German studies, full-time, first cycle programme (S1-GER)(in Polish: Germanistyka, stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia) | |
first cycle programme full-time, 3-year studies Language: German, Polish | Jump to: Opis ogólnyAtuty kierunku Kierunek germanistyka to kierunek interdyscyplinarny z dziedziny nauk humanistycznych. Studia mają profil ogólnoakademicki, obejmują moduły służące zdobywaniu przez studenta wiedzy i umiejętności teoretycznych w zakresie językoznawstwa germańskiego i literaturoznawstwa krajów niemieckiego obszaru językowego i są powiązane z badaniami naukowymi prowadzonymi w Instytucie Germanistyki. Koncepcja kształcenia zakłada budowę fundamentów kompetencji językowych poprzez stopniowy rozwój słownictwa i wiedzy gramatycznej oraz rozwój umiejętności posługiwania się językiem niemieckim w różnych zakresach tematycznych. Studenci nabywają umiejętność porozumiewania się na tematy z różnych obszarów życia, od prostych tematów szeroko pojętego życia społecznego poprzez tematy historyczno-kulturowe do tematów dotyczących polityki, gospodarki, nauki, rozwoju technologicznego itp. Wraz z rozwojem kompetencji komunikacyjnych studenci nabywają wiedzę z zakresu języka, literatury i kultury krajów niemieckiego obszaru językowego, a także umiejętność analizy omawianych treści celem merytorycznego argumentowania oraz formułowania wniosków, jak i ich krytycznego przedstawienia w formie ustnej i pisemnej. Studenci mogą uzyskać uprawnienia do nauczania przedmiotu język niemiecki na wszystkich etapach edukacyjnych oraz w przedszkolu, realizując dodatkowo (w ramach zajęć fakultatywnych) przedmioty wymagane do uzyskania tych uprawnień oraz praktyki pedagogiczne (Rozporządzenie Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 25 lipca 2019 r. (Dz. U. 2019 poz. 1450). Szczegółowy program studiów jest dostępny na stronie Instytutu Germanistyki. Sylwetka absolwenta Po ukończeniu trzyletniego kształcenia na studiach I stopnia absolwent zna i rozumie:
jest gotów do:
Perspektywy Wiedza, umiejętności i kompetencje społeczne zdobyte na I stopniu studiów stanowią bazę teoretyczną i praktyczną do podjęcia studiów II stopnia na kierunku germanistyka bądź kierunkach pokrewnych. Ponadto absolwent studiów I stopnia może pracować
ECTS Coordinators:
Qualification awarded:
Access to further studies:
Learning outcomes
The graduate:
- has the ability to use the German language in the fields of history, culture, literature and language of the German-speaking countries as well as German pedagogy and comparative cultural and literary studies at the C1 level, as determined by in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;
- has orderly general knowledge comprising the terminology, theory and methodology of studies of the history, culture, literature and language of the German speaking countries, as well as German pedagogy and comparative cultural and literary studies;
- has basic knowledge of Poland’s relations with German-speaking countries;
- knows and understands the basic concepts and principles of intellectual property protection and copyright;
- has the ability to prepare typical written texts and oral presentations in Polish and German on specific issues in the areas of history, culture, literature and language of the German speaking countries as well as German pedagogy and comparative cultural and literary studies, using basic theoretical approaches and various sources;
- has the ability to use a foreign language other than German at the B2 level, as defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and understands the need for lifelong learning;
- is aware of the responsibility to preserve the cultural heritage of the German-speaking countries;
- participates in various forms of cultural life, using a variety of media.
2. Duration of the studies and number of ECTS points:
- 6 semesters
- 180 ECTS
3. The teacher education programme commenced in the academic year 2012/2013 has been conducted according to standards based on the Ordinance of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 17 January 2012 on the standards of education preparing for the teaching profession (Journal of Laws, 2012/0 item 131).
4. Distribution of the ECTS points:
- basic courses (practical courses of German and another foreign language): 44
- professional courses: 64
- elective modular courses: 54
- other courses: 18
5. The study programme does not provide for professional internships.
Description of student internships run by the Institute of German Studies,
arising from the Ordinance of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 17 January 2012
on the standards of education preparing for the teaching profession
The primary objective of the internships offered to first-cycle students of German Studies is to prepare them for employment as German teachers in pre-schools and primary schools.
The internships refer to two educational modules resulting from the above Ordinance and have the following forms:
1) the psychological and pedagogical internship (module 2) in the second year of undergraduate studies (30 hours) and
2) the teaching internship (module 3), offered in the second and third year of undergraduate studies as, respectively, elementary (60 hours) and advanced (60 hours) teaching internships.
Stage 1 of the student internship takes place in the second year and comprises:
a) the psychological and pedagogical internship (30 hours) and
b) the elementary teaching internship (60 hours)
Stage 2 of the student internship takes place in the third year and comprises:
a) the advanced the teaching internship (60 hours).
The objective of the psychological and pedagogical internship of Stage 1 is to gain experience of care and education work , learner group management and learners’ individual needs diagnosis, as well as to confront in practice the acquired psychological and pedagogical knowledge with pedagogical reality.
The purpose of the elementary teaching internship of Stage 1 and the advanced teaching internship of Stage 2 is to gain experience of teaching and educational work and to confront in practice the acquired knowledge of German teaching methodology and foreign language pedagogy with pedagogical reality.
Stage 1 of the student internship (second year of first cycle studies):
a) the psychological and pedagogical internship
The psychological and pedagogical internship is limited to Stage 1. It takes place in pre-schools, schools and other education institutions.
In course of the internship students familiarize themselves with the specifics of pre-school, various types of schools and other education institutions. They conduct observations of various classes as well as child care and educational activities, documenting them in appropriate observation sheets.
Issues for observation include: learner group activity, classroom interactions, communication, activities of teachers, school psychologist and educational advisor, and learner group dynamics.
During the psychological and pedagogical internship of Stage 1 students of German Studies interpret the observed phenomena and record their conclusions in observation sheets.
b) the elementary teaching internship
The elementary teaching internship of Stage 1 is fused with the psychological and pedagogical internship done in pre-schools, schools of various types and other educational institutions where the teaching of German (or possibly other foreign languages) takes place.
In course of the elementary teaching internship students conduct observations of: activities of teachers of German or other foreign languages; the methodological course of German lessons; methods, activities and teaching materials used (in German or other languages), classroom interactions; communication in German, other foreign languages and Polish; ways of activating and disciplining learners; learner assessment methods; ways of assigning and checking homework; group dynamics and classroom social order; functioning and involvement of individual learners (including those with special educational needs and those gifted); spatial arrangement of a language classroom. The results of observations are recorded by students in their observation sheets.
During the elementary teaching internship of Stage 1 the student of German Studies collaborates with a German teacher, gradually assuming various teacher tasks from planning, organizing and teaching a German lesson to analyzing and interpreting their own pedagogical and educational activities.
Stage 2 of the student internship (third year of first cycle studies):
a) the advanced teaching internship
The advanced teaching internship of Stage 2 is conditional on the completion of both the psychological and pedagogical internship and the elementary teaching internship in Stage 1.
The advanced teaching internship takes place in a pre-school or school offering instruction in German (or other foreign languages).
In course of the advanced teaching internship, the student of German Studies collaborates with the German teacher responsible for the internship and plays the role of German teacher at a chosen pre-school or primary school. In the event there is no German teacher in a given education institution, the responsibility for the internship may be assumed by another foreign language teacher or the school principal.
During the internship, the student of German Studies plans, organises and conducts lessons of German according to original lesson scenarios, as well as analyses and interprets the experienced educational and pedagogical situations and events . Students are expected to ensure language correctness of their independently prepared lesson scenarios and teaching materials in German.
The experience gained during the student internships of Stages 1 and 2 is discussed during classes comprising the psychological and pedagogical module, and the teaching module of German teacher education.
In course of the Stage 1 internships (psychological/pedagogical and elementary teaching) students of German Studies visit pre-schools, schools and other educational institutions, conduct observations, assists teachers, school psychologists and education advisors, and gradually begins to independently carry out education and German classes.
In course of the Stage 2 internship (advanced teaching) students of German Studies conduct German lessons independently at a chosen pre-school or primary school.
The Institute of German Studies (specifically, its Language Teaching Department) maintains regular contact with the institutions where student internships are held.
The supervision over student internship is excised by a Coordinator for student internships at the Institute of German Studies of the University of Warsaw.