History of the Arab World of the Ottoman Period 3600-7-AR2-HPA1
The course covers the history of the Arab world under Ottoman rule, from the early 16th century to the end of the WWI.
The presented questions will include:
1. Mamluks in Egypt and Syria.
2. The world at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries
3. The Ottoman conquest of the Arab world.
4. Political situation in selected Arab provinces of the Ottoman state.
5. Crisis and change of the 17th century. the Ottoman decline thesis.
6. The 18th century. A'yan in the Arab provinces of the Ottoman state.
7. The 19th century and the European presence in the Islamic world. European colonial policy.
8. The 19th century and the Islamic revival movements in Africa and Asia. Neosufism and wahhabism.
9. The 20th century. The Ottoman Empire and the WW I.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
has basic knowledge of the place and importance of Oriental studies in the humanities and their specificity in relation to the subject and methodology K_W01
has organized general knowledge (including terminology, theory and methodology) in the scope of cultural studies K_W02
knows and understands basic philosophical trends and terms as well as the role of philosophical reflection in culture shaping processes KW_03
has basic knowledge in the range of theory of humanities (literary studies or linguistics or history) necessary to understand chosen cultural aspects KW_04
can search for, analyze, evaluate and use information from different sources K_U01
can indicate sources of cultural differences between the countries of the Orient or Africa K_U02
can use the basic terminology from the domain of philosophy and religion of a chosen region in the Orient or Africa K_U03
can appropriately place a chosen region in the Orient or Africa in the context of circumstances pertinent to natural, geopolitical and economic environment K_U05
has a good command of a foreign language at least at the B2 level K_U11
can properly function in the linguistic and cultural environment of a chosen region in the Orient or Africa K_U17
has a skill at formulating own opinions and conclusions in writing and in speech both in Polish and in a chosen Oriental or African language K_U22
understands the need to learn all one’s life K_K01
has awareness of the cultural distinctness and its religious, philosophical, traditional and historical roots and its significance for understanding modern world K_K05
sees the need of dialogue between cultures K_K06
acts in aid of sharing and promoting cultural and linguistic heritage of a chosen region in the Orient or Africa K_K08
perceives the positive socio-cultural values of a chosen region in the Orient or Africa and possibility to use them in own personal development and effective intercultural communication K_K09
Assessment criteria
Obligatory attendance, examination.
Required readings:
1. Hathaway, Jane, Arabowie pod panowaniem Osmanów 1516-1800, Dialog 2012.
2. Inalcik, Halil, Imperium osmańskie. Epoka klasyczna 1300-1600, WUJ 2006 (odpowiednie fragmenty).
3. Madeyska, Danuta, Historia świata arabskiego. Okres osmański 1516-1920, Warszawa 1988.
4. Robinson, Francis, Świat islamu, Warszawa, Penta 1996 (odpowiednie fragmenty).
5. Shaw, S.J., Historia Imperium Osmańskiego i Republiki Tureckiej, tom I: 1280-1808, Dialog 2012 (odpowiednie fragmenty).
suggested readings
1. Bartnicki, A., Egipt i Sudan w polityce Wielkiej Brytanii 1882-1936, Warszawa 1974.
2. Gdański, M. Arabski Wschód, Warszawa 1963.
3. M.M. Dziekan, Historia Iraku, Warszawa 2002.
4. A. Dziubiński, Historia Maroka, Wrocław 1983.
5. A. Dziubiński, Historia Tunezji, Wrocław 1994.
6. A. Dziubiński, Podbój Maghrebu przez Francję 1830-1934, Wrocław 1983.
7. Gazda, D., Powstanie Mahdiego 1881-1899, Warszawa 2004.
8. Hanssen, Jens, Thomas Philipp, Stefan Weber (eds.) The Empire in the City: Arab Provincial Capitals in the Late Ottoman Empire, Wuerzburg: Ergon in Kommission, 2002.
9. Kasznik, A.H., Abd El-Kader 1808-1883. Geneza nowożytnej Algierii, Wrocław 1977.
10. T. E. Lawrence, Siedem filarów mądrości, t. 1-2, Warszawa 1971.
11. Lewis, B., Muzułmański Bliski Wschód. Narody i cywilizacje, Gdańsk 2003.
12. Masters, Bruce, The Arabs of the Ottoman Empire, 1516–1918. A Social and Cultural History, Cambridge University Press 2013.
13. J. Nevakivi, Britain, France and the Arab Middle East 1914-1920, Londyn 1969.
14. Raymond, André, Kair, PIW 2005.
15. Reychman, J., Historia Turcji, Wrocław 1973.
16. E. Rekłajtis, Liban, Warszawa 1993.
17. Richmond, J., Egypt 1798-1952. Her Advance towards a Modern Identity, London 1977.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: