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Study programmes > All studies > Humanitarian Action > Master's degree, second cycle programme, Humanitarian Action

Master's degree, second cycle programme, Humanitarian Action (S2-HA)

(in Polish: Humanitarian Action, stacjonarne, II stopnia)
second cycle programme
full-time, 2-year studies
Language: English

All applications must be made on-line on the NOHA website https://apply.nohanet.org/.

The Master Programme in Humanitarian Action provides students with a broad education and training in the area of international humanitarian action, in which both critical thinking and research skills are emphasized. As part of the programme, the students undertake two semesters of mobility, the second of which is an introduction to one's own research in a selected part of the world (North and Latin America, South-East Asia, Africa), continued during the preparation of the master thesis. The goal is thus to train high level, committed, interdisciplinary trained personnel who can function with enhanced professionalism and full awareness of the social, political, legal, cultural and security environment, and who can provide quality services in the broad field of humanitarian relief, informed on their theoretical insights and humanitarian principles. The programme in HA has both specialized and interdisciplinary dimensions and offers education primarily in the area of political science and law, but also in management, anthropology and public health. Moreover, the curriculum offers several practical elements (i.e. simulations) which enhances the graduates' prospects on the job market.

The Programme is offered jointly by the Faculty of Law and Administration and the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw , in cooperation with partner universities associated in NOHA (Network on Humanitarian Action).

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ECTS Coordinators:

Qualification awarded:

Magister’s degree in Humanitarian Action

Access to further studies:

doctoral school, non-degree postgraduate education

Learning outcomes

After finishing the the second-cycle studies in Humanitarian Action, the graduate:
• Has specialised knowledge and a critical methodological understanding of appropriate research methods and research design for the humanitarian field and for original research in humanitarian studies.
• Has a critical understanding of the humanitarian principles and standards and the problematic nature of the dilemmas involved.
• Has highly specialised knowledge and a critical understanding of humanitarian concepts and theories.
• Has innovative expertise on a particular current theme in humanitarian action with an interdisciplinary understanding in terms of its political, legal, anthropological, public health and management aspects.
• Has a thorough understanding of personal security risks in humanitarian fieldwork and possible techniques and strategies to reduce the impact of external stressors.
• Has a critical understanding of opportunities and threats of current trends in the humanitarian sector.
• Has highly specialised knowledge of the diversity of actors and stakeholders, their interaction and competition, and a thorough understanding of the importance of coordination between different levels in the humanitarian system.
• Has highly specialised knowledge and critical understanding of the impact of various humanitarian action interventions on the needs and rights of crisis-affected people and their interaction with interests of relevant actors in a certain professional regional context.
• Has a good understanding of the key humanitarian action issues in a certain region with an interdisciplinary understanding on how policies are translated into action and programmes in the political, legal, security and management context of the region.
• Has a thorough knowledge of the operational processes and changes in political, military, economic and social structures and institutions in the international dimension; has a thorough knowledge of the theory and practice of political and economic decision-making in these entities at the nation state level and on the international scale.
• Has a critical understanding of the social, legal and security environment in conflict situations, and a specialised knowledge of the mechanisms for protection of civilians and prevention of human rights atrocities.
• Has specialised knowledge of the donors structure and financial mechanisms in the humanitarian sector, and a thorough understanding of the legal and administrative regulations applied in the sector.
• Has justified and correctly applied methodology and scientific methods in an original piece of humanitarian research.
• Has demonstrated the ability to formulate adequate and ethically sound recommendations for humanitarian action grounded in the humanitarian principles and values, translating these in innovative, practical terms to policies, strategies and programme management.
• Has specialised skills to conceptualise, interpret and critically analyse complex humanitarian crises and interventions on the basis of a variety of sources, generating new interdisciplinary expertise to help solve complex humanitarian problems.
• Has specialised problem-solving skills to promote the best and safest response in humanitarian emergency contexts in terms of personal and social implications and foreseeable harm by humanitarian interventions.
• Has demonstrated a range of coaching and management skills to carefully assess the relevant factors for decision making in terms of operative context, possible effects and risks and the best way for successful implementation of strategic decisions.
• Has demonstrated the ability to listen to beneficiaries and stakeholders and taking into account their considerations, communicate humanitarian expertise and research findings in a structured, intelligible way to specialists and non-specialists in a multi-cultural humanitarian setting.
Has the ability to cultivate relations of sensitive respect in terms of cultural and gender diversity and to cooperate in a quest for mutual benefit or compromise.
• Has specialised problem-solving skills combining interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding of the range of needs and capabilities of crisis-affected people in a certain regional context toward relevant, evidence-based solutions for effective response.
• Has the ability to interpret and critically analyse data, information and experience concerning a certain regional humanitarian crisis and intervention in order to develop a contextual understanding of the geographical workfield, the community, perspectives, policies, issues and possible solutions.
• Has the ability to formulate independent views, support them with elaborate arguments, using a broad range of approaches and theoretical perspectives, formulate coherent conclusions and make a synthetic summary of these conclusions, using a specialized language of humanitarian studies and a broad range of related disciplines, for the purpose of communication with specialists in this field and a broader public.
• Can precisely, clearly and coherently express himself/herself in speech and writing; writes elaborate papers on detailed problems of humanitarian studies and related disciplines, fulfilling the basic criteria of scientific dissertations; is able to comprehensively defend his/her views orally; has language skills relevant for his/her field of study and scientific discipline in accordance with the requirements defined for level B2+ of the Common European Framework of Reference.
• Has studied a research topic in depth, and conducted and completed a medium-length research project largely self-directed.
• Takes responsibility for specifying clear ethical standards informed by the humanitarian principles, values and professional codes of conduct. Applies innovatively and strategically correct the humanitarian principles and standards to dilemmas in complex and insecure contexts.
• Has demonstrated the ability to position one's own research findings in the broader context of humanitarian action. Has developed an open attitude towards acquiring new knowledge and understanding about professional and academic developments in humanitarian action.
• Acts firmly and appropriately in insecure situations according to the security rules, taking into account advice from security sources and other stakeholders.
• Has demonstrated the ability to act on decisions made. Has adopted a reflective practice analysing personal learning goals and ways to achieve them. Stimulates the involvement and development of team members and partners to achieve a successful humanitarian project.
• Involves partners and team members in different levels of decision-making and acts responsible and accountable concerning own decisions. Actively contributes to team building, a balanced distribution of work, and fostering a good atmosphere and cohesion in group projects in an effort to achieve the common goal.
• Learns from past experiences, identifies opportunities to overcome humanitarian dilemmas and proposes new work methods for increased efficiency, effectiveness and stakeholder accountability in complex and unpredictable humanitarian environments.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uw.edu.pl/