Anthropology of psychiatry: theoretical reflection and ethnographic research 3700-AL-AP-qDP
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Course coordinators
Barham P., Hayward R.
2002 From the Mental Patient to the Person, London: Routledge.
Bracken P., Thomas P.
2005 Postpsychiatry: Mental Health in a Postmodern World, New York: Oxford University Press.
1992 Ethnopsychiatry: The Cultural Construction of Psychiatries, Atwood D. Gaines (ed.), Albany: State University of New York Press.
Jenkins J. H.
2007 Anthropology and Psychiatry: The Contemporary Convergence, [w:] Textbook of Cultural Psychiatry, Dinesh Bhugra, Kamaldeep Bhui (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 20 - 32.
Jodelet D.
1991 Madness and Social Representations: Living with the Mad in One French Community, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Foucault M.
1987 Historia szaleństwa w dobie klasycyzmu, Warszawa: PIW.
2000 Szaleństwo i społeczeństwo, [w:] Michel Foucault, Filozofia, historia, polityka. Wybór pism, Warszawa: PWN, s. 78-99.
Kleinman A. M.
1987 Anthropology and Psychiatry: The Role of Culture in Cross-cultural Research on Illness, "British Journal of Psychiatry", Vol. 151, Issue 4, s. 447–454.
Mattingly Ch.
2010 The Paradox of Hope. Journeys Through a Clinical Borderland, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Perzanowski A.
2018 Daremność i nadzieja. Psychiatryczna opieka rodzinna w perspektywie antropologicznej, Oficyna Naukowa, Warszawa.
Rakowski T.
2013 Antropologia medyczna jako stosowana nauka humanistyczna. Założenia, cele, praktyki, [w:] Antropologia stosowana, Maciej Ząbek (red.), Warszawa: DIG, s. 355-374.
Roosens E.
1979 Mental Patients in Town Life: Geel, Europe's first Therapeutic Community, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.
Winkelman M.
2009 Culture and Health. Applying Medical Anthropology, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
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