Chinese Civilization - history (seminar) 3600-7-SI4-CCHHK
The purpose of this class is to hold discussion sessions on selected issues in the modern Chinese history and their relevance for the current political and social life of China. The contents of the discussion are based on readings and analysis of source materials selected by the lecturer. The source materials include historical documents produced in the discussed historical moments as well as press articles published at that time, scholarly analysis made at the time.
The current political and social issues are discussed basing on up-to-date reports prepared by groups of discussants, each specializing in different spheres of interest (politics, economy, foreign policy, social problems etc.). The reports are prepared via the analysis of media coverage produced in mainland China and Taiwan, as well as abroad.
As part of the course the students work as a team to prepare an analysis of current political developments in China and Taiwan (e.g. the situation before the CCP congress and the anticipated changes in party and state leadership) basing on on-line sources in Chinese and other languages.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
- has in-depth and detailed knowledge (including terminology, theory and methodology) in literary studies or linguistic studies or philosophy and religion studies or history K_W01, H2A_W01, H2A_W02
- has extended knowledge of particular problems pertaining to the cultures of China (within the scope of culture and literature or language or philosophy and religion or history and socio-political issues) in a comparative perspective K_W02, H2A_W03, H2A_W05
- has extended knowledge of particular problems pertaining to the culture of China (within the scope of culture and literature or language or philosophy and religion or history and socio-political issues) K_W03, H2A_W04
- knows and understands advanced analysis and interpretation methods of various products of culture in China, characteristic of chosen traditions, theories, research schools within the scope of linguistics or literary and cultural studies or philosophy and religion studies or history K_W06, H2A_W07
- knows and understands the local academic tradition (methods of analysis, interpretation and evaluation) of China K_W07, H2A_W07
- can search for, analyze, evaluate and use information from different sources and can form critical judgement on its basis K_U01, H2A_U01
- can indicate sources of cultural differences between the countries of the Orient or Africa, also on the basis of source materials K_U02, H2A_U02
- can acquire knowledge independently and enhance research skills as well as develop abilities to build a professional career K_U03, H2A_U03
- can use the knowledge in the field of Chinese studies to expand knowledge of humanities K_U04, H2A_U04
- has superior skill in substantive argumentation with the use of other authors’ views K_U20, H2A_U06
- can expertly use advanced electronic and internet tools in Polish and in Chinese K_U21, H2A_U08
Social competence:
- understands the need to learn all one’s life, can inspire and organize other people’s process of learning K_K01, H2A_K01
- can actively establish relations and cooperate with representatives of other cultures K_K03, H2A_K02
- can set appropriate goals and ways to achieve them in the context of academic, professional and social activity K_K04, H2A_K03
- is open to new ideas and trends as well as cultural diversity K_K05, H2A_K01
- has awareness of the differences stemming from cultural, religious and philosophical variety and their influence on shaping social and political attitudes as well as economic processes K_K06, H2A_K03, H2A_K04
- understands and appreciates the value of tradition and cultural heritage of one’s own country and of China K_K08, H2A_K05
-can see the need to enrich one’s own tradition by adding positive philosophical, social and cultural values of China, treats cultural synergy as an added value K_K09, H2A_K01, H2A_K02, H2A_K06
-actively acts in aid of mutual understanding and effective intercultural communication, cultural and economic cooperation, domestic contacts and ones in China and Taiwan K_K10, H2A_K04, H2A_K05, H2A_K06
Assessment criteria
Attendance is required (maximum of 2 (two) unexcused absences is allowed). The students are expected to prepare their reports on current events in China and on Taiwan, read the required scholarly articles systematically. Active participation in classroom discussions is essential.
Students should be familiar with the contents of class discussions and the required scholarly articles for the exam. The record of discussion participation shall also be included in the final mark. Each student should participate in a discussion during at least two-thirds of meetings. This will be noted in the class diary.
At the end of the semester, participants are required to present a written report summarizing their analysis work during the previous semester.
1. Cheng P.-K., Lestz M.E., Spence J. The Search for Modern China. A documentary Collection, Norton, 1999.
2. Fairbank J.K., Teng S-Y., China’s Response to the West. A documentary Survey, 1839-1923, Harvard University Press, 1979. 3. Sources and scholarly materials provided by the lecturer.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: