Economic Problems of the Environmental Policy 4030-EPPOS
1. Environmental policy:
- the subject, scope and subjects of environmental policy,
- economic assessment criteria,
- socio-political assessment criteria,
- key principles of environmental policy.
2/3. Methods of analysis of decision problems:
- identification, classification, evaluation of projects,
- balance methods (matter, energy, cash flow),
- optimization methods,
- multi-criteria analysis,
- risk assessment,
- project assessment techniques,
- analysis of the 'life cycle',
- environmental impact assessment (EIA, SEIA).
4/5. Methods of economic analysis:
- economic efficiency and cost effectiveness,
- traditional cost-benefit analysis (CBA),
- time factor and discount rate,
- updated value account,
- project cost-effectiveness measures,
- taking into account the qualitative and non-measurable effects,
- tools for environmental policy.
6. Validation of the natural environment:
- the specificity of environmental resources, environmental goods and services,
- non-market benefits derived from the environment,
- the concept of 'total economic value',
- the non-use value problem,
- direct valuation methods,
- indirect valuation methods,
- practical examples of value estimates.
7. Legal and administrative instruments:
- command-and-control,
- emission, immission, technology and product standards,
- advantages and disadvantages of direct regulation,
- administration, control and monitoring.
8. Economic instruments:
- using the mechanisms of the market system,
- advantages and limitations of indirect regulation,
- classification of economic instruments,
- criteria for the evaluation and selection of economic instruments.
9/10. Overview of economic instruments:
- emission, product, utility and administrative fees,
- deposit systems and ecological pledges,
- transferable permits to use the environment,
- taxes and ecological tax reform,
- subsidies,
- penalties.
11. Comparison of direct and indirect regulation:
- the criterion of regulation effectiveness,
- the cost of regulation criterion,
- the issue of technical progress,
- the problem of tightening regulation.
12. Current problems of environmental policy:
- political, legal and systemic conditions,
- social awareness and education,
- the importance and role of direct regulation,
- growing popularity of economic instruments,
- the issue of voluntary agreements,
- sustainable development and its measures.
13. National and transnational environmental policy:
- environmental policy in developing countries,
- environmental policy in post-communist countries,
- environmental policy in OECD countries,
- environmental policy of the European Union,
- international agreements.
14/15. Polish environmental policy:
- historical conditions,
- a general outline of the state of the environment,
- documents "Ecological Policy of the State",
- funds for environmental protection and water management,
- financing environmental protection,
- assessment of the implementation of national environmental policy,
- current tasks of environmental policy.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
A. Knowledge
1. The student knows the basics and principles of environmental policy taking into account the economic and socio-political criteria for its assessment.
2. The student knows the techniques and methods of analysis of decision-making problems concerning the environment, including: balance, optimization, multi-criteria, life cycle, environmental impact assessment (EIA, SEA).
3. The student knows the methods of economic analysis (CBA) in conjunction with the valuation of the natural environment. He knows the methods of direct and indirect evaluation of non-market environmental goods and services.
4. The student has knowledge of environmental policy instruments with particular emphasis on legal, administrative and economic instruments.
5. The student knows a wide range of economic instruments: emission and product fees, deposit systems, marketable permits for using the environment, taxes and environmental tax reform, subsidies.
6. The student knows the advantages of economic relocation regarding the flexibility of regulation, cost-effectiveness and stimulation to use cleaner technologies.
7. The student knows the current problems of environmental policy related to the use of economic instruments and recommendations for a sustainable and sustainable development strategy.
8. The student knows the specifics of environmental policy in the developed, post-communist and developing countries. He knows the basic premises of policies and regulations applied in European Union countries and in the international dimension.
9. The student knows and understands Polish environmental policy, taking into account its historical perspective and the application of regulatory tools. Has knowledge about national mechanisms for financing environmental protection and problems related to environmental requirements formulated by the European Union.
S2A_W01, S2A_W02, S2A_W03, S2A_W04, S2A_W05, S2A_W06, S2A_W07, S2A_W08, S2A_W09
B. Skills
1. The student can properly interpret the real problems of the policy, and in particular the ways of defining and solving tasks in the field of environmental policy.
2. The student is able to indicate the importance and practical application of economic mechanisms in the implementation of environmental policy objectives.
3. The student can determine economically justified solutions to the current problems of Polish environmental policy.
S2A_U01, S2A_U02, S2A_U03, S2A_U04, S2A_U05, S2A_U06, S2A_U07, S2A_U08
C. Social competences
1. The student is aware that the protection of the environment costs and the sum of social benefits net decides about the rationality of political decisions in the field of environmental protection.
2. The student is able to use the knowledge about the economic aspects of the protection policy to support initiatives and projects justified from a social point of view.
S2A_K01, S2A_K03, S2A_K04, S2A_K05
Assessment criteria
Oral exam
Practical placement
Ison S., Peake S., Wall S., 2002. Environmental Issues and Policies. Pearson Education, Harlow.
Śleszyński J., 2000. Ekonomiczne problemy ochrony środowiska. Aries, Warszawa.
Famielec J., 1999. Straty i korzyści ekologiczne w gospodarce narodowej. PWN, Warszawa-Kraków.
Fiedor B. (red.), 2002. Podstawy ekonomii środowiska i zasobów naturalnych. Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, Warszawa.
Folmer H., Gabel L., Opschoor H. (red.), 1996. Ekonomia środowiska i zasobów naturalnych. Krupski i S-ka, Warszawa.
Plich M., 2002. Budowa i zastosowanie wielosektorowych modeli ekonomiczno-ekologicznych. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź.
Śleszyński J. (red.), 2004. Ekologiczna reforma podatkowa. Wyzwanie dla polskiej polityki ochrony środowiska. Wydawnictwo Ekonomia i Środowisko, Białystok.
Tietenberg T., 2001. Environmental Economics and Policy. Addison-Wesley-Longman, Boston.
Winpenny J.T., 1995. Wartość środowiska. Metody wyceny ekonomicznej. PWE, Warszawa.
Żylicz T., 1989. Ekonomia wobec problemów środowiska przyrodniczego. PWN, Warszawa.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: