Beasts. Monsters in literature from Beowulf to the stories by Andrzej Sapkowski 3700-AL-BP-qZS
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Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
The assessment methods and criteria:
20% reading assignments
30% participation in class discussions
50% final in-class test
3 absences allowed during the term
Beowulf, Prószyński i s-ka, 2014.
Campbell, Joseph, Bohater o tysiącu twarzach, zysk i s-ka, 1997.
Carter Angela, Wieczory cyrkowe, Czytelnik 1993
Carter Angela, Czarna Wenus Czytelnik 2000
Dick, Philip K. Opowiadania zebrane. Prószyński i S-ka 1998.
Finney, Brian H. „Tall Tales and Brief Lives: Angela Carter's "Nights at the Circus", The Journal of Narrative Technique , Spring, 1998, Vol. 28, No. 2 (Spring, 1998), pp. 161-185
Freud, Sigmund, Niesamowite, w: Pisma psychologiczne, Wydawnictwo Kr 221
Gardner, John Grendel, Zysk i s-ka, 1987.
Rosemary Jackson „Introduction” to Fantasy: The Literature of Subversion, Methuen 1981
Livingston, Michael i John William Sutton „Reinventing the Hero: Gardner's "Grendel" and the Shifting Face of "Beowulf" in Popular Culture”, Studies in Popular Culture , October 2006, Vol. 29, No. 1 (October 2006), pp. 1-16
Martin, George R.R. „Piaseczniki”, Zysk i s-ka, 1981
Polidori, John. The Vampyre, Gothic Stories of Horror and Romance , 2010
Punter, David, The Literature of Terror, Longman, 1996
Rick Riordan Znak Ateny i Złodziej pioruna, Galeria Książki 2012
Sapkowski, Andrzej. Miecz przeznaczenia, SuperNOWA, 1992.
Sapkowski, Andrzej. „Piróg albo nie ma złota w Szarych Górach”, Nowa Fantastyka 5(28) 1993.
Sceats, Sarah, „Oral Sex: Vampiric Transgression and the Writing of Angela Carter” Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature , Spring, 2001, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Spring, 2001), pp. 107-121
Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. Wydawnictwo Poznańskie 1989.
Stoker, Bram. Dracula. Alfa 1993
Tolkien, J. R. R. Potwory i krytycy. Zysk i S-ka, 2000
Additional information
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