Anthropology of cultural diversity of the contemporary world 3500-SEMLIC-AZKWS
Cultures are changing all the time, but culture diversity of the world is still on the same level. People know that process of economic, social and cultural globalization is on go, but culture diversity is still important for them and especially for scientists because it leads to conflicts between persons and peoples. Civilization differences divide the world into East and West, Europe, Asia and the world of Islam, into colonial powers and colonized peoples. Culture diversity on the local, regional and global scale can be viewed as value (which leads to local tradition preserving) or as background of hostility.
Students attending the seminar will be working on bachelor theses covering issues connected with problems of contemporary cultural diversity, such as debates over integration of immigrants and multiculturalism, changes taking place in national identity and local identifications, and impact of new communication technologies on the sphere of culture.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Has basic knowledge about cultural diversity of Poland and the modern world
Has basic knowledge of methods used in research on cultural diversity
Can record and observe social phenomena in a methodologically correct way
Can select proper research methods and techniques to conduct an analysis of a particular problem
Can plan and carry out a social study using basic quantitative and qualitative research methods and techniques
Assessment criteria
Presence at class (two absences permitted), working on bachelor thesis
Hammersley P., Atkinson M., „Metody badań terenowych”, E. Nowicka „Inny-obcy-wróg”, D. MacCannell „Turysta”, K. Podemski „Socjologia podróży”, A. Kapciak, L. Korporowicz, A. Tyszka (red.) „Komunikacja międzykulturowa – zbliżenia i impresje”, B. Anderson „Wspólnoty wyobrażone” i inne
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: