Contemporary Turkish Language 3600-7-TU1-WJT1
The lectures concern the principal phonological and morphological phenomena in contemporary Turkish language (synchronous description).
1. The general presentation of Turkish language – speakers of Turkish, genetic affinity and structure.
2. Phonological phenomena - vowel and consonant harmony, leaving out the vowels, progressive and regressive voicing of consonants, word and phrase accent.
3. Morphological category – noun
4. Declension of nouns, personal and demonstrative pronouns.
5. Possessive morphemes
6. Pronouns
7. Adjectival and adverbial morphemes
8. Derivative noun morphemes
9. Numerals
10. Particles
11. Verb category:
12. Voices (active, passive, medium, reciprocal and causative)
13. Modes (indicative, imperative, optative, obligative, conditional and the mode of witness)
14. Absolute tenses
15. Relative (compound) tenses
16. Participles
17. Verbal nouns
18. Converba
19. Compound verbs
20. Verbal derivative morphemes
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
after completing Contemporary Turkish Language course students are expected to have a profound knowledge of phonological and morphological phenomena in contemporary Turkish.
Assessment criteria
knowledge of Turkish morphology is required
Mehmet Hengirmen Türkçe Dilbilgisi, Ankara 2007
Korkmaz Z., Türkiye Türkçesi Grameri (Şekilbilgisi), Ankara 2005
Fuat Bozkurt, Türkiye Türkçesi, Istanbul 2010
Tadeusz Majda, Język turecki, Warszawa 2001
Lewis G.L., Turkish Grammar, Oxford 1963
Marek Stachowski, Gramatyka turecka w zarysie (Lekcje gramatyki tureckiej dla początkujących) (Podstawy gramatyki tureckiej dla cudzoziemców)
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: