German for specific purposes 4100-IIMNJNSP
The course is delivered over two semesters. The overarching objective is to equip participants with the requisite communicative competence in German to enable them to assume the role of a professional language teacher. This assumes the following:
- the development of language skills in a range oriented to the specific needs of students in their future professional work;
- the selection of topics and issues based on an analysis of the needs of the current and future labour market;
- the selection of lexical units and grammatical elements related to the selected topics; and
- a focus on the communicative needs of language users in a professional environment.
Given the particular circumstances of the target group (future language teachers), it is anticipated that participants will be engaged in the ongoing planning of the course, particularly with regard to the selection of specific learning objectives, content, texts and forms of work.
The exercises and assignments utilised in the course adopt a genre-oriented approach, focusing on the analysis and implementation of near-authentic tasks and projects within specific text genres. The course exercises employ participatory forms of work that enhance interaction time and incorporate substantial learner input. It is crucial to integrate the activities within a professional context. Given the hybrid nature of the course, the remote component is primarily comprised of exercises that facilitate the acquisition of new vocabulary (including mini-talks, vocabulary exercises, repetition and categorisation exercises) and exercises that foster grammatical competence through an inductive approach (including pre-communication and imitation exercises). During classroom instruction, exercises designed to enhance productive, receptive and interactional skills are the predominant focus.
The needs analysis indicates the necessity to incorporate the following communication intentions and text genres into the course curriculum:
- telephone conversation,
- interview,
- presentation,
- discussion,
- instruction,
- contract,
- contract termination,
- description of graphics,
- organigram,
- instruction manual,
- report,
- protocol,
- reference,
- order,
- resume.
The aforementioned communication activities and text genres are related to the following subject circles:
- construction,
- care services,
- gastronomy,
- hairdressing/cosmetics,
- commerce,
- medicine,
- education,
- office,
- tourism/hospitality,
- logistics/forwarding.
Type of course
Remote learning
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands
S_W17 to a significant extent, the process of interpersonal communication and social patterns in Polish and German, its regularities and disruptions
S_W22 to an in-depth degree, instruments and techniques in digitally assisted
or online work or virtual exchange
Skills: the graduate is able to
S_U01 search, analyse, evaluate, select and use information, using a variety of
sources and methods, including advanced information and communication techniques, in Polish and German
S_U05 perform educational tasks using digital tools, methods of remote
communication and various media
S_U15 use methods of integrated teaching in teaching languages and content
S_U17 communicate on specialised topics and conduct an argument using the
views of other authors and formulate conclusions in Polish and German
S_U23 use language skills at CEFR level C1+ in German, including the specificity of academic language and that of classroom communication
S_U25 perform the various roles required for working as a team, is willing to
accept and assign tasks, and possesses the organisational skills
necessary in designing and implementing professional educational
activities; can act as a team leader
Social competences: the graduate is prepared to
S_K05 conduct interpersonal and intercultural communication mediating with
participants in the teaching-learning process in a local and global
S_K06 interact and work in a group, performing various roles
Assessment criteria
40% of the final grade will be determined by the completion of tasks and exercises on the platform.
40% will be determined by the results of a credit test.
20% will be determined by the level of active participation in classes.
The final assessment criteria are as follows:
A score below 60 will be awarded a grade of 2.0.
A score between 60 and 68 will be awarded a grade of 3.0.
A score between 69 and 78 will be awarded a grade of 3.5.
A score between 79 and 88 will be awarded a grade of 4.0.
A score of 89 or above will be awarded a grade of 4.5.
A score of 97 or above will be awarded a grade of 5.0.
Buhlmann, Rosemarie; Fearns, Anneliese (2017): Handbuch des fach- und berufsbezogenen Deutschunterrichts DaF, DaZ, CLIL. Berlin: Frank & Timme (Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung, t. 141).
Efing, Christian i Kiefer, Karl-Hubert (red.) (2017): Sprachbezogene Curricula und Aufgaben in der beruflichen Bildung. Aktuelle Konzepte und Forschungsergebnisse. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (Wissen - Kompetenz - Text, t. 12).
Fearns, Anneliese; Buhlmann, Rosemarie (op. 2013): Technisches Deutsch für Ausbildung und Beruf. Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch. Haan-Gruiten: Verl. Europa-Lehrmittel.
Gajewska, Elżbieta; Sowa, Magdalena (2014): LSP, FOS, Fachsprache. Dydaktyka języków specjalistycznych. Lublin: Wydawnictwo Werset.
Grucza, Sambor (2012): Fachsprachenlinguistik. Frankfurt, M., Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, NY, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien: Lang (Warschauer Studien zur Germanistik und zur angewandten Linguistik, Bd. 1).
Kniffka, Gabriele; Roelcke, Thorsten (2016): Fachsprachenvermittlung im Unterricht. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh (StandardWissen Lehramt, t. 4094).
Liebaug, Bruno (2016): Wie spricht man in der Mathematik? Meckenheim: Verlag Liebaug-Dartmann.
Liebaug, Bruno (2018): Wie spricht man in der Physik? Einführung in die Sprache der Physik an Beispielen aus Mechanik und Elektrizitätslehre. 1. Auflage. Meckenheim: Liebaug-Dartmann.
Lippert-Burmester, Wunna; Lippert, Herbert (2014): Medizinische Fachsprache - leicht gemacht. Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch - Plus: Einführung in Medical English. 6., erw. Aufl. Stuttgart: Schattauer.
Roche, Jörg i Drumm, Sandra (red.) (2018): Berufs-, Fach- und Wissenschaftssprachen. Didaktische Grundlagen. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto (Kompendium DaF/DaZ, t. 8).
van Albert, Ruth (2018): Berufsfeld Altenpflege. Klett Verlag, Stuttgart
van Albert, Ruth i in. (2016): Berufsfeld Küche . Klett Verlag, Stuttgart
van Albert, Ruth i in. (2016): Berufsfeld Lager. Klett Verlag, Stuttgart
van Albert, Ruth i in. (2017): Berufsfeld Reinigung. Klett Verlag, Stuttgart
van Elten, Franziska i in. (2016): Berufsfeld BAU. Klett Verlag, Stuttgart
Wolski, Przemysław; Engelbrecht, Liesbeth; (2020): Niemiecki w pracy: Produkcja = Deutsch im Beruf: Produktion. Warszawa: Poltext.
Wolski, Przemysław; Engelbrecht, Liesbeth; Efing, Christian (2019): Niemiecki w pracy. Biuro = Deutsch im Beruf : Büro. Wydanie pierwsze. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Poltext.
Wolski, Przemysław; Zeaiter, Sabrina; Efing, Christian (2021): Niemiecki w pracy: Usługi= Deutsch im Beruf: Dienstleistungen. Warszawa: Poltext.
and authentic texts
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: