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Physics (Studies in English), full-time, second cycle programme (S2-PRK-FZA)

(in Polish: Physics (Studies in English), stacjonarne, drugiego stopnia)
second cycle programme
full-time, 2-year studies
Language: English


  • leading discipline: physical sciences
  • instruction in English
  • choice of specializations:
  1. Theoretical Physics,
  2. Computer Modeling of Physical Phenomena,
  3. Physics of Condensed Matter and Semiconductor Nanostructures,
  4. Geophysics,
  5. Optics,
  6. Particle Physics.
  • selection of specialization at the end of the first semester
  • selected specialization training starts from the second semester
  • physics training based on world-class research carried out at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
  • training based on an individual plan of studies prepared by the student according to their interests and advised by the specialization coordinator
  • many laboratory classes available
  • access to computer laboratories and libraries
  • access to Makerspace@UW for carrying out students’ own project and prototypes
  • opportunity to join research groups at the Faculty of Physics
  • work placement included in the curriculum
  • classes at the Faculty of Physics (ul. Pasteura 5)
Description of specializations:

Physics of Condensed Matter and Semiconductor Nanostructures:
The goal of the program consists is training professionals in experimental studies and interpretation of physical phenomena in semiconductors, semiconductor structures and other systems based of condensed matter; graduates also understand physical foundations of devices based on these materials. They are trained in experimental research, chracterization of materials, data analysis and interpretation based on knowledge about quantum structure of matter; they are also trained in technology and applications of semiconductors and semiconductor nanostructures.

Profile of the graduate

Graduates are prepared to research and design in research institutions, R&D centers and high-tech industry.

Theoretical Physics:
The goal of the program consists in training theoretical physicists well prepared to conduct their own research or to collaborate with experimental physicists, both in academic and R&D settings.

Profile of the graduate

Graduates have general knowledge about physics and selected topics in mathematics, as well as thorough knowledge in one selected topic in theoretical physics. Graduates are trained to formulate, assess critically and solve problems in advanced physics. These qualifications are appropriate for employment in research institutions, R&D laboratories, consulting complanies, insurance companies, banks and other financial institutions.

Modeling and monitoring of weather and climate, transport of pollution, studies of Earth, other planets and outer space are important for the economy, the society and the understanding of nature. Students are trained in atmospheric physics, Earth and planetary physics or environmental physics. Atmospheric physis includes: physical foundations of weather and climate, basics of dynamical meteorology, atmospheric thermodynamics, radiation transfer in the atmosphere, atmospheric turbulences, measurement techniques and basics of numerical modeling. Environmental physics includes: combustion theory, transport theory, aerodynamics and hydrodynamics of renewable energy, magnetohydrodynamics of the outer space, numerical simulations and statistical approach to complex systems. Earth and planetary physics focuses on physical processes regarding planets and the outer space, geophysical measurements and computer simulations.

Profile of the graduate

Graduates are well trained to work in meteorological services and other units monitoring and modeling the atmosphere, Earth or environment, including research institutions.

Computer Modeling of Physical Phenomena:
Studies focus on modeling of physical processes in all branches of physics present at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw. Students gain experience in modern approach to studying nature by performing state-of-the art numerical simulations of physical phenomena. MSc theses can be advised by any academic teacher employing numerical simulations in her/his research.

Profile of the graduate

Graduates have general knowledge about physics and selected topics in mathematics, as well as thorough knowledge in one selected topic in theoretical physics. Graduates are trained to formulate, assess critically and solve problems in advanced physics. These qualifications are appropriate for employment in research institutions, R&D laboratories, consulting complanies, insurance companies, banks and other financial institutions.

The goal of the program consists in training in modern optics, understood as photonics together with atomic and molecular physics. Subjects include physics of atoms and molecules, laser spectroscopy, laser physics, non-linear optics and quantum information. The training is aimed at applications of optics in various aspects of science and technology. In particular, photonics belongs to fastest-growing branches of technology, hence appropriately trained specialists are in high demand on the job market.

Profile of the graduate

Graduates can use advanced optical and electronic equipment, and they understand physical foundations of the hardware, so they can design and prepare their own optical systems. They can employ a wide variety of experimental techniques and analyze data, as well as describe observed phenomena, thanks to theoretical background. With this training, the graduates are higly employable in research institutions, schools and technological companies active in designing and producing photonic equipment.

Particle Physics:
Participation in the Particle Physics specialization is aimed at developing competences in the field of modern research in elementary particle physics. In addition to theoretical knowledge, the graduate will be involved in a series of advanced laboratories to acquire the skills to conduct scientific research - from planning and conducting experiments, processing the obtained huge amounts of data to presenting the results and conclusions in a scientific publication. Such activities will require constant improvement of programming competences.

Profile of the graduate

Graduates will have deep knowledge of particle physics and its experimental methods, as well as broad general knowledge of physical sciences. The graduate is able to define and solve physical problems - both in routine and non-standard situations. They can use literature and conduct professional discussions with both specialists and non-specialists. The graduate's knowledge and skills enable them to work, in particular, in research units, industrial laboratories and diagnostic laboratories. Due to their analytical and programming competences, they will also prosper in the non-academic labor market.

Qualification awarded:

Second cycle degree - magister - in Physics (Studies in English)

Access to further studies:

doctoral school, non-degree postgraduate education

Learning outcomes

Upon the completion of the study program, the graduate achieves the learning outcomes specified in Resolution No. 414 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of May 8, 2019 on study programs at the University of Warsaw (Monitor UW of 2019, item 128 as amended d.). The graduate has the following qualifications in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences:

Regarding knowledge, the graduate
- knows and understands at an advanced level selected areas of physical sciences, especially in the field of the selected specialization
- knows and understands at an extended level advanced mathematics, mathematical methods and IT techniques necessary to solve physical problems in a selected area of physical sciences or in the field of the selected specialization
- knows and understands advanced experimental, observational and numerical techniques allowing to plan and perform a complex physical experiment
- knows and understands the theoretical principles of operation of detectors and research apparatus specific for the area of physics related to the selected specialization
- has knowledge of the current trends in the development of physics, in particular within the selected specialization
- knows the rules of occupational health and safety to a degree that allows independent work in the area corresponding to the selected specialization
- has basic knowledge of the legal and ethical conditions related to scientific and didactic activity
- knows and understands the basic concepts and principles of industrial property and copyright protection and the need to manage intellectual property resources; can use patent information resources
- knows the general principles of creating and developing forms of individual entrepreneurship, using knowledge of physics
- knows and understands specialist English vocabulary related to advanced physics, in particular in the field of the selected specialization

Regarding skills, the graduate:
- is able to apply the scientific method in solving problems, carrying out experiments and analyzing their results
- is able to plan and carry out advanced experiments, simulations or observations in specific areas of physics or its applications, acting individually or in a team, also assuming the role of a leader
- is able to make a critical analysis of the results of measurements, observations or theoretical calculations along with the assessment of the accuracy of the results
- is able to find the necessary information in professional literature, both from databases and other sources; can recreate the course of reasoning or the course of an experiment described in the literature, taking into account the assumptions and approximations made
- is able to combine methods and ideas from different areas of physics, noting that sometimes distant phenomena can be described using a similar model
- is able to adapt the knowledge and methodology of physics, as well as the applied experimental and theoretical methods to related scientific disciplines
- is able to present the results of experimental, theoretical or numerical research in writing, orally, with multimedia presentation or in a poster - in English
- is able to communicate effectively with both specialists and non-specialists in the issues relevant to the studied area of physics and in the areas on the border of related scientific disciplines
- is able to determine the directions of further improvement of knowledge and skills (including self-education) within the selected specialization and beyond
- is able to use the English language to a degree that allows them to complete their education independently and to communicate with specialists in the same or related specialty, in accordance with the requirements set out for the B2+ level of the European System of Language Education
- is able to apply information and communication technologies, in particular to acquire and transfer reliable knowledge.

Regarding social skills, the graduate:
- is ready for lifelong learning and is ready to inspire and organize the learning process of others
- is ready to cooperate and work in a group, in various roles
- is ready to properly define priorities in order to accomplish the task set by himself or others
- is ready to apply and promote the principles of intellectual honesty in the activities of oneself and others, to solve ethical problems in the context of research integrity, to promote the decisive role of experiment in the verification of physical theories, to use the scientific method in gathering knowledge
- is ready to read scientific and popular science literature in order to deepen and expand knowledge, taking into account the risks of obtaining information from unverified sources, including the Internet
- is ready to take responsibility for the undertaken research, experiment or observation initiatives and to take into account the social aspects of the practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills, and the related responsibility
- is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner
- is ready to communicate in English about advanced physics, in particular in international, multicultural teams

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uw.edu.pl/