Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialisation
> Courses conducted
Courses at
Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialisation
- Problem behaviors - methodological and educational workshop 3401-RES2-2ZPWMEz
- Problem behaviors - workshop with people in crisis 3401-PR2-2ZPWd
- Problem behaviors - workshop with people in crisis 3401-PR2-2ZPWz
- Proffesional Practices 3401-PR1-3PZz
- Psychological concepts of the human being 3401-PR1-1PSYd
- Psychological concepts of the human being 3401-PR1-1PSYz
- Psychological determinants of new addictions 3401-SEML-PUNUd
- Quantitative and qualitative research in social science 3401-KR2-1BIJNd
- Quantitative and qualitative research in social science 3401-KR2-1BIJNz
- Quantitative criminology 3401-KR2-2KId
- Quantitative criminology 3401-KR2-2KIz
- Rehabilitation in the community 3401-KR2-M-2RSLd
- Rehabilitation in the community 3401-KR2-M-2RSLz
- Rehabilitative pedagogy 3401-PR1-1PRd
- Rehabilitative pedagogy 3401-PR1-1PRz
- Research Methods in Criminology 3401-KR2-1MBKd
- Research Methods in Criminology 3401-KR2-1MBKz
- Research techniques in criminology 3401-PR1-SP-PK-TBKd
- Research techniques in criminology 3401-PR1-SP-PK-TBKz
- Resocialising Psychology 3401-PR2-2PSRd
- Resocialising Psychology 3401-PR2-2PSRz
- Risk management in public institutions 3401-KR2-2ZRIPd
- Risk management in public institutions 3401-KR2-2ZRIPz
- Sin or disease….? Alcoholism in the light of the 12-Step Program of Alcoholics Anonymous 3401-FAK-GCHAd
- Sin or disease….? Alcoholism in the light of the 12-Step Program of Alcoholics Anonymous 3401-FAK-GCHAz
- Sin or disease….? Alcoholism in the light of the 12-Step Program of Alcoholics Anonymous 3401-GCHA-OG
- Social action and social order 3401-SEMM-DPSd
- Social action and social order 3401-SEMM-DPSz
- Social conflicts and their resolution 3401-RES2-2KSIRd
- Social conflicts and their resolution 3401-RES2-2KSIRz
- Social conflicts in urban space 3401-FAK-KSPMz
- Social law 3401-PR1-1PSOd
- Social law 3401-PR1-1PSOz
- Social pedagogy 3401-PR1-1PESz
- Social pedagogy 3401-PR1-1PESd
- Social Policy 3401-PR1-3PSPd
- Social policy 3401-PR1-3PSPz
- Social Psychology 3401-PR1-1PSz
- Social Psychology 3401-PR1-1PSd
- Social rehabilitation methodology workshop 3401-PR1-SP-WR-WMRd
- Social rehabilitation methodology workshop 3401-PR1-SP-WR-WMRz
- Social research methods 3401-PR1-2MBSz
- Social services - social and vocational (re)integration - social innovations 3401-SEMM-SSRd
- Social services - social and vocational (re)integration - social innovations 3401-SEMM-SSRz
- Social services in the EU countries 3401-FAKB-SSKd
- Sociology of correctional institutions 3401-PR1-SP-PK-SITd
- Sociology of correctional institutions 3401-PR1-SP-PK-SITz
- Sociology of crime on Poland 3401-PR1-SP-PK-SPPz
- Sociology of crime on Poland 3401-PR1-SP-PK-SPPd
- Sociology of Education 3401-PR1-1SWYz
- Sociology of Education 3401-PR1-1SWYd
- Sociology of Law 3401-KR2-2SPd
- Sociology of Law 3401-KR2-2SPz
- Sociology of organizations and local communities 3401-PR1-2SOWd
- Sociology of organizations and local communities 3401-PR1-2SOWz
- Statistics 3401-PR1-2STAz
- Statistics 3401-PR1-2STAd
- Streetworking 3401-FAK-Sd
- Student's placement 3401-PR1-3PZd
- System of social prevention and resocialisation institutions 3401-PR1-1SIPd
- System of social prevention and resocialisation institutions 3401-PR1-1SIPz
- Terrorism and other forms of crime troughout the world 3401-PR1-SP-PK-TPPd
- Terrorism and other forms of crime troughout the world 3401-PR1-SP-PK-TPPz
- Terrorism and security regulations in EU policies 3401-KR2-1TBUEd
- Terrorism and security regulations in EU policies 3401-KR2-1TBUEz
- The basics for didactics in rehabilitation 3401-PR1-SP-WR-PNRd
- The Clinic article 42 3401-FAK-K42d
- The Clinic article 42 3401-K42d-OG
- The Conflict of Cultures and Social Differentiation 3401-PR1-3KKZSd
- The Conflict of Cultures and Social Differentiation 3401-PR1-3KKZSz
- The history of crime and crime control 3401-KR2-M-1HPKd
- The history of crime and crime control 3401-KR2-M-1HPKz
- The History of Penal Cultures 3401-PR1-3DKPd
- The History of Penal Cultures 3401-PR1-3DKPz
- The law and penal politics 3401-PR1-SP-PK-PPPd
- The psychology of justice and the penitentiary system 3401-PR1-SP-PK-PSPz
- The psychology of justice and the penitentiary system 3401-PR1-SP-PK-PSPd
- The sociology of deviance and of social control 3401-PR1-2SDKSz
- The sociology of deviance and of social control 3401-PRPS1-2SDKSd
- The theory of punishment as a legal and social institution 3401-RES2-2TKIPSd
- The theory of punishment as a legal and social institution 3401-RES2-2TKIPSz
- The theory of society and of social problems 3401-PR1-1TSPSz
- The theory of society and of social problems 3401-PR1-1TSPSd
- Theoretical principies of social rehabilitation methodology 3401-PR1-SP-WR-TPMd
- Theoretical principies of social rehabilitation methodology 3401-PR1-SP-WR-TPMz
- Theories of feminism 3401-0TF-OG
- Theories of feminism 3401-0TFz-OG
- Trainer Skills Workshops 3401-FAK-WUTd
- TRANSFORM - Innovation & Entrepreneurship for Sustainability 3401-4EU-0TIE-OG
- Victimology 3401-KR2-2Wd
- Victimology 3401-KR2-2Wz
- Women and social problems 3401-SEML-KPSd
- Women and social problems 3401-SEML-KPSz
- Women in culture and society 3401-SEMM-KKSd
- Working with a group and the basics of sociotherapy 3401-RES2-2PGPSd
- Working with a group and the basics of sociotherapy 3401-RES2-2PGPSz
- Working with an individual and the basics of psychotherapy 3401-RES2-2PJPSd
- Working with an individual and the basics of psychotherapy 3401-RES2-2PJPSz
- Working with people in crisis situations 3401-RES2-2POSKd
- Working with people in crisis situations 3401-RES2-2POSKz