General Psychology 4101-1SPSYCHOGO
The course covers the following consecutive topics:
- Basic functions of psychology
- Psychodynamic concept of man
- Behaviorism
- Cognitive psychology
- Nervous system – its structure & functions
- Temperament; concepts & its regulatory function, psychology of interpersonal differences
- Social psychology – groups, attitudes & social influence
- Process of interpersonal communication; principles & barriers in communicating with other people
- Intelligence, assertiveness
- Emotional intelligence
- Methodology of social sciences
- Methodological prerequisites of data gathering & comparison
- Methods of data gathering
- Basic techniques of data processing
- Methods of methodological inference
Type of course
Assessment criteria
Exam and assessment of students activities
Ph.Zimbardo, Psychology & Life,
Ph.Zimbardo & M.Leippe, The psychology of attitude change & social influence
R.Myers, Social Psychologu
S.Grollman, The human body
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: