Contemporary Social Thought – Symbolic Power 3500-WMS-WSYM
Symbolic power is domination exercised through symbols and in symbolic ways. Every power, even the most cruel, wrote Pierre Bourdieu, has a symbolic component in it, which is "cognition and recognition." The forms of thinking about the world are a vital component of this power, just as the recognition or respect shown to power is already part of its rule. Everyday life is full of naturalized forms of thinking and showing respect in which power relations are inscribed.
The topic of symbolic power is one of the most important topics in social thought. During the seminar we will discuss classical and contemporary theories of social power, developed in the fields of sociology, psychoanalysis and political philosophy. These theories were designed to make visible the rules of symbolic power, which work most effectively precisely when they are least visible.
The particular issues raised in class may be related to questions of identity and the bases of legitimacy of political and social (including religious) power; those who register for the seminar thereby implicitly consent to participate in critical and open (but academically rigorous) discussions of these topics.
Topics may include:
the notion of symbolic power (Pierre Bourdieu)
symbolic relations (E. Durkheim, M. Mauss)
symbolic ordery (Jacques Lacan)
epistemologies of power (M. Foucault)
forms of thinking of dominant classes, hegemony (Karol Marks, Antonio Gramsci)
forms of thinking and discurses of power (Jadwiga Staniszkis)
subjectivation as power relation (Maurizio Lazzarato)
destruction of symbolic power (M. Lazzarato, Jean Baudrillard, Byung-Chul Han)
A detailed set of topics and issues will, to the extent possible, be adapted on an ongoing basis to the interests of the group and the dynamics of discussion during the seminar.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K_W02 Has in-depth knowledge about the place of sociology in the system of sciences, including its possible applications in other academic disciplines
K_W03 Is aware of ongoing theoretical and methodological disputes conducted in modern sociology; is reflective and critical of various positions
K_W06 Is reflective and critical of the problem of social differentiation and inequalities
K_W08 Has in-depth knowledge about the types of social ties and mechanisms supporting collective governance
K_W10 Has in-depth knowledge about cultural diversity and its transformations, cultural identity, and intercultural interaction and communication
K_W16 Has in-depth knowledge about major international and domestic sociological research pertaining to selected areas of social reality or sub-domains of sociology
K_W21 Has in-depth knowledge about politics and political processes at the domestic, EU and global levels as well as about participation in the public sphere
K_W22 Has in-depth knowledge about the processes underlying social stability and change and is reflective and critical of their interpretation
K_W26 Has in-depth knowledge of assumptions and claims of selected historical and contemporary sociological theories
K_W27 Has in-depth knowledge of the 19th, 20th and 21st ideas and social processes which have shaped the face of the modern world
K_U14 Can form in-depth judgments about motivation of human behavior and predict its social consequences
K_U16 Knows how to interpret the role of culture in the life of the individual and society
K_K13 Is open to various theoretical and methodological perspectives of social research
Assessment criteria
Active participation in discussion, reading of texts, writing final essay.
List of titles that can be used during seminar – only selected fragments will be discussed:
P. Bourdieu (2006) Medytacje pascaliańskie, przeł. K. Wakar, Warszawa: Oficyna Naukowa
J. Lacan (2018) Imiona-Ojca, przeł. R. Carrabino i in., Warszawa: PWN.
M. Lazzarato (2012) The Making of the Indebted Man, J. D. Jordan (trans.), Los Angeles: semiotext(e).
K. Marks, F. Engels (1949) Manifest komunistyczny, w: Marks, Engels, Dzieła wybrane, Warszawa: Książka i Wiedza.
J. Staniszkis (2009) Antropologia władzy, Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: