Archaeological intramural studies (1st stage) (S1-AR)(in Polish: Archeologia, stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia) | |
first cycle programme full-time, 3-year studies Language: Polish | Jump to: Opis ogólnyW roku akademickim 2019-2020 obchodziliśmy 100-lecie Archeologii na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. To wydarzenie stało się przyczynkiem do stworzenia nowatorskiego programu archeologicznych studiów stacjonarnych I stopnia i nowego podejścia do nauczania, którego celem jest przekazanie konkretnej wiedzy i umiejętności poprzez jak największe zaangażowanie studenta. W programie studiów zostały uwzględnione w dużym stopniu nowe kierunki badań w archeologii oraz jej społeczne funkcjonowanie, będące wynikiem konsultacji z potencjalnymi pracodawcami ( muzea czy instytucje państwowe etc.). Warto podkreślić unikatowy aspekt zdobywania wyższego wykształcenia – tutoring, czyli indywidualną pracę studenta z wykładowcą, co pozwala identyfikować potrzeby studentów już od wczesnego etapu studiów, poprzez wybór własnej ścieżki kształcenia. Koncepcja studiowania na studiach I stopnia, oprócz zapewnienia obowiązkowego minimum, opiera się na wyborze różnych ścieżek/profili z grupy: Epoka kamienia i epoka brązu, Od wczesnej epoki żelaza po okres wędrówek ludów, średniowiecze i nowożytność, archeologia Bliskiego Wschodu, archeologia Egiptu i Nubii, archeologia Grecji, archeologia Rzymu, archeologia Dalekiego Wschodu i Nowego Świata, bioarcheologia i archeologia środowiska. Pierwszy rok ma na celu zapoznanie się studentów z nową dziedziną nauki, jaką jest dla nich archeologia oraz przygotowanie do wyboru indywidualnych ścieżek dalszego kształcenia. Na kolejnym roku student kształci się w obrębie wybranych profili/ścieżek (wymienionych powyżej), których uzupełnieniem są zajęcia z profili/modułów o charakterze techniczno-metodycznym, technologiczno-badawczym oraz prawno-społecznym. Ostatni rok studiów I stopnia to, oprócz kontynuacji nauki z poprzedniego roku, także wybór seminarium licencjackiego i przygotowanie licencjackiej pracy dyplomowej do obrony. Istotną rolę w programie nauczania stanowią studenckie praktyki terenowe:
Zajęcia odbywają się na Kampusie Głównym Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego w budynku Szkoły Głównej, który od kilkunastu lat jest siedzibą Wydziału Archeologii UW. Szczegółowe informacje na temat programu stacjonarnych studiów I stopnia znajdują się stronie Wydziału Archeologii. W czasie trwania studiów student przede wszystkim zdobywa specjalistyczną wiedzę dotyczącą archeologii, która umożliwia mu czynny udział w wykopaliskach na stanowiskach o różnej charakterystyce, odczytywanie i dokumentowanie układów stratygraficznych, obsługę urządzeń pomiarowych, wykonywanie kart katalogu naukowego czy muzealnego, korzystanie ze zbiorów archiwalnych i ich naukowe analizowanie oraz tworzenie ewidencji konserwatorskiej, a także realizację projektów wystawienniczych. Wiedza zawodowa i ogólna zdobyta podczas studiów oraz umiejętność pracy samodzielnej oraz pracy w grupie pozwalają, po uzyskaniu tytułu licencjata, kontynuować studia na poziomie magisterskim zarówno na studiach archeologicznych, jak i innych kierunkach. Absolwenci studiów I stopnia na kierunku archeologia mogą podjąć pracę w charakterze „techników” wykopaliskowych i laborantów muzealnych, w muzeach, służbach konserwatorskich i w wyspecjalizowanych firmach zajmujących się prowadzeniem ratowniczych prac wykopaliskowych. |
Qualification awarded:
Access to further studies:
Learning outcomes
K_W01 has basic knowledge about the place and importance of archaeology in the system of sciences, the socio-cultural past of man and its subject and methodological specificity
K_W02 knows the basic concepts and terminology used in archaeology
K_W03 has basic knowledge of description, analysis and interpretation of archaeological sources
K_W04 has a structured, general knowledge of prehistoric, ancient, medieval and modern societies, including terminology, theories and methodology in the field of archaeology
K_W05 has detailed knowledge of selected prehistoric, ancient, medieval or modern communities, including terminology, theories and methodology in the field of archaeology
K_W06 has basic knowledge of the links between archaeology and other fields and scientific disciplines, in the field of humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and exact sciences
K_W07 understands the relationship between the achievements of a selected field of science and the possibilities of their use in archaeology
K_W08 has a basic knowledge of the main directions of development and the essential new achievements in the field of archaeology
K_W09 knows and understands the basic methods of analysis and interpretation of various cultural products appropriate for selected traditions, theories and research schools in the field of archaeology
K_W09 knows and understands the basic methods of analysis and interpretation of various cultural products appropriate for selected traditions, theories and research schools in the field of archaeology
K_W10 has structured, general knowledge of methods and techniques of documentation of archaeological sources
K_W11 knows and understands the basic methods of analysis and interpretation of information contained in scientific publications
K_W12 knows and understands the basic methods of analysing ancient, medieval or modern texts
K_W13 has structured basic knowledge in the field of grammar, vocabulary and word formation of the selected language of the ancient civilisation
K_W14 has basic knowledge about human development and its main strategies of adaptation to various environmental conditions
K_W15 has a general knowledge of the properties of raw materials and how ancient communities used them
K_W16 knows and understands the basic concepts and principles of copyright protection and industrial property law
K_W17 has basic knowledge and orientation in contemporary museology and the promotion of cultural heritage
K_W18 knows the rules of occupational health and safety of an archaeologist
K_W19 knows the basic rules of professional ethics of an archaeologist
K_W20 knows the basic principles of the functioning of private archaeological companies, museums, conservation structures and archaeological heritage protection institutions
K_W21 has basic knowledge of the principles and possibilities of obtaining funds for research and archaeological works
K_U01 can search, analyse, evaluate, select and use information about archaeological sources and their context using literature and electronic media
K_U02 can search, analyse, evaluate, select and use the information contained in various sources
K_U03 can independently interpret archaeological sources, select appropriate analytical methods, and present the obtained results
K_U04 can independently acquire knowledge and develop research skills in the field of archaeology, following the instructions of a scientific supervisor
K_U05 can independently acquire knowledge and develop skills in the field of complexity and the contribution of culture to human evolution
K_U06 can independently acquire knowledge in the selected language of the ancient civilisation and develop the skills of translating texts, following the instructions of a tutor
K_U07 can use the acquired language skills in the selected language of the ancient civilisation
K_U08 can recognise different types of texts in a selected language of an ancient civilisation
K_U09 can use primary research concepts and theoretical approaches appropriate for archaeology
K_U10 can recognise various types of products of material culture, including the context, and properly document them and carry out their critical analysis and interpretation
K_U11 can recognise, analyse and use source texts useful in the work and workshop of an archaeologist
K_U12 can recognise, analyse, use and classify archaeological sources
K_U13 can detect superficial relationships between artefacts and past cultural and social processes
K_U14 can apply appropriate archaeological methods and techniques
K_U15 can cite current research theses, formulate conclusions and select argumentation strategies at the elementary level and construct arguments and counterarguments
K_U16 can communicate using various channels and communication techniques with specialists in the field of archaeology and related sciences
K_U17 can prepare oral presentations on specific issues in the field of archaeology
K_U18 can use a foreign language at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
K_U19 can work in a team and communicate using specialist terminology in the field of archaeology
K_U20 can prepare written works on specific issues using various source materials
K_U21 can apply the principles of occupational health and safety in archaeological activities
K_U22 can plan work in the field of archaeological field research
K_U23 can plan research work
K_U24 can cooperate with other people within interdisciplinary teams
K_U25 can plan their course of study and future scientific career, guided by the instructions of their scientific supervisor
K_U26 can search for opportunities to expand knowledge and improve professional skills outside the university
K_K01 is ready to use his knowledge and skills and is aware of the need to confront them with the opinions of experts
K_K02 is ready to recognise the importance of material remains, ancient languages and written sources as part of humanity's cultural heritage
K_K03 is ready to appreciate the unique value of archaeological sources and their role in reconstructing the human past
K_K04 is ready to critically evaluate the interpretation of archaeological and historical sources, aware of the multifaceted nature of interpretation
K_K05 is ready to use his knowledge about the complex nature of culture and its complexity, being aware of the need to analyse various categories of sources in order to reconstruct the human past
K_K06 is ready to emphasise the importance of the cultural heritage of humanity for understanding the process of economic, social and cultural changes from the earliest times to the present day
K_K07 is ready to recognise their responsibility for preserving cultural heritage
K_K08 is ready to fulfil the obligations related to the dissemination of knowledge about the archaeological heritage in society
K_K09 is ready to initiate cooperation with society in the field of archaeological works
K_K10 is ready to recognise the social role of archaeology
K_K11 is ready to recognise the importance of ethical issues related to scientific reliability and honesty and to accept responsibility for the accuracy of decisions made during the acquisition of archaeological sources, following the applicable law of the country in which the research is conducted
K_K12 is ready to recognise and respect different points of view determined by different cultural backgrounds
K_K13 is ready to perform professional roles responsibly and to comply with occupational health and safety rules
K_K14 is ready to take care of the achievements and traditions of the archaeological profession