantic, grammatical and prosodic structure of speech: its components, relationships between them (agreement, case government), types of dependencies (coordination, subordination, inclusion), types of sentences; knows which implementations of the language system are correct, which are erroneous and which are the manifestation of speech disorders; has basic and structured knowledge of stylistic (territorial, social and functional) variety of the Polish language, as well as knowledge of norms of correctness (orthophonic and spelling norms; norms of morphology, syntax and lexis), allowing a description and evaluation of the phenomena observed in the linguistic behaviour of contemporary Poles; has a basic knowledge about the conditions of individual development; knows the characteristics of cognitive processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking, learning; has a basic knowledge about cognitive, emotional and moral development of the individual; knows the objectives and contents as well as the principles of education (rules, norms), methods of education and upbringing (methods of the teacher's conduct), organisational forms of education and upbringing as well as the methods and principles of the assessment of students' progress in education and upbringing, especially in the pre-school and early-school period; is familiar with the objectives and principles of special education, selected methods of special education used for educational purposes, and in the rehabilitation of the disabled, basic concepts and terms in the field of special education; has a general knowledge of the structure and functions of the body in order to obtain a basic understanding of physiological and pathological processes taking place in the organs of voice, speech and hearing in different periods of human life; knows the basics of the pathophysiology of the nervous system with regard to developmental aspects and selected types of neurological diseases and disorders important for speech and language therapy; has a basic knowledge of the aetiology of mental disorders in children, including early infantile autism, ADHD, behavioural disorders and other developmental age disorders; knows the criteria for diagnosing mental disorders in children; knows contemporary views on the relationship between malocclusion and pronunciation defects, with particular consideration given to lisp; has a basic and ordered knowledge of disorders and delays in the development of the language and speech, knows the basic classifications of speech and language disorders and delays in its development; knows the principles and methods of self-correction, techniques of the transformation of articulatory habits and mastering new pronunciation behaviour; has an in-depth knowledge of linguistic and extra-linguistic symptoms characteristic of impaired speech development (dyslalia) and delayed speech and language development; has an in-depth knowledge of the causes, pathomechanism and symptoms of reading and writing disorders, and dyslexia; has a basic ordered knowledge of speech and language disorders, i.e.: aphasia, dysarthria, speech underdevelopment caused by: hearing impairment (hypoacusis), anatomical damage and/or cerebral dysfunction, mental handicap, autism; has an in-depth knowledge of planning, building speech enhancement process (in different types of dyslexia and delayed speech development), reading and writing; has an in-depth knowledge of the methods of prevention of unwanted phenomena in the process of speech and language acquisition; has a basic ordered knowledge of alternative communication and methods supporting speech and language development, knows basic AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) systems; independently obtains knowledge and develops research skills in the field of linguistics and psycholinguistics as well as speech and language development and disorders, speech and language therapy, following the guidelines of the scientific supervisor; knows how to name and characterize the pathomechanisms of the child's development disorders: caused by psychomotor, central and/or peripheral nervous system disorders; is able to organise, in a conscious, systematic and planned manner, didactic activities adapted to the child's age and cognitive abilities; respects the rights of the patient, communicates constructively with the patient, their family and the therapeutic team; is able to cooperate and work in a team of different specialists, taking on different roles; recognises, correctly analyses and helps to effectively address the emotional and social difficulties of patients with impaired or delayed speech and language development.