Media and social communication 4100-2SMIKSO
The course covers the following topics included in three problem blocks devoted to the basics of communication science, social communication and media systems:
Block I Basic concepts of communication science
1. Terminological introduction
2. Interpersonal communication as a process. Classification of communication processes.
3. Informational communication and persuasive communication. Using the principles of social influence in persuasive communication.
4. Verbal communication and non-verbal communication.
Block II Public and political communication
5. Mass communication - characteristics of the phenomenon. The distinction between public and political communication. Participants in the process of public and political communication.
6. Social communication campaigns.
7. Public speaking. Types and process of preparing a public speech.
Block III Media systems
8. Political functions of the media - media doctrines.
9. The concept of the media system. Transformation of the Polish media system.
10. New media and politics.
Term 2023L:
None |
Term 2024L:
The course covers the following topics included in three problem blocks devoted to the basics of communication science, social communication and media systems: |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Learning outcomes
KW_01 The student knows to an advanced degree, facts, theories, institutions, processes and phenomena in the field of communication sciences and media studies to an advanced degree.
KW_02 The student uses the necessary terminology in the field of science and scientific disciplines: communication studies, psychology, cultural and religious studies, media history.
K_W08 The student is able to identify various participants of communication activities, mass communication in the spheres of culture, politics and social life.
K_W16 The student understands to a significant extent and is aware of the importance of interpersonal and social communication processes in educational activities.
S_U01 The student is able to search, analyze, evaluate, select and use information using various sources and methods in Polish and English, optionally French or German.
S_U05 The student is able to observe and evaluate the usefulness of various methods, procedures, good practices for carrying out tasks and solving problems related to teaching foreign languages, and to choose and apply the appropriate course of action.
S_K07 The student is aware of the importance of correctly identifying and resolving dilemmas related to the teaching profession.
Assessment criteria
Attendance at classes. Two unexcused absences are allowed per semester.
• The final grade is the result of preparing and presenting a project by a team of 2-3 people during classes.
• Students receive a maximum of 30 points for the project.
• Rating scale:
30-27 points Very good (5)
26-25 points Good plus (4+)
24-20 points Good (4)
19-18 points – Sufficient plus (3+)
17-15 points – Satisfactory (3)
below 15 points the student fails the course
Practical placement
Dobek-Ostrowska B., Komunikowanie polityczne i publiczne, Warszawa 2007.
Dobek-Ostrowska B., Media masowe i aktorzy polityczni, Wrocław 2004
Dobek-Ostrowska B., Wiszniowski R., Teoria komunikowania publicznego i politycznego. Wprowadzenie, Wrocław 2007.
Fiske J., Wprowadzenie do badań nad komunikowaniem, Astrum, Wrocław 1998.
McQuail D., Teoria komunikowania masowego, Warszawa 2007.
Michalczyk S., Komunikowanie polityczne. Teoretyczne aspekty procesu, Katowice 2005.
Morreale S.P., Spitzberg B.H., Barge J.K., Komunikacja między ludźmi. Motywacja, wiedza i umiejętności, Warszawa 2007.
Mrozowski M., Media masowe. Władza, rozrywka i biznes, Warszawa 2001.
Additional literature
Castells M., Wiek informacji: ekonomia, społeczeństwo i kultura, tom I Społeczeństwo sieci, Warszawa 2008.
Gajda J., Edukacja medialna, Toruń 2004.
Goban-Klas T., Media i komunikowanie masowe Teorie i analizy prasy, radia, telewizji i Internetu, Warszawa 2000.
Griffin E., Podstawy komunikacji społecznej, Gdańsk 2003.
Habielski R., Polityczna historia mediów w Polsce w XX wieku, Warszawa 2009.
Jakubowicz K., Media a demokracja w XXI wieku. Poszukiwanie nowych modeli, Warszawa 2013.
Kunczik M., Zipfel A., Wprowadzenie do nauki o dziennikarstwie i komunikowaniu, Warszawa 2000.
Przybylska A., Internet a reforma instytucji demokratycznych: nadzieje, wyzwania, porażki, [w:] Internet - społeczne aspekty medium, red. Ł. Jonak i in., Warszawa 2006.
Słownik wiedzy o mediach, red. E. Chudziński, Warszawa – Bielsko-Biała 2007.
Term 2023L:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: