Introduction to Islam 3600-7-TU2-WI(Z)
The main purpose of the course is to present the introductory information concerning the religion of Islam and the Islamic community. The discussed questions will include the genesis of Islam, the political and religious activity of the prophet Muhammad, the written sources of Islam, the Islamic law and the factions within the historic Islamic community. The other group of topics will cover problems which Islam faces in the contemporary world, including Poland (Polish-Lithuanian Tatars).
Type of course
Course coordinators
Assessment criteria
oral or written exam
Attendance control - a student can be absent max. twice during the semester; in the case of absence due to illness, the medical certificate excusing this absence should be submitted within seven work days of the last day of the leave specified in the certificate.
Bielawski J., Islam, religia państwa i prawa, Warszawa 1973.
Danecki J., Podstawowe wiadomości o islamie, Warszawa 2007.
Dziekan M. M., Cywilizacja islamu w Azji i Afryce, Warszawa 2007.
Gaudefroy-Demombynes M., Narodziny islamu, Warszawa 1988.
Koran, przeł. J. Bielawski, Warszawa 1986.
Kościelniak K., Sunna, hadisy i tradycjoniści. Wstęp do tradycji muzułmańskiej, Kraków 2006.
Mahomet, Mądrości Proroka, Warszawa 1993.
Nasr H.S., Idee i wartości islamu, Warszawa 1988.
Parzymies A. (red.), Muzułmanie w Europie, Warszawa 2005.
Piwiński R., Mitologia Arabów, Warszawa 1989.
Robinson F., Świat islamu, Warszawa 1996.
Rodinson M., Mahomet, Warszawa 1991.
Tibi B., Fundamentalizm religijny, Warszawa 1997.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: