Practical German 4100-3SNJNO
During the course of classes, all skills are practiced in an integrated manner. Classes are held exclusively in the language of the specialty. The main objectives of the classes are to deepen and develop vocabulary, use correct pronunciation, develop grammatical competence as a means of achieving specific communicative goals, and develop language skills. In addition, the classes emphasize the development of student autonomy. The classes are enriched with a self-access component, consisting of classes on the Come UW platform and support classes in the classroom.
Class objectives broken down by language proficiency.
Receptive skills:
reading with understanding develop the ability to read with comprehension, using different types of texts included in the textbook and other authentic materials familiarize students with reading strategies that are essential in developing the ability to understand original texts exercise in students the competencies that condition reading with understanding, namely: grammatical, lexical and pragmatic competencies; to practice the ability to find the most important information from the text and organize it in the form of a plan
4.To develop in students the ability of global and selective comprehension of reading texts.
listening with understanding
1.Developing students' auditory perception skills in relation to different types of audio materials included in the textbook and of an authentic nature
2.practicing the ability to listen globally and selectively to short materials, aimed at selecting the most important information (taking notes, tying together relevant information in order to present it in the form of a structured oral statement)
3.Exercise the ability to present the content of the recording
4.practicing the ability to recognize forms of colloquial language and dialects, and distinguishing between the forms used in spoken and written language develop in students the ability to globally and selectively understand listening texts
Productive skills:
1.Developing students' skills in:
- conducting conversations (dialogues) on everyday topics
- formulating questions and precise answers
- formulating and presenting one's own opinion on the topics discussed by the texts and recordings from the textbook and other authentic materials
- making short and longer statements based on the topics covered in the text or recording
- taking the floor in a discussion (defending one's own opinion, clarifying one's thoughts, opposing a different opinion)
2.exercising the ability to make a coherent oral statement on a selected topic in German while controlling the linguistic and phonetic correctness at a level appropriate to the level of language proficiencywriting familiarize students with linguistic and stylistic means, the analysis of the structure of which will allow them to master the creation of short letters, short descriptions, short stories, a text presenting their own point of view on a given topic and with a certain structure
2.sensitizing students to the types of linguistic and stylistic errors in the texts prepared by them
3.implementing students to practice correcting linguistic errors, developing and deepening students' knowledge of grammatical and stylistic correctness through transformational exercisesA variety of didactic methods will be used in class to:
- familiarize students with new material;
- Provide consolidation of the acquired knowledge;
- enable control and evaluation of the degree of mastery of knowledge.
Examples of didactic methods:
role-playing dialogues
language games and plays
Attendance in class is mandatory. The instructor sets the limit of absences during the semester. It amounts to 2 permissible absences in a semester with 30 hours and 4 absences in a semester with 60 hours. Those who missed 60% of classes (without excuse) are not allowed to pass the semester, examination session and must repeat the semester.
A component of the NJN course is the student's independent work as part of the
which supplementary classes are organized. These classes include 30 hours per
semester, including: 20 hours of classes posted on the university platform
Moodle CKC and 10 hours of synchronous classes (5 meetings) in remote form
implemented through Zoom or Google Meet with the participation of a lecturer.
All students are held accountable for complementary activities in the course of the
NJN in the self-work component, which they complete by obtaining 60% of the
points from assignments made available on the university's Moodle CKC platform.
On the other hand, synchronous remote classes are attended only by students referred by the NJN subject coordinator based on the analysis of their progress made in NJN classes. Participation in remote classes by students selected by the NJN subject coordinator is accounted for as part of the student's independent work based on attendance.
Type of course
obligatory courses
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
S_W16 - to a significant extent, the process of interpersonal communication and social patterns in Polish and German
S_U01- search, analyse, evaluate, select and use information, using a variety of sources and methods, in Polish and German
S_U09- analyse their own actions and identify possible areas for change in the future
S_U11- conduct an argument using the views of other authors and formulate conclusions in Polish and in a foreign language
S_U12-communicate in Polish and in a foreign language, using a variety of channels and techniques, with all participants in the teaching-learning process and experts in the academic disciplines and subjects that are relevant to the field of studies in foreign language teaching, both in Polish and another language
S_U13- prepare written work in both Polish and a foreign language, relevant to the field of studies, on specific issues, using basic theoretical approaches and a variety of sources
S_U14- prepare, and deliver in public, oral presentations in Polish and a foreign language, on specific issues, using basic theoretical approaches, as well as a variety of sources
S_U17- use language skills at CEFR level C1 in English and German including the specificity of academic language and that of classroom communication*, or in English at level C1 and in a foreign language chosen as lektorat at CEFR level B1
*Students who have chosen teaching German as their second specialization are required to pass a C1 level exam organized by the Centre (CFLTT&EE) and are not required to take a language certificate exam.
S_K01-pursue lifelong learning
S_K02- reflect on the level of their skills and knowledge, constantly develop professionally and personally, self-assess their competences, improve their skills, plan their development and training
S_04- conduct interpersonal and intercultural communication mediating with participants in the teaching-learning process in a local and global context
S_K05- interact and work in a group, performing various roles
Assessment criteria
I. General information
Mandatory elements in the grading system:
- written homework assignments (larger texts written at home)
- oral statements - oral activity in class
- test papers, written in class
- activity, attendance, preparation for classes - including preparation of texts, smaller written assignments, etc.
- prepared, longer student speech (can be prepared and presented in pairs), e.g. presentation, short paper, műndliche Űberprűfung
- portfolio
- solved tasks from the exercise book, systematic work
- work on the COME platform
- semester test (written at the penultimate class of the semester) and oral credit after the summer semester
II. Criteria for evaluation of longer oral statements
The presentation, the short paper, the longer oral statement, the “mündliche Űberprüfung”, and the oral credit statement are evaluated according to the following criteria:
Content: 2 pts.
Vocabulary: 2.5 pts.
Grammar: 2.5 pts.
Fluency of speech: 1 pt.
Pronunciation: 2 pts.
TOTAL: 10 points.
The exact evaluation criteria are also given to the students before each evaluated oral speech.
III. Evaluation criteria for written works
Evaluation of written works includes the following:
Linguistic correctness + Vocabulary + Communicativeness and compliance with the topic + Text construction - composition and coherence of the text.
Each of the listed criteria is evaluated in points. V. Concluding remarks and how to calculate the grade for the semester.
The grade is calculated on the basis of the number of points obtained from each lecturer and the points from the test.
At the end of the semester, the points obtained from all lecturers and the points from the test (Abschlusstest, in the summer semester also from the oral credit) are added up.
To pass the semester a student must:
- obtain a minimum of 60% of the points with each lecturer,
- obtain a minimum of 60% of the points from each element of the final test, i.e. 60% for HV, 60% for LV, 60% vocabulary, 60% for the written part, and
- obtain a minimum of 60% of the points from the oral credit (applies to the summer semester).
At the end of the winter and summer semesters there will be a final credit test.
The test lasts a maximum of 3 hours and no other classes are held during this time. The test consists of the following parts:
- HV, LV, Schreiben and a lexical-grammar test (grammar - only from the material covered in NJN classes).
(Grammar is tested in the course Grammar for teachers).
At the end of the summer semester there will be an oral credit.
The credit will consist of the following:
1. presentation on a drawn topic and answering 2 questions to the presentation
2. planning an activity (conducting a dialogue)
In the winter and summer semesters, 2nd year students can obtain a maximum of 200 points (100 from lecturers + 50 points for the final test+ 50 points for the oral credit). Kryteria oceny ustnej:
– treść: (związek wypowiedzi z tematem, samodzielność, kompozycja wypowiedzi (celowość, logika, przejrzystość)
– słownictwo
– poprawność gramatyczna
– płynność wypowiedzi
– poprawność fonetyczna
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: