British literature for language teachers 4100-4SLITBRYTO
The course is an overview of British literary forms set in their cultural context and their adaptations to English language teaching in primary school. Analyzed forms are myths, fairy stories, poems, short stories, critical commentaries, movie and theatrical adaptations.
The overall objective of the course is to acquaint the participants with various ways of selecting and choosing appropriate literary texts and having them applied to the ELT classroom in primary school.
Thematic scope:
1. British myths and legends
2. British folk tales and fairy tales
3. British short stories
4. British poetry
5. British animal characters
6. British comic books and their heroes
7. British theatrical plays and movie adaptations for children
Term 2023L:
The course is an overview of British literary forms and their adaptations to English language teaching in primary school. Analyzed forms are myths, fairy stories, poems, short stories, critical commentaries, movie and theatrical adaptations. |
Term 2024L:
The course is an overview of British literary forms set in their cultural context and their adaptations to English language teaching in primary school. Analyzed forms are myths, fairy stories, poems, short stories, critical commentaries, movie and theatrical adaptations. |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: |
Type of course
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands:
K_W01 to an advanced degree selected facts, theories, institutions, processes, and phenomena related to the study areas:, literary studies, British literature relevant to the field of studies - teaching foreign languages, which have practical application in teaching foreign languages in kindergartens and at the first and second educational stages
K_W02 essential terminology related to: literary studies, and British literature relevant to teaching foreign languages
Skills: the graduate is able to:
K_U01 search, analyse, evaluate, select and use information, using a variety of sources and methods, in Polish and English
K_U15 speak and write consistently and precisely in Polish and in English on topics related to educational matters, applying different theoretical approaches and using findings from literary studies
Social competences: the graduate is prepared to:
K_K02 reflect on the level of their skills and knowledge, constantly develop professionally and personally, self-assess their competences, improve their skills, plan their development and training
K_K03 take responsibility for the promotion and preservation of the cultural heritage of the region, country and Europe and plurilingualism and multiculturalism related to various ethnic groups living in GB
Assessment criteria
Reading the assigned texts is obligatory. At the end of the semester, students sit a test which is a combination of open and multiple choice questions (50% of the final grade) verifying K_W01, K_W02, K_U01, K_U15, K_K02. Active participation in class, based on attentive reading, discussion (20% of the grade) verifies K_U01, K_U15, K_K02,
preparation and oral presentation of a lesson plan (30% of the final grade) verify K_W01; K_W02; K_U01; K_U15; K_K02;
Presentation grading scheme: 30% (high quality content and editing, originally designed materials) – 5,0; good quality – 4,0; good content but a few of mistakes – 3,0; poor quality and numerous mistakes – 2,0
Verification of the material in asynchronous modules through tasks on the Moodle platform or during in-class meetings
Attendance is obligatory, allowed are two absences.
Test grading scheme:
100%- 93% - 5,0
92% - 84% - 4,5
83% - 75% - 4,0
74% - 66% - 3,5
65% - 60% - 3,0
<60% - 2
The main text-book is an updated e-book Diniejko, A. Introduction to the Study of Literature and Film in English, 2022.
Alexander, M. A History of English Literature, Macmillan, 2000
Bela, T., Mazur Z. A College Anthology of English Literature, Kraków,1997.
Brodey, K., Malgaretti F. Focus on English and American Literature, Modern Languages, 2002.
Burgess, A. English Literature, Longman, 1990.
Delanoy, W. et al. eds. Learning with Literature in the EFL Classroom, Peter Lang, 2015.
Drabble, M. The Oxford Companion to English Literature, Oxford, 1985.
Hale, E., Riverlea, M. Classical Mythology and Children’s Literature… An Alphabetical Odyssey, Warszawa, 2022.
McCallum, E. How to Teach Literature: A Practical Teaching Guide, WestBow Press, 2017.
Merriam Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature. 1995 ed.
Mroczkowski, P. Historia literatury angielskiej, Wrocław, 1986.
The Norton Anthology of English Literature, New York, vols.1-2.
The Oxford Anthology of English Literature, New York, vols.1-2
Sanders, A. The Short Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford, 2003.
Sikorska, L., A Short History of English Literature, Wydawnictwo Poznańskie, 2007.
Wright, A. Storytelling with Children, Oxford University Press, 2009.
Zgorzelski, A. Lectures on British Literature, Parts 1-3, Gdansk, 1999.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: