A short history of error - the category of linguistic error and the currents of normativistics and ecolinguistics 3700-AL-KHB-QHU
The addressees of the seminar are everyone interested in how language functions in society. The classes are an interdisciplinary cycle that fits into the area of normativistics and ecolinguistics because the observations of the functioning of errors and their social perception are intended to make us aware of the numerous and multilateral relationships between language and the social, cultural and natural environment.
The leitmotif of the course is the phenomenon of a linguistic error, the relativity of this concept and the constantly cultivated practice of perpetuating and stigmatizing errors. Together, we will consider various manifestations of such phenomena, such as the changeability of attitudes towards errors, reactions to linguistic errors, ways of pointing out errors, typologizing linguistic errors, the functioning of errors in various types of statements, and the multiple determinants of these phenomena. An important topic of the seminar will also be the analysis of publications recording errors in various forms - traditional books (e.g. dictionaries) and innovative audio-visuals (e.g. vlogs).
On the occasion of reflection on errors, other issues indirectly related to language errors will also be considered, e.g. the development and changeability of the Polish language standard, the mechanisms of internal differentiation of the national language and the functioning of language counselling.
The determinants of these phenomena will be considered not only from the linguistic perspective but also from the lexicographic, psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic and cultural perspectives. All activities are aimed at raising awareness of the significant cultural dimension of language errors and the fact that language errors are an important element of the broadly understood ecosystem, which also includes human language.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes in the field of knowledge. Student:
- has in-depth knowledge of the place and role of the humanities and the achievements of normativistics and the importance of ecolinguistics in culture [K_W01]
- knows and uses the terminology of the humanities, in particular, linguistics [K_W02]
- understands the relationship between the disciplines of the humanities and social sciences [K_W03]
- knows and uses methods of analysis and interpretation of scientific and cultural texts [K_W04]
- knows how to approach the study of cultural texts in an interdisciplinary manner [K_W05]
- knows the principles of scientific communication in the field of humanities and social sciences [K_W07]
- understands the links between cultural phenomena and the dynamics of social change [K_W10]
Learning outcomes in terms of skills. Student:
- can independently select information from various sources and make a critical assessment [K_U01]
- is able to independently select and apply appropriate research (analytical) tools to source materials [K_U02]
- can independently develop and present the results of their analyses and reflections [K_U03]
- can identify and name basic cultural problems and independently formulate a research problem in the field of humanities [K_U04]
- uses interdisciplinary methods to analyse cultural phenomena [K_U05]
- can independently analyse a scientific text in the field of humanities in Polish [K_U08]
- is able to prepare an oral presentation, taking into account the needs of the audience [K_U10]
- understands and applies the rules of planning and implementing teamwork [K_U11]
Learning outcomes in the field of social competencies. Student:
- is ready for lifelong learning [K_K01]
- is ready for their own scientific development in the field of humanities [K_K02]
- is able to choose appropriate means to carry out independently undertaken tasks [K_K03]
- respects the principles of tolerance and shows sensitivity to cultural differences [K_K05]
- has respect for cultural diversity [K_K07]
- consciously participates in cultural life and civil society [K_K08]
- applies the principles of research ethics and scientific discussions [K_K10]
Assessment criteria
The basis for passing the course is:
a) active participation in classes,
b) performing tasks related to classes on an ongoing basis,
c) final test (written),
d) attendance at classes (with the right to two absences per semester).
Grade credit:
continuous assessment (preparation for classes and activity) 55%,
final test (written) 45%.
The condition for obtaining credit in the course is attendance at classes (with the right to two absences per semester).
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Kleszczowa M. (2012), Błąd i innowacja z perspektywy dynamiki języka, [w:] A. Janowska, M. Pastuchowa (red.), Tajemnice dynamiki języka, Katowice, s. 173-184.
Markowski A. (2005), Kultura języka polskiego. Teoria. Zagadnienia leksykalne, Warszawa (wybrane fragmenty).
Miodek J. (red.) (1996), O zagrożeniach i bogactwie polszczyzny, Wrocław (wybrane artykuły).
Piotrowicz A., Skibski K., Szczyszek M. (red.) (2009), Kształtowanie się wzorów i wzorców językowych, Poznań (wybrane artykuły).
Piotrowicz A., Witaszek-Samborska M., Skibski K., (red.) (2011), Norma językowa w aspekcie teoretycznym i pragmatycznym, Poznań (wybrane artykuły).
LITERATURA DODATKOWA (do wyboru, we fragmentach):
Bugajski M. (1993), Językoznawstwo normatywne, Warszawa.
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Dąbrowska A., Pasieka M. (2015), Błąd językowy – co to takiego. Rozważania o błędzie językowym w glottodydaktyce polonistycznej, „Acta Universitatis Lodziensis” – „Kształcenie Polonistyczne Cudzoziemców” 22, s. 21-47.
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Siuciak M. (2016), Błąd czy innowacja? Problematyka poprawnościowa z perspektywy historyka języka, „Język Polski” XCVI, z.1, s. 36-44.
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SŁOWNIKI i opracowania źródłowe:
Baranowski W. (1924), Słowniczek polski i błędy językowe, Warszawa.
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Szwed J. (1931), Mów poprawnie! słownik błędów językowych, Wilno.
Walicki A. (1886), Błędy nasze w mowie i piśmie, Kraków.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: