Courses at
Department of Italian Studies
- Practical Italian 3321-M2S20PNJW
- Practical Italian. Examination (B1) 3321-Z1N21JWE
- Practical Italian. Examination (B1) 3321-Z1S21JWE
- Practical Italian. Examination (B2) 3321-Z2S21JWE
- Practical italian. Examination (C1) 3321-Z3S21JWE
- Renaissance Literature 3321-Z2S23HL01
- Rhetoric 3321-M1S19KJ01
- Techniques in teaching Italian as foreign language 3321-M1S21MWJ03
- Terminology of Specialized Langauges 3321-Z21LIC-03
- The Italian Drama 3321-M2S20SM03
- To write after postmodern(ism) 3321-Z3S21HL03
- Translation competencies 3321-M1S20MWL01
- Translation of Children's Texts 3321-Z3S23WT01
- Translation of Children’s Literature 3321-M1S23MWJ02
- Trauma of War in 20th and 21st Century: Literature, History, Psychology 3321-M1S22KJ02
- Twentieth-Century Italian Poetry 3321-M1S22PS01
- Umberto Eco as a Novelist 3321-Z3S21HL02
- Woman in literature XV century 3321-Z2S23HL02