Courses at
Institute of Art History
- In the workshop of an Early Modern draftsman - the example of Rubens and Rembrandt 3105-LWWNR-KK
- Inside the Cloister’s Walls. Monastic Culture and Piety from the 3105-WKK-KK
- Installation art and exhibition practices 3105-LSZIPW-SP
- Intellectual property rights - basic course 3105-POCHWI
- Introduction to art history 3105-WDHSCW
- Introduction to art history 3105-LNWDHJSCW
- Introduction to art history: decorative arts 3105-WDHSRDWE
- Introduction to art history: decorative arts 3105-LWSTRZARTWE
- Introduction to art history: techniques and terminology of architecture. 3105-LTTA-W13
- Introduction to art history:technology and terminology of architecture 3105-LNWDHSCW
- Introduction to Classical Islamic Culture 3105-ICIC-OG
- Introduction to contemporary techniques and media of art 3105-LWDNTM-W
- Introduction to medieval illuminated manuscripts 3105-LWDSIM-K
- Introduction to Programming in Python 3105-WDPWJP-M-III
- Introduction to Programming in Python 3105-PwTI-M-III
- Introduction to Techniques and Terminology of Architecture. 3105-WTTARWE
- Introduction to the art history. Visual arts 3105-WDTSZWE
- Introduction to the contemporary human sciences 3105-LLMSZHWE
- Introduction to the contemporary human sciences 3105-SZHS-K
- Introduction to the contemporary human sciences 3105-LMSH-K2-13
- Introduction to the history of art 3105-WNTMWE
- Introduction to the history of art: technology and terminology of architecture 3105-WHS-CW
- Italian Inspirations in Polish Culture 3105-WI-SP
- Kings and Monks in the Middle Ages. Royal Abbeys in medieval 3105-KIMWS-KK
- Latin for Reading Knowledge 3105-JŁAC
- Latin for reading knowledge 3105-LJŁAC
- Latin for Reading Knowledge 3105-JŁAC2
- Latin for Reading Knowledge 3105-LJŁCW2
- Latin for reading knowledge 3105-LŁAC1-13
- Latin for Reading Knowledge 3105-JŁCW
- Law and the Art Market 3105-LPIRSZ-OG
- Law, Art & Cultural Life 3105-LPWDZA-OG
- Looking Awry: Queer reinterpretations, revisions, and recontextualizations of art history 3105-PZU-K
- MA Proseminar 3105-PROSMWYT
- MA proseminar 3105-LNMPW6
- MA Proseminar 3105-PROSMGRGS
- MA Proseminar 3105-PROSWYZL
- MA Proseminar 3105-PROSWYZRK
- MA Proseminar 3105-PROSWYZA
- MA Proseminar 3105-PROSWYZJS
- MA Proseminar 3105-LMPROSD
- MA Proseminar 3105-LMPROSN
- Ma Proseminar 3105-PROSEMJA
- MA Proseminar 3105-PROSMGRJK
- MA Proseminar 3105-PROSWYZJZ
- MA Proseminar+ 3105-LSEMMGRAP2
- MA Seminar 3105-SEMMGRBA
- MA Seminar 3105-SEMMGRRK
- MA Seminar 3105-SEMWYZBA
- MA Seminar 3105-SEMWYZRK
- MA Seminar 3105-SEMMGRWTY
- MA Seminar 3105-SEMMGRGS
- MA Seminar 3105-SEMMGRIL
- MA Seminar 3105-SEMWYZJA
- MA Seminar 3105-LMSMGJ
- MA Seminar 3105-LMSMGRWB
- MA Seminar 3105-SEMMGRML
- MA Seminar 3105-SEMWYZML
- MA Seminar 3105-SEMMGAS
- Ma Seminar 3105-SEMMGRJA
- MA Seminar 3105-PROSWYAR
- MA Seminar 3105-PROSMW
- MA Seminar 3105-SEMMGRAR
- MA Seminar 3105-SEMMGRMW
- MA Seminar 3105-SEMWYZMW
- MA Seminar 3105-LSEMMGRL
- Ma Seminar 3105-LSEMWTZL
- MA Seminar 3105-LSEMMGRRK
- MA Seminar 3105-LSEMMGRMCZ
- MA Seminar 3105-LSEMWYZMCZ
- MA Seminar 3105-SEMMGRMCZ
- MA Seminar 3105-LSEMAZ
- Ma Seminar 3105-LSEMMGRAZ
- Ma Seminar 3105-LSEMMGRJA
- Ma Seminar 3105-LSEMWYZJA
- Ma Seminar 3105-LSEMWYZMW
- MA Seminar 3105-SEMMGRJK
- Ma Seminar 3105-SEMWYZJK
- Ma Seminar 3105-LSEMMGRMW
- MA Seminar 3105-LSEMMGRASB
- MA Seminar 3105-SEMMGRJZ
- Ma Seminar 3105-HKHC-MSEM-JK-1
- Ma Seminar 3105-HKHC-MSEM-JK-2
- Ma Seminar 3105-HKHC-MSEM-R/N-1
- Ma Seminar 3105-HKHC-MSEM-R/N-2
- Ma Seminar 3105-HKHC-SEM-P/S-1
- Ma Seminar 3105-HKHC-SEM-P/S-2
- Ma Seminar 3105-HKHC-SEMMK-1
- Ma Seminar 3105-HKHC-SEMMK-2
- MA Seminar + 3105-SEMWYZT
- Ma Seminar Polish-Lithuanian Travelers in Early Modern Europe 3105-HKHC-SEMM-WT-1
- Ma Seminar Polish-Lithuanian Travelers in Early Modern Europe 3105-HKHC-SEMM-WT-2
- MA Seminar+ 3105-SEMWYZAS
- MA Seminar+ 3105-SEMWYGS
- MA Seminar+ 3105-SEMWYZIL
- MA Seminar+ 3105-LMSEMWWB
- MA Seminar+ 3105-LMSWGJ
- MA Seminar+ 3105-LSEMWYZRK
- MA Seminar+ 3105-LSEMWYZASB
- MA Seminar+ 3105-SEMWYZJZ