The history and culture of French-speaking countries for language teachers 4100-IIIMKULIHISFRA
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with selected aspects of culture o fFrench-speaking countries and to develop the ability to interpret cultural
phenomena. The course also aims to present the issues of including culture and civilization in the glottodidactic process. It will discuss, among others:
such issues as the definition of culture, popular and high culture, as well as the role of authentic documents in education, the diversity of materials related to culture and civilization, the criteria for selecting this type of materials, the type of exercises and activities that can be offered to foreign language learners, the
possibility of parallel developing language skills and cultural competence while working with culture and civilization in the language classroom.
The main theme of the classes will be literary, film and other works presenting
three heroes: Arsène Lupine, Commissioner Maigret and
Commissioner Adamsberg.
Through these three characters, created by French-speaking popular
culture, and more precisely - crime literature, students will have the opportunity to learn about various elements of the culture and history of Francophone countries. They will also enable students to reflect on the concepts of popular culture and high (elite) culture at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and today.
With Arsène Lupine, for example, students will discover the secrets of Paris
in the Belle époque period, get to know Normandy in its cultural and artistic
dimension (the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th
century), as well as other important characters – Arsène Lupin's "contemporaries" created by the literature and popular culture of the time. Together with Commissioner Maigret, students will visit various regions of France (e.g. Brittany, Auvergne, New Aquitaine - mainly the
Dordogne department). The character created by Georges Simenon will also
become a starting point for taking up the topic of cinema. Finally, thanks to
Commissioner Adambsberg, students learn, for example, various French traditions and legends.
Student workload:
16 hours = reading the materials posted on the platform and completing
related sentences
14 hours of participation in classes (contact hours)
30 hours of own work (preparation for the final test, work necessary to
achieve the expected learning outcomes).
ECTS points (total 2.5 points) will be awarded:
- for attending classes and active participation in them, for a presentation or speech during classes on a previously assigned topic (concerning contact hours): 1 ECTS point
- regular own work with materials posted on the platform (all activities and
exercises must be completed) 0.75 ECTS points
- test in the form of a quiz at the end of the semester (including basic information about the history, culture and civilization of France provided during in-class meetings and posted on the platform): 0.75 ECTS points
Term 2024Z:
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with selected aspects of culture o fFrench-speaking countries and to develop the ability to interpret cultural The main theme of the classes will be literary, film and other works presenting Through these three characters, created by French-speaking popular With Arsène Lupine, for example, students will discover the secrets of Paris Student workload: ECTS points (total 2.5 points) will be awarded: |
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student:
1. Knows the terms: popular culture, high (elite) culture, popular literature, crime
literature, can discuss them and give examples of works.
2. Knows the various incarnations of the title characters of the classes (literary, film, musical, etc.), is able to discuss and compare them.
3. Has basic knowledge of selected aspects of culture and history of Francophone countries discussed during classes (e.g. regions, writers and artists and their works - iterary, painting, film...); can discuss these issues in
Polish and French and use them during further university studies.
The graduate knows and understands:
S_W02: essential terminology relating to: history, culture and religion studies, relevant to the teaching of foreign languages
S_W03: innovative ideas and techniques of integrated teaching of languages and content subjects
S_W21: the core curriculum for teaching French at the third educational stage and language teaching requirements in higher education
The graduate is able to:
S_U01: search, analyse, evaluate, select and use information, using a variety of sources and methods, including advanced information and communication techniques, in Polish and English or French
S_U02: individually plan and implement, using also communication and information techniques, typical and innovative projects connected with teaching foreign languages in secondary schools, vocational schools, in adult and higher education and in other educational institutions involved in teaching foreign languages
S_U04: apply the assumptions and equirements of the core curriculum for teaching French at the third educational stage, and the requirements for language teaching in higher education
S_U18: communicate in Polish and in French, conduct a debate using a variety of channels and techniques, with all participants in the teaching-learning process and experts in those academic disciplines that are relevant to the field of studies - foreign language teaching, both in Polish and French
Social competences:
The graduate is prepared to:
S_K03: take responsibility for the promotion and preservation of the cultural heritage of the region, country, Europe, and the world
S_K09: participate in cultural and social issues through the use of a variety of media
Assessment criteria
Completion of the course is based on:
- attendance (1 absence per semester during classroom hours is allowed, regardless of their status; after exceeding this number of absences, the student loses the right to pass the course and must repeat it. In the case of a chronic disease, the student may apply to the BON for an increase in the number of allowed absences)
- preparing for classes and systematically doing homework
- activities during classes (active participation in classes, group work)
- regular work with materials posted on the platform
- final grade based on: activity during classes in the classroom, grade obtained
for a speech/presentation on a previously assigned topic, regular work with materials posted on the platform (implementation of all activities and tasks) and for a test in the form of a quiz (covering basic knowledge about history, culture and civilization of France provided during classes).
The test will take place during the last in-class meeting.
Selected bibliography:
1. Jean-Baptiste Baronian, Maigret, docteur ès crimes, Bruxelles, Les Impressions nouvelles, 2019.
2. Jacques Baudou, Jean-Jacques Schleret, Le Polar, Paris, Larousse, 2001.
3. Jacques Cantier, Histoire culturelle de la France au XXe siècle, Ellipses, Paris, 2011
4. Ghislaine Cotentin-Rey, Les Grandes étapes de la civilisation française, Paris, Bordas, 1991.
5. Francis Lacassin, Mythologie du roman policier, nouvelle édition augmentée et mise à jour, Paris, Bourgois, 1993.
6. Marc Lits, L’énigme criminelle. Vade-mecum du professeur de français, Bruxelles, Didier Hatier, 1991.
7. Yves Reuter, Le Roman policier (3e ed.), Paris, Armand Colin, 2017.
Jean-Pierre Rioux, Jean-François Sirinelli (éds.), La Culture de masse en France de la Belle Epoque à aujourd'hui, Fayard, 2002
Term 2023Z:
None |
Term 2024Z:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: