Spanish Language Classes for ISSC. A seminar 3700-ISSC-23-SLCS
The seminar aims to develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in Spanish. Its cultural component familiarizes students with a broad historical and social context of the Spanish language and culture.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Demonstrates comprehension of the cultural and social dynamics occurring in Spain and their significance for both the region and the continent as a whole. (K_W01)
Possesses knowledge of the historical and cultural connections between Spain and the other European countries. (K_W03)
Possesses a well-structured, advanced, and comprehensive understanding of Spain's culture and language, leading to specialization, and recognizes historical and contemporary relationships and interactions within Mediterranean cultures. (K_W10)
Shows the ability to understand written cultural texts in Spanish, including scientific papers, and can independently produce analytical texts in Spanish. (K_W11)
Capable of presenting the findings of individual and collaborative academic work in an appropriate manner, employing structured and well-supported arguments through written studies and oral presentations. Adheres to ethical principles, including copyright regulations, and understands the rules governing the use of data sources. (K_U06)
Proficient in using Spanish at a B1 level, including in academic settings. (K_U09)
Capable of planning and executing personal development and learning processes, as well as guiding the learning of others through team planning and collaboration. (K_U10)
Embraces the concept of lifelong learning and is prepared to engage in continuous learning throughout their life. (K_K01)
Willing to take responsibility for selecting the most suitable methods to accomplish assigned tasks. (K_K04)
Assessment criteria
Continuous assessment:
- preparation for the classes
- activity in class
- oral presentations
Number of possible absences – 2.
The third and fourth absence could be credited individually.
Five and more absences make no possibility to credit the subject.
Aula internacional 1 Nueva edición. Jaime Corpas / Agustín Garmendia / Carmen Soriano, Difusión, Barcelona 2014
Campus Sur Podręcznik + ćwiczenia
Gramática Básica del Estudiante de Español. Rosario Alonso / Alejandro Castañeda et al., Difusión, Barcelona 2005 (polskie wydanie: Duża gramatyka hiszpańska z ćwiczeniami, Wydawnictwo LektorKlett 2016).
Balea, A., Ramos, P. (2021) Cultura en España. B1- B2, Madrid, EnClave-ELE.
Borobio, V. (2012) Curso de español para extranjeros: Nuevo ELE B1, Madrid, Ediciones SM.
López Moreno, C. (2005/2014), España contemporánea: historia, economía y sociedad, Madrid, SGEL.
Martín, A., Méndez Santos, M., Tudela Capdevila, N., García Sánchez, C. (2020) ¡Genial!, curso de español, nivel B1.1. Libro del alumno, Madrid, EnClave-ELE.
Quesada Marco, S. (2014) Esp@ña. Manual de civilización, Madrid, Edelsa.
Quesada Marco, S. (2008/2016) España. Siglo XXI, Madrid, Edelsa.
Inne, wybrane podręczniki, teksty, materiały audiowizualne.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: