Criminology 4027-KNS-CHS-23-KRY
The lecture is addressed to students interested in criminal law, the answer to the question when and why criminal law is effective, the sources and place of pathology, deviation and crime in social life.
The lecture is intended to:
- Present systematic knowledge necessary to pass the course.
- To acquaint students with basic knowledge about research, theory and practice of criminological research and its importance for correct application of criminal law.
- To present knowledge about creating, breaking and implementing the law.
- Explain on what does the amount of crime committed depend? How and in whose interest are deviants produced and how crime is effectively prevented.
The lecture will discuss the main currents of theoretical and research criminological thought, regarding criminal etiology, i.e. the science of causes of crime and other deviant behaviour. Basic information about sources of knowledge on the extent of criminal behaviour (statistics and crime dynamics), methods of data collection (techniques of criminological and victimological research) and strategies of crime prevention will be presented.
A lecture in criminology develops and strengthens critical and analytical thinking. It gives the ability to combine knowledge from other subjects and to analyse laws with understanding of their content. It makes students aware that criminal law is only one of the forms of controlling social behaviour and indicates when the use of this law can be beneficial.
Students participating in the lecture will deepen their practical knowledge of criminal law, criminal procedure and criminal executive law. They will acquire skills of conscious, critical analysis of media information referring to criminal law and criminal policy. They will understand how the notion of crime and pathology changes in time and space. They will learn to critically analyse crime statistics. They will also be able to use a criminological perspective when making a criminal law assessment of the existence or absence of a criminal act.
Criminology is the science of making, breaking and implementing law. It helps to understand when criminal law can effectively counteract a crime. It teaches critical thinking. It broadens horizons and answers the question what connects a student with a criminal, a criminal with a saint and a hero fighting against prejudices, and law with sociology and social psychology. It provides knowledge about the ways in which criminal acts are constructed. Explains how and depending on what the definition and content of social pathology changes. Explains how and why theoretical explanations of phenomena defined as crimes and those considered as pathology are created and how this affects the justice system. It shows how social conditions influence the ways of explaining the sources of crime. It teaches the analysis of criminal law regulations and penal practice. It gives practical skills of using basic criminological concepts in considering issues of criminal law and criminal executive law.
Criminology is the science of making, breaking and implementing law. It enables you to understand when criminal law can effectively counteract crime. It teaches critical thinking. It broadens horizons and answers the question what connects a student with a criminal, a criminal with a saint and a hero fighting against prejudices, and law with sociology and social psychology. It provides knowledge about the ways in which criminal acts are constructed. Explains how and depending on what the definition and content of social pathology changes. Explains how and why theoretical explanations of phenomena defined as crimes and those considered as pathology are created and how this affects the justice system. It shows how social conditions influence the ways of explaining the sources of crime. It teaches the analysis of criminal law regulations and penal practice. Gives practical skills of using basic criminological concepts in considering issues of criminal law and penal executive law.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Graduate of criminology classes knows basic concepts of contemporary criminology and their relations to other social sciences and links with forensic science. He/she knows basic criminological mechanisms governing human behaviour. He knows criminological theories explaining reasons of crime and methods of crime prevention.
K_W02; The graduate knows and understands in an advanced way the knowledge of analysing and interpreting natural and physical phenomena and processes significant for the practice of detecting and securing of forensic traces and evidence originating from crime; he/she knows the issues of psychological aspects in forensic science in the context of committing, detecting and preventing crimes; he/she knows the issues concerning the basic application of computer science and mathematics in forensic science
K_U01; The graduate is able to use his/her knowledge of science, natural and social sciences to solve and interpret complex tasks and forensic issues concerning strategies and tactics of effective conduct, both in reality and online
K_K01; The graduate has the ability to carefully and critically assess received information, to evaluate its credibility and usefulness from the point of view of forensic science, applying at the same time the knowledge of the following sciences: physical, chemical, biological, psychological and legal; at the same time he/she understands limitations in inference from forensic traces and in their examination, resulting from the possibilities of contemporary research methods.
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Płatek, M., Przestępstwo znęcania. Causes and consequences of managing excesses, in: Znęcanie się, ed. Marek Mozgawa, Wolters Kluwer Warszawa 2020, s. 421-464 [chapter in monograph].
Płatek, M., Negative effects of the illusion of therapy. Notes on the application of the Act on proceedings against persons with mental disorders posing a threat to life, health or sexual freedom of others, "State and Law" 2020, no. 11, p. 93 -108
Płatek, M. Whom does marriage serve, [in:] Around the crisis of the rule of law, democracy and human rights, ed. A. Bodnar, A. Ploszka, Wolters Kluwer 2020, pp. 572-589.
Płatek, M. Legal Opinion for the Sejm on: Opinion on the concept of rape (rape crime) in the context of European Union law and the Istanbul Convention ratified by Poland (14/02/2020) [accessed: 16.05.2021].
Płatek, M. Creating the 'dangerous, the dangerous and the bad. (Creating the dangerous and the bad); 'Archives of Criminology', 2019 vol. XLI No. 1, pp. 125-217;
Płatek, M., What is just, in Solidarity 2.0, or democracy as a form of life, edited by Jan Sowa, Biennale, Warsaw 2019, pp. 157-181
Płatek, M., The place of women in law, or about the apparent neutrality of law, [in:] Between tradition and modernity. Polish law in the 100th anniversary of regaining independence, ed. Ł. Pisarczyk, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2019, pp. 76-103.
Płatek, M., Can a woman be a heroine? The new awakening of women, in Heroes and Anti-heroes of Contemporary Europe, Oświęcim 2018, pp. 23-48
Flake, M., Rape. When a term acquires new content. The apparent lack of change and its consequences [Rape. When an Old Term Acquires a New Meaning. A Consequence of False Sameness], 'Archives of Criminology' 2018, XL, pp. 263-326.
Flake, M. The legal nature of suicide. From anomie to autonomy, in Suicide, ed. M. Mozgawa, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2017, pp. 223-266
Płatek, M., Freedom of speech - a criminal law perspective, in: Norma Kodyfikacyjna Prawa Karnego, Volume XLIII Jubileuszowa Księga Jubileuszowa Professorora Tomasza Kaczmarka, eds. J. Giezek, D. Gruszecka, T. Kalisza, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2017, pp. 451-464;
Płatek, M., Feminist criminology in the era of postmodernism, in Od szkoły klasycznej do neoklasycznej w prawie karnym, ed. J,. Widacki, Oficyna Wydawnicza Krakowska Akademii im Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego, Kraków 2016, pp. 97-130.
Płatek, M., Kodeksowe ujęcia kazirodztwa - ostensible prohibition and ostensible protection, ed. M. Mozgawa, Warsaw 2016, pp. 124-163.
Płatek, M, The philosophical roots of punishment in modern criminal law and its practical limits (with special regard to foreign cultures and terrorism). "Studia Iuridica" 2016, pp. 134-153;
Płatek, M. Punished art, [in]: Limits of freedom, edited by Alicja Bartuś, published by Oświęcim Town Hall, Oświęcim 2015, pp. 67-84.
Płatek, M., Criminal law aspects of hate speech, and mediation. On the possibility of meeting opposites, in: Antropologia medcji, ed. M. Tabernacka, ATUT Wrocławskie Wydawnictwo Oświatowe, Wrocław 2015, pp. 105-127.
Płatek, M, Euthanasia - Etikettenschwindel a right to a good death, in: Euthanasia, ed. M. Mozgawa, Warsaw, Wolters Kluwer SA 2015, pp. 34-64.
Płatek, M, Dwa razy Lombroso, or the effects of differences in the approach of positivist criminology and feminist criminology, 'Archives of Criminology' 2014 No XXXVI, Warsaw 2015, pp. 31-74.
Płatek, M., Gender approach to the phenomenon of prostitution. Aspekty kryminologiczne, [in:] Prostytucja, ed. M. Mozgawa, LEX, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2014, pp. 226-254
Płatek, M. Niebezpieni w prawie karnym - legal fiction or fiction of reality?, [in:] Między nauką a praktyką prawa karnego. Jubilee Book of Professor Lech Gardocki, ed. Z. Jędrzejewski, M. Królikowski, Z. Wiernikowski, S. Żółtek, Beck Publishers, Warsaw 2014, pp. 273-294.
Płatek, M., Gender-based approach to the phenomenon of prostitution. Criminological aspects, [in:] Prostitution, ed. M. Mozgawa, LEX, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2014, pp. 226-254.
Płatek, M., Law and its interpretation in the light of criminal actions "for the benefit of society" and "race hygiene", [in:] Progress and Hygiene/Progres and Hygiene, ed by A. Rottenberg, Zachęta - National Gallery of Art Warsaw 2014, pp. 104-117.
Płatek, M., Matka prawnie uregulowana - bioethics and the right to life, in: Human rights towards the development of biotechnology, ed Lena Kondratiewa-Bryzik, Katarzyna Sękowska-Kozłowska, Lex Wolters Kluwer business, Warsaw 2013, pp. 209-228.
Płatek, M., Poland: The Political Legacy and Penal Practice, in: Punishment in Europe. A Critical Anatomy of Penal Systems, ed. by Vinzenzo Ruggiero, Mick Ryan, Pelgrave Macmillan, New York 2013, pp. 183-205.
Płatek, M., Contemporary Issues of Criminalization and Penalization of Sexual Offences, [in]: Borders of Criminalization and Penalization, ed. by Stanisław Pikulski, Marta Romańczuk-Grącka, Elset, Olsztyn 2013, pp. 301-319.
Płatek, M., Counteracting secondary victimization of rape victims, in: Secondary Victimization. Geneza, istota i roli w przekształceniu polityki traktowania ofiar przestępstwa, ed. L. Mazowiecka, LEX a Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2012, pp. 80-108.
Płatek, M., Honour killings. The problem of religion or gender discrimination, in: Legal limits of freedom of conscience and religion, ed. R. Wieruszewski, M. Wyrzykowski, L. Kondratiewa-Bryzik, LEX Monographs, Lex a Wolters Kluwer business, Warsaw 2012, pp. 287-311.
Płatek, M., The crime of rape in the light of the law and from the victims' perspective, in: Dość silczenia. Sexual violence against women and the problem of rape in Poland, edited by J. Piotrowska, A. Synakiewicz, Feminoteka Foundation, Warsaw 2012, p. 23-43.
Płatek, M., Triptych of customs: rape, incest, prostitution, in: Tożsamość polskiego prawa karnego, ed. S. Pikulski, M. Romańczuk-Grącka, B. Orłowska-Zielińska, Olsztyn 2011, p. 258-292
Płatek, M., Limits of Prisonisation. The sense and senselessness of punishment in the conditions of globalization, in: Prawo w dobie globalizacji, ed. T. Giaro, Liber, Warsaw 2011, p. 211-22.
Płatek, M., Kryminologiczno-epistemologiczne i genderowe aspekty przestępstwa zgwałcenia. "Archive of Criminology ", t. XXXII, 2011, p. 349-382.
Płatek, M., WikiLeaks, cybercrime and sex. Reflections around the problem of a convenient enemy, in: Problemy prawa karnego polskiego i obcego w ujęciu historycznym, praktycznym i teoretyczne. Part three. Editor. Beata T. Bieńkowska, Dariusz Szafrański, C.H. Beck Publishing House, Warsaw 2011, pp. 205-222
Płatek, M., The apparent protection of the child against sexual exploitation (after amendments to the Criminal Code), "Państwo i Prawo" 2011, no. 2, p. 3-18
Płatek. M., Socio-legal determinants of differentiation of penitentiary policy on the example of the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, "Studia Iuridica" XLVIII/2008 pp. 349-371.
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Constitution of the Republic of Poland
European Convention on Human Rights
Penal Code,
The Code of Criminal Procedure
The Executive Penal Code
Family and Guardianship Code
Code of Civil Procedure
Act of 22 November 2013 on proceedings against persons with mental disorders posing a threat to life, health or sexual freedom of other perpetrators (Journal of Laws 2014, item 24) and other legal acts and
the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court, the ECtHR and other courts
Current statistical yearbook
Additional texts will be provided on an ongoing basis for current classes
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: