Courses at
Faculty of "Artes Liberales"
- To Reflect Reality. Word and Image in Relation to Social Problems of 20th-21st Century 3700-AL-OR-QHU
- To Reflect Reality. Word and Image in Relation to Social Problems of 20th-21st Century 3700-AL-OR-OG
- Towards the Anthropocene 3700-AZm-L2-10-WA
- Tradition Wanted and Unwanted. Past Accepted and Rejected. The Case of National Cultures and the European Context 3700-AL-TCNCK-QHU
- Tradition Wanted and Unwanted. Past Accepted and Rejected. The Case of National Cultures and the European Context 3700-CS2-TCN-23-OG
- Tradition Wanted and Unwanted. Past Accepted and Rejected. The Case of National Cultures and the European Context 3700-CS1-3-SW-TCH-23
- Tradition Wanted and Unwanted. Past Accepted and Rejected. The Case of National Cultures and the European Context 3700-CS1-3-SW-TCN-24
- Tradition Wanted and Unwanted. Past Accepted and Rejected. The Case of National Cultures and the European Context 3700-AL-TCNCK-OG
- Traineeships 3700-AZ-L3-PRAKTYKI
- Transalations 2 3700-FN-3-TR2
- Transalations 2 3700-FN-3-TR2-24
- Transcivilizational communication and time 3700-AL-KTC-qF
- Translations 1 3700-FN-2-TRNS-1
- Ukraine in Transformation. People and State 3700-ISSC-23-UTPS
- Ukraine in Transformation. People and State 3700-ISSC-UTPS23-OG
- Ukraine in Transformation. People and State 3700-ISSC-24-UTPS
- Understanding Equality Course 3700-KRPDUW-OG
- Understanding Ukraine Through Literature 3700-AL-UUTL-qDP
- University didactics - workshop 1500-SDN-DSW-CZ
- Unwanted and difficult heritage: micro-histories of exhibits and monuments 3700-AL-NTD-qHT
- Unwanted and difficult heritage: micro-histories of exhibits and monuments 3700-AL-NTD-OG
- Us / Me / They: Collectivity and Identity 3700-AL-CI-qDP
- Us / Me / They: Collectivity and Identity 3700-AL-CI-OG
- Utilization of Animals in the History of Civilization 3700-AZm-L1-13-WKDC
- Violent Conflict, War and Migration 3700-ISSC-23-VCWM
- War in cultural texts 3700-AL-WTK-qDP
- War in cultural texts 3700-AL-WTK-OG
- What can artificial intelligence do for us? 3700-AL-CSI-qTM
- What can artificial intelligence do for us? 3700-AL-CSI-OG
- What does God look like? Man and God in Eastern Christian culture - from Athanasius the Great to Jerzy Nowosielski. 3700-AL-JWB-qKR
- What does God look like? Man and God in Eastern Christian culture - from Athanasius the Great to Jerzy Nowosielski. 3700-AL-JWB-OG
- When does a house become a home? Settlement of the first post-war years in Warmia and Mazury 3700-AL-KDSD-qHT
- Why Do We Need Education? History of Idea and Practice 3700-AL-EHIP-qDP
- Wilamowice. Participatory Research in Practice 3700-ISSC-23-WPRP
- Wild Justice - The Moral Lives of Animals 3700-AL-DS-24-QPR
- Wild Justice - The Moral Lives of Animals 3700-AL-DS-24-OG
- Witold Pruszkowski: The Artist of The Turn of Centuries. Manuscript Handling Workshops 3700-AL-WPAPW-qHT
- Witold Pruszkowski: The Artist of The Turn of Centuries. Manuscript Handling Workshops 3700-AL-WPAPWw-OG
- Work in Progress: Writing, Life and Literary Autoethnography 3700-AL-WPWLA-qHT
- Work in Progress: Writing, Life and Literary Autoethnography 3700-AL-WPWLA-OG
- Wymysiöeryś language - beginner level 3700-AL-JW-OG
- Wymysiöeryś language - beginner level 3700-AL-JW-QF
- Zoological Gardens 3700-AZ-L3-13-OZ
- Zoological Gardens 3700-AZm-L3-13-OZ
- Zoology with Elements of Animal Ethology 3700-AZm-L1-1-ZEEZ
- Zoos - a modern Noah's Ark or an animal prison? 3700-AL-OZ-QPR
- Zoosemiotics 3700-AL-ZOKA-QPR
- Zoosemiotics 3700-AL-ZOKA-OG